Tests and Cheating Classmates

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Sorry this is long - I'm just very disgusted. We were told on day one - if you are caught cheating - you'll be out of the Program. Although I'm 40, I'm obviously very naive, because I couldn't imagine anyone in Nursing School risking everything by cheating - considering what we all had to do to get in.

Our class has lectures in a very small cramped classroom - so when we have to take tests, we go into a large conference room and sit 3 or 4 around big tables. Even though we are a little bit spaced out, it's very distracting to be sitting at a table with people nervously shaking their legs (which shakes the entire table), sighing heavily, moaning in disgust, tapping their pencils, coughing non-stop, (the list goes on). Personally, I wish we could each have a little cubbie to sit at (the type they have in libraries for privacy) - Nursing Exams require a lot of concentration and it's very hard to do that with so much going on around you. Our school doesn't have those type desks, so we make due in this large room.

Last week after a test a fellow student told me she wasn't going to cheat off me again because she only made a 64. I thought she was kidding and told her she must not be good at cheating because I got a high "B". She said - well, the ones I was able to get off your paper were the only ones I got right. Although she's much younger than me, we're in a couple of classes together, talk a lot between classes, have lunch once in a while - so I was totally disgusted with her for not only cheating off my paper, but also putting me in jeopardy. I don't cover my paper (like I said, didn't think anyone would be cheating) - so if an Instructor had seen her looking at my test, to them, it might have looked like I was helping her out.

For our test today I sat at a different table with just one guy. I didn't name names, but mentioned I switched seats because I found out someone was cheating off my paper. He said I should report it to the Instructor. Told him this particular student had a "D" average and might not make it anyways, but I'd think about it after the test.

To make a long story (longer I guess) - After the test today, the Head of the Nursing Dept. came in and said she had quite a few complaints about a few students cheating. She said she'd be talking to the students accused of cheating, but they couldn't kick someone out if an Instructor doesn't see it happening first hand. The student that turned one of the cheating students in today - told me who it was and I was totally shocked. It's an 18 year old who is constantly bragging about her high 90's grades. She's the one who always asks "what did you get, what did you get - the test was so easy, I got a 95". Let's just say - "she's not the sharpest tack in the box", spends most of her time in lecture "doodling" instead of taking notes, claims she never studies much, so most of us had no idea how she was pulling in such great marks.

Apparently, she's been sitting next to the brightest student in class during the tests and copying off her paper - lots of people have seen this happening during the last few tests, got mad and several turned her in today. I try my best to stay focused during tests and never take my eyes off my paper - so I was totally clueless to what was going on. For those of us who spend many, many hours reading, studying, etc. and get B's and C's - it's sickening to think a couple of our classmates have cheated their way to the top of the class. I'm a very trusting person and honestly, it breaks my heart to know some of my classmates would take advantage of those of us who are taking Nursing School and our future career as Nurses deadly serious.

Has this happened in any of your schools and how do you and your Instructors handle it? Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.. Sue

Specializes in Med/Surg..

Hi All,

I'm the original poster - thanks for all the replies. I've always wished we could sit at individual desks - but like I said, it's not possible. I talked to a fellow-student this weekend and she told me there is one student in class that they allow to be tested alone in a another room. Apparently the reason she is able to do this is - she has a note from her doctor (something about her being easily distracted - perhaps ADD, I'm really not sure). To me, it's not fair to the rest of us who would also probably do a lot better without all the distraction (we can't all get doctors notes).

If her attention span is so bad that she requires a doctors note - what about when she's a Nurse. I'm wondering how she would react in a very stressful emergency situation - you have to be able to think quickly on your feet (can't go sit in another room to think the problem over). Any opinions?

Do you know for sure that being easily distracted is the reason that she is allowed to take the test in another room? And why worry about what she is doing?

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

We all sit very close together for tests (as with lectures). I'm GUESSING that there may have been a cheating issue because for the last test, they handed out two different versions of the test (A and B) and alternated them. So every other person had test A and other other person had test B.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
Thanks, but I'll rely on my own knowledge rather than someone else's.

Exactly! Frankly, I'm too arrogant to ever cheat. :chuckle If I don't know the answer, I'm not convinced that anyone around me would know, either!

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
If her attention span is so bad that she requires a doctors note - what about when she's a Nurse. I'm wondering how she would react in a very stressful emergency situation - you have to be able to think quickly on your feet (can't go sit in another room to think the problem over). Any opinions?

