Teas V Science and Math?


Hello everyone,

I am planning to take the teas in late july and started studying in sections. I have already covered the reading and language section. They are the easiest to me because I am the strongest in those subjects. I am in the science section now and im having trouble retaining the information. I use the ati manual along with some of the princeton nursing school tests guide, the teas crash course, and a complete idiots guide to nursing school exams. i have split it up where i memorize anantomy for two weeks then go on to the other sections. My questions are:

How did you study for the teas math and science section? Was there a specific method you tried?

How long did you study for each section?

What was your score for math and science.

Thank you for anyone who chimed in. Im just really nervous I may not be studying the right way and when its time to take the test, I dont get questions right and have to retake it.

I got a 84.7 on my TEAS and found Math and Science to be the hardest for me. I used the ATI study manual as well as a few resources from Quizlet.com. I found that site to be really helpful for study guides.

Good luck to you!

Google" what I need to know for the teas test" and an allnurses article will pop up and everything on that list is exactly what you NEED to know for the teas. It help me out a huge deal being that at least four of the things on that list were question on the test. I had I not got that list I wouldn't have answered them correctly.


I got 90 on the math and 87 on the science. Overall my score was 85.3. I ran out of time with the reading! And the english part is hard! I studied for a week and a half about an hour and a half each day.

I would recommend purchasing a practice test on the ati website! It really shows you what type of problems you will see. The online test is harder than the real test though. Make sure to go over the ati book too and read the science and math sections twice. Remember that you have to learn what they are looking for! Be smarter than the exam. Good luck!

All of the science ISN'T covered in the book! some of the questions I had with the practice test online were very very similar to the real thing.

All of the math WAS very similar to the real test! But the real test had more addition and division problems with big numbers though.

-Hope that helps :)


I got 90 on the math and 87 on the science. Overall my score was 85.3. I ran out of time with the reading! And the english part is hard! I studied for a week and a half about an hour and a half each day.

I would recommend purchasing a practice test on the ati website! It really shows you what type of problems you will see. The online test is harder than the real test though. Make sure to go over the ati book too and read the science and math sections twice. Remember that you have to learn what they are looking for! Be smarter than the exam. Good luck!

All of the science ISN'T covered in the book! some of the questions I had with the practice test online were very very similar to the real thing.

All of the math WAS very similar to the real test! But the real test had more addition and division problems with big numbers though.

-Hope that helps :)

I have taken the test once, and I need to retake it. I was thinking about buying only one of the online practice tests. Which one would you suggest? Or does it matter?

I got a 90 on the math and 90 on the science section as well. I found that the TEAS practice workbook was VERY much similar to what I saw on the actual test. The first couple chapters of an algebra book came in handy to refresh my "old" math that I had not seen in many years too. As for science, I think it would be really hard to study from scratch. I think the best preparation is if you did really well in the science prerequisites - and hopefully recently (anatomy, microbiology, physiology, chemistry, etc.), that is going to serve you well in the actual testing. My science score would have been higher if not for the one area I did not have to take a prerequisite for...and that was earth/physical science because the last time I took a class on that was in 8th grade which was many, many, many years ago.


I am preparing for the TEAS V as well and hoping to sit for the exam in a 2 weeks.

For math, I did the practice tests in the ati manual first. This helped me narrow which areas I needed to work mostly on.

I went through the math review section afterwords and as I was reading through, I was able to distinguish the parts that explained the mistakes that I made on the practice test. McGraw-Hill also has a great 5 TEAS test book that is worth looking into.

Good luck on your TEAS !

I have taken the test once, and I need to retake it. I was thinking about buying only one of the online practice tests. Which one would you suggest? Or does it matter?

It really doesn't matter they are both very similar in difficulty! So either one is good! :) Good luck!

I don't know if this would be helpful, but it was helpful for me. I haven't done math in over 10 years. Just going through the math section of the study guide didn't really help me much.

I found Cool Math - free online cool math lessons, cool math games & apps, fun math activities, pre-algebra, algebra, precalculus. For some reason I understood it better than the book and there's endless problems you can work out and practice with. I think they seem a little too easy (which is strange for me to say as math has never been easy for me), but it's really helped me get the formulas down.

So I don't know if this is something that you might find useful.

I'm still not doing to well with the science portion, but I am finding that quizlet.com can be very helpful! Quizlet also helped in memorizing the Roman Numerals as well as practice on purplemath.com.

I got 100 on the Math and 80 on the Science section. Math is like my native language: it just comes to me. Science, not so much... :banghead: I used the TEAS Review from ATI and found it very helpful. It provided a thorough overview of each section, as well as practice questions and detailed rationales for the correct answers.

Good luck on your teas test!! I haven't taken it yet, but I will in late August. I think a good way to study math is to just keep practicing more problems to familiarize yourself with it. As for science, you might have to read up on a lot of material and understand concepts. Someone earlier mentioned the McGraw hill 5 practice test tests book and I also like the book too. There's a site called testprepreview.com ,it has quizzes where you can test yourself. I have heard that taking the online practice test is helpful overall.

Thanks everyone for the input, Im decided to postpone the test date till the 8th of august. Im feeling more confident in the science section because i seem to be remembering everything now . Anantomy seem to be the easiest to remember for me. I kind of dont feel as worried anymore because so many of you guys have just studied for a week and pulled off excellent scores. Ive been studying for at least 4 months so no doubt I will do great. I just need to have positive thinking.

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