Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


I am starting this for anyone who is applying for the TCC RN program in August.

I got the littmann lightweight and it was only $42. I figure it will be good to start with and if I need a better one I can buy it later. My neighbor is an RN and that's what she uses.

I agree! I'm just going to use the one I have and if is not good enough then I'll buy a more expensive one.

yeah, that Littmann Lightweight appears to be the one to go with as far as a quality brand and price is concerned. $42 is great. It's listed at $47.99 on Medisave. Anyone up for going in on purchasing multiples for a price-break???!!!! :)


My husband just bought me an iphone, a mountain bike, and golf clubs in the last two month. Now I'm just hoping he has some money left for my books :(

does anyone know what the "Elsevier Package" is?

hmm, is this the same thing as the "Nursing Skills Pack" we'll be getting at orientation?

@jefe- remember! promo code faceb11 for 5%off Lol! No, i dont think so..i think there books maybe? Its on the "Required Textbooks" page of the packet.

@Rossy- Just think of it this way, christmas is coming up.. :D lol

we still have over a month to get them, should be more than enough time to save and buy.

im not ashamed of asking for books for christmas from my family, they know how much i lloovvveeee books...

Specializes in Hoping to do either L&D or Trauma.
hmm, is this the same thing as the "Nursing Skills Pack" we'll be getting at orientation?

The Elsevier package appears to be our testing package, they are the ones who issued our HESI as well. Since it has a HESI exit exam I'm guessing this will carry us through all two years? Maybe?

The Nursing Skills pack is entirely different from my understanding. If you're talking about the $100 pack I believe that is supplies for the skills lab such as gloves, etc. Then again I'm extremely tired and I could be mistaken. LOL :zzzzz:zzzzz

wow,yall seem alittle lost. Lets see if i can work some questions out for you. I got in last spring.

1. you will most likely get your schedule the day of orientation, thats how it worked for us last year. if you want a different schedule then you put your name on a list next to the schedule and if someone else wants out of theirs then it might be yours. let me warn yall, most people stayed. when you find out your schedule take a picture of it with your phone bc youll need those numbers later when they open registration for you to register for the classes you were assigned.

2. the benefit of taking CPR at school in jan is that it last for two years (which is the entire length of the program) if you take it even a month earlier you will have to take it before you start you senior semester bc you have to take it before it runs out. so pay the extra money and take it then. they will let you register still as long as they see your name signed up on the list to take it

3. the nursing pack you HAVE to buy for skills has to be paid for BEFORE orientation bc TNSA puts them together. they arent sold in the bookstore and you will have to wait and purchase them when school starts if you dont do it

4.teachers refer to special pages during their lectures, and if you dont have the newest version you will probably be a lost soul, it might be more expensive but worth it. usually no one sells their books bc you WILL need them later in the semester. the only ones people sell are psych bc people never use them again. the only book i didnt open was skill but some people did. ebooks kinda suck bc nursing school refers back and forth to pages and its hard to keep flipping back and forth.

5. lab coats are required and you will need a patch for that as well. i bought four uniforms and it has worked out good, bc they dont get super worn. youll utilize usually three a week bc of skills test you have to wear them too.

6.youll also need med scissors, pen light, blue and black pens. a printer with ALOT of ink bc trust me you will use it. buy the magnetic badges bc the pin ones leave holes in your clothes. buy two bc they take forever to come in. buy a badge holder and the clear badge things(from office depot) a mini notebook to keep in your pocket for vitals

7. maps of the campus are online and you will need to get your own parking pass with your schedule and stuff in the police station. (you have to prove you paid for your classes tho!)

8. they wont open registration until you do your pee test and thats usually days before school

9. books are all that important to get first. get your uniforms bc the patches have to be sewn on (scrubs ect dwtn does that for 4 dollars)

10. just enjoy your break, youll have plenty of time to read. elviser may not offer the bundle packages if they didnt send you a paper telling you so.

good luck. let me know if yall have more questions. sorry this is so blunt but nursing school is hard and youll learn where priorities need to be! you might have to spend a little more money but itll be worth it in the end. this is the hardest thing ive ever done. you will have to work things AROUND school, not school around your things. good luck!

Can't thank you enough LoloCoro!!!!!!!

Much appreciated.

@ LoloCoro- thank you!! :yeah:

that really took a lot of weight off my shoulders... only thing im worried about now is my schedule!:confused:

Specializes in Hoping to do either L&D or Trauma.

Thank you LoloCoro!! I'm printing all that out so I can reference it later. :-D

I appreciate the bluntness and it's nice to know that y'all are willing to come back and set us newbies straight. I just want to make sure I have all my bases covered and it's great to have someone with experience helping. :-)

Yes..thank you so much for the information...this all seems a bit overwhelming at times..I'm sure I can speak for everyone else that we just don't want to miss something, and we need to make sure we do everything the way we need too :)

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