Published Dec 5, 2005
142 Posts
My brain is fried and I currently feel overwhelmed and stupid.
With every practice test I take there are so many new topics/diseases/drugs covered. It's not enough to know a disease and what it entails, but now they ask you what happens when you get pregnant with these disease! Kaplan had a couple of questions about drugs that weren't even in my 2005 Drug Guide!! . I'm going to do some more questions and then try to get to bed early.
I'm also open to any tips and suggestions...
13 1/2 hours to go.......... :uhoh21:
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
All I can humanly do is wish you the best of luck on your examination. I hope you pass with flying colors. :)
112 Posts
You can do it. I will pray for you and have faith in yourself. You will pass. Good luck tomorrow!
Medic2RN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
1,576 Posts
Best of luck to you tomorrow!!!
199 Posts
Good luck! You can do it!
101 Posts
you are included in my prayers....don't forget to pray before, during and after the exam...when you are answering the questions, do not rush...understand the question and choices...stay calm, focus, and take breaks whenever you need it! goodluck! let us know how it was:)
82 Posts
My brain is fried and I currently feel overwhelmed and stupid. With every practice test I take there are so many new topics/diseases/drugs covered. It's not enough to know a disease and what it entails, but now they ask you what happens when you get pregnant with these disease! Kaplan had a couple of questions about drugs that weren't even in my 2005 Drug Guide!! . I'm going to do some more questions and then try to get to bed early. I'm also open to any tips and suggestions...13 1/2 hours to go.......... :uhoh21:
i hope you make it! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. hope to hear the good news soon.:)
Thanks for everyone's kind wishes.
It's over! Don't know the results but I'm so relieved that it's over!
76 questions...
Now I have to wait for the results.....
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Good luck to you.
26 Posts
Good luck to you :rotfl: :balloons: :chuckle :rotfl: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I hope you did well. Keep us posted. :)