Tested Positive for THC at a Pre Employment Drug Screening

Nurses Recovery

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I recently tested positive for a pre employment drug screening for THC. I smoked CBD before going out and running errands as it helped with my social anxiety. I was contacted by the DOH in Florida recently and I decided to look for an attorney.

One of them I spoke with suggested I go to IPN and get an evaluation done but after reading testimonies from other nurses who also tested positive for THC, it seems like all of them were hit with a 5 year contract.

I heard it can get very expensive. That IPN's main goal is to wring you for all your worth. 

Does anyone have any experiences they can share including how long they were forced to be under contract as well as how much it cost?

I decided to just quit CBD in itself because it was not worth the trouble I am going through right now and I am now a month without it.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

I would like to Clarify my previous comment!  I have use CBD for years for my fibromyalga and have never tested positive for THC.. When I first started using what I thought was CBD I popped positive for THC because the product I used was from a local grower of CBD and CBN rich Canabis. I later switched to a pharmaceutical grade CBD from a company that had very strict purity standards. I never did test positive again and I still use it today. 


Specializes in Mental health, Critical Care, Nurse Educator du.

Delta 8 is sure to test positive for  THC. 

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
Quickstepper said:

Delta 8 is sure to test positive for  THC. 

The reason I mentioned it is that even though it tests positive for TCH. A blod test can 

Prove this is the form taken. I don't use marijuana myself but probably would after I retire as it has been suggested to treat my pain.



I need recommendations.  I am currently on Effexor which can cause a false positive.  I tested positive on a pre-employment drug screen which should not have ever happened.  Not saying I am not guilty of eating a few gummies on my birthday suggested by my husband who has a medical card.  My birthday is also the anniversary of my fathers passing so that day is always hard for me.  Anyway. that event was over a month prior to my testing but I do not practice in partaking on a normal basis.  The employer told me I had to contact IPN within 2 days of the notification which I did but have not yet talked to anyone.  I am freaking out as I know this is not in my character but now caught us this situation.  I actually bought a home test to test myself again as again should never come up positive.  It did even the home test.  The employer had a list of my meds but disregarded it.  But, that is the only explanation.  If I go for an eval and they do a hair test it will most likely come up positive but urine and blood should 100% be neg.  But urine shows positive.  I can afford any oop expenses.  Help any advise would be appreciated.

Specializes in Mental health, Critical Care, Nurse Educator du.

Are you in Florida? Did this prospective employer say that they were reporting your test?  

First off, forget trying to make any excuses. Once you start doing that, you start digging yourself in a deeper grave, and IPN and the evaluators will come down harder on you. 

We really need more information to steer you in the right direction.  In Florida, they are required to report postive pre-employment tests. Whether they report it to the board or IPN is probably important to know. If you have the resources, you might want to contact an attorney who specializes in this area in order to get the best advice.  I can say with 100%  certainty, excuses will make your situation worse. 

Yes I'm in Florida.  And yes the employer said they were reporting it to IPN and I had 2 days to contact them.  I didn't mean to come across as I was making excuses just giving full story; but very appreciative of advice.  

do I need to inform my current employer of situation?  

Also, if presented to be placed on a contract with IPN can I request to be retested and to have a GC/MS test that can break down to show the meds I am currently taking such as my Effexor that can show a false positive. In other words, do you have to sign immediately if you don't are their consequences?

redlpn said:

Also, if presented to be placed on a contract with IPN can I request to be retested and to have a GC/MS test that can break down to show the meds I am currently taking such as my Effexor that can show a false positive. In other words, do you have to sign immediately if you don't are their consequences?

I mean it doesn't sound like that will help you? It will just show you took a gummy? Even if effexor can cause a false positive, it is 99.9% more likely that it was from the gummy, even if it was over a month. 

Really?  I didn't think it stayed in your system that long?

redlpn said:

Really?  I didn't think it stayed in your system that long?

it can, delta 8 especially

Specializes in Mental health, Critical Care, Nurse Educator du.

Keep one other thing in mind. Many of the evaluators are now requiring lie detector testing. I know, sounds crazy, but I know of at least 3 nurses in the program who had to take them. The one nurse who refused lost their license.  

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
montie python said:

I just want to make clear that I do not smoke marijuana for the psychoactive effects of THC. I smoke CBD usually before I run an errand as it helps soothe my social anxiety. 

The CBD obviously has enough THC in it to turn positive.  My CBD gummies had some residue of THC (that couldn't be removed in the process of manufacturing a CBD only product) and didn't turn up a positive screen.  Unfortunately, it didn't work, either:)  I can't imagine that even the IPN is even  interested in trying to keep up with all the positive screens they must be getting.  Get a lawyer and good luck with wiggling out of this one.  I suspect you might.  But read the CBD labels very carefully and make sure they are 3rd party tested.

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