Before I begin I would like to say congrats to those who took boards for the first time and passed and those that are retakers and have passed:-) December will be the 5th time that I will take the nclex and words really can not describe how I feel at this point, except that I remaining positive and I continue to pray daily. I pray God willing this will be my final and last time sitting in front of that computer. I love this site because it offers great resources, advice and of course encouragement. A good friend from allnurses helped with a study plan and I am following that daily. I feel very confident this time. Before I was anxious and I have major testing anxiety, so much that my PCP prescribe me a beta blocker which I never ended up taking the fourth time I took boards.
I have tried many resources and I can honestly say that different sources work for different people so I am not here to say one is better than the other. I pray morning and night that I can see my dream of becoming and RN. God is good and with much study I will pass the beast lol. A few scriptures keep me going during my study regimen: Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in pray believe that you have received and it will be yours. Phili 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I am studying daily with no time off just little breaks and I sticking with my studying schedule as if my life depended on it lol.
For those of you retaking the nclex, we can do this! We can conquer this test and encourage others all at the same time, study hard and always remember to pray because he hears all prays no matter what we have to believe. Good luck to everyone taking boards and God Bless.
PS any advice for up and coming weeks before boards?