My opinion is that this is an issue between that woman and her doctor, and I'm guessing you probably don't know the whole story, so I'd just let it go and not be concerned about this woman and how she's going to get along in the real world.

Exactly! Frankly, I'm too arrogant to ever cheat. :chuckle If I don't know the answer, I'm not convinced that anyone around me would know, either!

Klone....I LIKE you!!!! LOLOL!!!!:chuckle

Specializes in ER, PACU.

There was a group of 3 girls in my class who always cheated together, and the instructors knew they were cheating, but could never actually catch them doing it. Its very hard to dismiss someone for cheating and to prove that they were actually doing it. One of the girls passed boards right away, one of them passed in April of 04 and the other passed in December of 03. (I graduated May 03). So obviously they didnt have an easy time passing, but they both got by! :angryfire

Specializes in NICU.
Exactly! Frankly, I'm too arrogant to ever cheat. :chuckle If I don't know the answer, I'm not convinced that anyone around me would know, either!

LOL!!! I like the way you think :chuckle

Specializes in ER.

I find it really scary that there are students cheating in a field that can potentially put a human life at risk. But unfortunately I am not surprised. I am pre-nursing currently and very serious about getting good grades and really learning the information. I have a husband, three kids, and just not alot of time to mess around with so I take my classes very seriously. You would think that others would admire this but no. I get teased about studying too much. When my last research paper was the result of me actually researching the subject my fellow students made fun of me. They had all cut and pasted info from web sites to put together a paper:angryfire . You can bet that if someone cheated off of my paper they would learn a lot of new words from me!:chuckle

Tracy D

Specializes in NICU.
I find it really scary that there are students cheating in a field that can potentially put a human life at risk. But unfortunately I am not surprised. I am pre-nursing currently and very serious about getting good grades and really learning the information. I have a husband, three kids, and just not alot of time to mess around with so I take my classes very seriously. You would think that others would admire this but no. I get teased about studying too much. When my last research paper was the result of me actually researching the subject my fellow students made fun of me. They had all cut and pasted info from web sites to put together a paper:angryfire . You can bet that if someone cheated off of my paper they would learn a lot of new words from me!:chuckle

Tracy D

tracy - I can tell by your post and your username that we have a lot in common. Best of luck to you and I'm sure we'll run into each other here often :)

Specializes in Med-Surg.
I have a husband, three kids, and just not alot of time to mess around with so I take my classes very seriously. You would think that others would admire this but no. I get teased about studying too much. When my last research paper was the result of me actually researching the subject my fellow students made fun of me. They had all cut and pasted info from web sites to put together a paper:angryfire

Tracy D

When I was in A&P we had an essay exam question where we were expected to go into detail on how the digestive system worked etc... we were told what the questions was before hand and I prepared for it, I had the whole system down to every single detail, nothing was left out. Consequently, I must have written like 6 pages on it during our final. People in my class actually had the nerve to come up to me later and say they completely resented what I had done because it made their responses look bad and was probably the reason for their (i'm assuming poor) grade. I was so shocked I couldn't find the words to even comment. Later on all I could do was laugh at the absurdity of it all. Keep working hard and ignore them, you'll have the last laugh when you're in nursing school and they're still trying to figure out how to fill out their forms... (woops.. that was mean, wasn't it??) :specs:

Specializes in NICU.
When I was in A&P we had an essay exam question where we were expected to go into detail on how the digestive system worked etc... we were told what the questions was before hand and I prepared for it, I had the whole system down to every single detail, nothing was left out. Consequently, I must have written like 6 pages on it during our final. People in my class actually had the nerve to come up to me later and say they completely resented what I had done because it made their responses look bad and was probably the reason for their (i'm assuming poor) grade. I was so shocked I couldn't find the words to even comment. Later on all I could do was laugh at the absurdity of it all. Keep working hard and ignore them, you'll have the last laugh when you're in nursing school and they're still trying to figure out how to fill out their forms... (woops.. that was mean, wasn't it??) :specs:

How dare you actually take your education seriously and *gasp* work hard for your good grades! :rolleyes: I get the same attitude. It's very frustrating, because it isn't easy for me to squeeze in the study time, with my family responsibilities. It aggravates me that other students who don't make studying a priority get upset with me because I do and our grades obviously reflect those differences in priorities!

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