Thank YOU!


Just wanted to drop in one last time to tell everyone THANK YOU! for all the support, helpful hints, and encouragement I have received on this forum during the last month, I will also post the e-mail that I sent to all my friends from nursing school concerning my NCLEX experience, which also applies to you guys, and again THANK YOU, and may God bless all of you as much as he has blessed me!

Hi guys,

Well as some of you know I took NCLEX Wed 7/12 and found out today that I did, thank God, pass. I am so excited! Finally, I don't have to be studying all of my free time away. I was so relieved to just get it over with.

For those of you that took it already, you know what a relief it is! For those of you that still need to take it, my best advice is to know the review material inside out! It is a very difficult test, and most of the time you will be choosing between two really good answers. Just don't over think it and always choose the most life threatening answer.

I got mostly "which patient would you see first" type questions, a handful of pharmacology - which I am certain I guessed wrong, no calculations type, only a couple maternal or pediatric questions. I think I had 2 select all that apply questions. The majority was if you needed to see/ or return calls to these patients which one would you go see /or return their call (if they put you into a home health setting), first.... then they give you the age/sex, diagnosis, and complaint or symptom the patient is experiencing. You have to go by their diagnosis and complaint and decide what you should be WORRIED about in the situation, and pick the patient with the most life threatening problem. Always assume the worst.... example.... chest, arm, jaw pain, think MI.......... pinpoint rash on chest, think petechiae/fat embolism.......SOB/frothy sputum, think pulmonary embolism........etc. Once I would decide what I was worried about with each patient... I then used the ABC to choose which one was most life threatening. That is just how I did it, it was mostly elimination and then choosing between two answers that could have gone either way. So of course I left the test facility not knowing if I passed or failed because in every question you are never really sure. My test ended at 75 questions and took about an hour. Actually I jumped when the screen went blank because I was concentrating so hard that it surprised me.

Well good luck to all of you guys! I just told myself that the worst thing that could happen was that I would fail and have to retake it, but by the grace of God I did it! And I am sure all of you guys will too. There is a really good NCLEX support forum on They divide up the forums by topic and down toward the bottom of the list is a student nurses section and one of the forums is for students preparing to take the NCLEX.

Take Care!

Congratulations, Nurse! :monkeydance:

Specializes in oncology.

:nurse: :biere:

congratulations louisiananurse :monkeydance: :monkeydance: :monkeydance: and only 75 questions, you should be very proud of yourself.

I knew you would do it! Congrats!!

Congratulations on passing NCLEX!!!! You conquered the beast and laughed in its face! :) :balloons:

woohoo!!! I lift my glass toyou!!!!! Even if the glass is empty, it's the THOUGHT that counts!! :)

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