Published Oct 4, 2005
christvs, DNP, RN, NP
1,019 Posts
Oh my! I am still laughing over this one. I had a very, very busy day on my 3-11 PM shift, but it was so much fun at the same time. Two of my four patients kept cracking jokes & made me laugh so much. So that was one thing. Then....later on I was in the med room pulling my 9 PM meds & the door opens & this doctor who I do not know at all says "You're Christine, right? Well I want to put a chest tube into Mr. X. Can you help me with that?" So I say I'm new so I've never helped with that procedure before, & can he please tell me what I should help him with? So then he says "Oh. I am new too. I was hoping you could tell me. Like, do you know where exactly I should put the chest tube? And where is the chest tube kit?" At this point, I'm staring at him with my eyes really wide, & I said I have no idea! then I tried to say I would ask my preceptor but then he started to talk to someone then I'm asking another nurse what to do & he said he never helped out with one either. Then 5 min later I was giving another pt. an IV med when this same doc saw me in that room & stuck his head in the room & said "Hey Christine, I'm going to go now but I'll be back in a few min. Can you please read up on chest tubes so you can help me figure it out." So I said sure & then I found a nursing manual book in our nurses station so I dragged the huge book back to where the xerox machine was & I'm copying all the pages on chest tube insertion & how to assist with it. I was about to show him the pages (since I assumed he was a new intern) when he said "Oh we decided to wait until tomoroow to put it in." So then he left & I asked the charge nurse who he was & she started laughing when I told her I xeroxed pages on chest tubes for him cuz she told me he is the CHIEF HEAD OF SURGERY! :) I couldn't stop laughing . He obviously knew what he was doing. I guess he likes to play jokes on new nurses! :) I totally thought he was serious & I guess I take everything so seriously. But now I don't! :)
Hellllllo Nurse, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 3,563 Posts
If he really was kidding, that is hilarious!
231 Posts
Sounds like you found a great crew.
Good co-workers can make a world of difference at work.
Now........don't screw around too much! :chuckle
13 Posts
I really enjoy doctors that have a sense of humor. It is nice to hear that your chief head of surgery does not take himself too seriously. :)
70 Posts
Oh, that is a hoot! I'll bet the look on your face was priceless.
25 Posts
I totally agree!
To the OP, sounds like you're working with a real bunch of 'characters'! :chuckle You're so lucky, too many stories out there about mean docs.
Best wishes with your job. :)
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
Don't worry, you'll pay him back one day soon! Be sure to practice the round-eyed innocent look, too. Start talking to the charge nurse---she'll see an opportunity and help you, with any luck.
You DO want to pay him back, don't you? I hope so. I'd be itching to do it.
You could even take all those pages you xeroxed home and work on "an idiots guide to putting in a chest tube" instructions. Stuff like "insert your finger into the track you made; if you haven't put gloves on yet, now would be a good time." That sort of thing!
138 Posts
It is so fun when you get to work with people like that. Once when I worked in an urgent care clinic a guy came in to be seen. I did not room him but I commented on how good looking he was. The doctor went in to see him and came back out. He gave me a sterile specimen cup and told me that he wanted me to go in and get a sterile specimen from this guy. I said why doesn't he just go in the bathroom and get some pee. The doc said no I want a semen specimen and it needs to be sterile. He says his girlfriend has been cheating on him and he wants to be tested and I need a specimen. I had never heard of nurses helping with that kind of specimen before and had this look of shock on my face and questioned whether this was ethical or not. I asked a couple of the other nurses who agreed with the doctor that they have had to do that on occasion. I could not believe it but I was going to be the good nurse and took the sterile gloves, cup and with as much dignity as I could muster I headed for the door. Just when I reached the room and started to open the door the doc says hold on a minute one more thing. Could you just draw some blood from the guy in that room. Every one started laughing and I realized that I had been had. I will never forget that as long as I live. This doc was a real practical joker.
babynurselsa, RN
1,129 Posts
Way back in nursing school my good friend and I were collecting info on our pts to write our care plans. She looked up from teh Kardex and stated, "This guy has a floey and it says he may shower, he can't do that can he?" I looked up at her as seriously as I could and said, "Sure, you know how you get the trash bag to cover the IV's?"
She sat there and stared at me for a moment before she realized I was just messing with her.
grinnurse, RN
767 Posts
Oh my! I am still laughing over this one. I had a very, very busy day on my 3-11 PM shift, but it was so much fun at the same time. Two of my four patients kept cracking jokes & made me laugh so much. So that was one thing. Then....later on I was in the med room pulling my 9 PM meds & the door opens & this doctor who I do not know at all says "You're Christine, right? Well I want to put a chest tube into Mr. X. Can you help me with that?" So I say I'm new so I've never helped with that procedure before, & can he please tell me what I should help him with? So then he says "Oh. I am new too. I was hoping you could tell me. Like, do you know where exactly I should put the chest tube? And where is the chest tube kit?" At this point, I'm staring at him with my eyes really wide, & I said I have no idea! then I tried to say I would ask my preceptor but then he started to talk to someone then I'm asking another nurse what to do & he said he never helped out with one either. Then 5 min later I was giving another pt. an IV med when this same doc saw me in that room & stuck his head in the room & said "Hey Christine, I'm going to go now but I'll be back in a few min. Can you please read up on chest tubes so you can help me figure it out." So I said sure & then I found a nursing manual book in our nurses station so I dragged the huge book back to where the xerox machine was & I'm copying all the pages on chest tube insertion & how to assist with it. I was about to show him the pages (since I assumed he was a new intern) when he said "Oh we decided to wait until tomoroow to put it in." So then he left & I asked the charge nurse who he was & she started laughing when I told her I xeroxed pages on chest tubes for him cuz she told me he is the CHIEF HEAD OF SURGERY! :) I couldn't stop laughing . He obviously knew what he was doing. I guess he likes to play jokes on new nurses! :) I totally thought he was serious & I guess I take everything so seriously. But now I don't! :) -Christine
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Sounds like a fun place to be!!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
So funny! Have you though of payback :rotfl: