Taking NCLEX-RN - March 3, 2009

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi Guys,

Im taking NCLEX RN this coming March 3, 2009 and I use Kaplan for my practice test esp Qbank and I range from 53 to 78%, average score of 63-65%. I have used exam cram also after doing all the questions on Kaplan. I use saunders for reference.

Im really nervous. D'you think guys I use the right materials? And that I'll be able to make it? I hope its not suicide.:cry:

To Hopeful and Realistic,

Thanks! Yeah, I really have trouble concentrating whenever Im already on 100+ questions. I feel like I'm suffocated - I'll do what you said for me to relax prior and during my examination plus bring my own snacks. I do believe that it would help me and replace my used glucose.

I haven't used Kaplan's Qtrainer. I only have purchased their Qbank because I dont have enough money for their complete program but It helped me a lot though. After I finished the QBank which contains 3000 questions - I answered all the questions on Exam Cram, NCLEX RN Practice Test. Then friday, I bought Kaplans Strat Book and answered the questions on it, then Saturday the one on the CD which I mentioned the score already on my previous post. I used that book as my exit exam so I hope that was a right decision.

What I acquired to kaplan which helped me really raised my scores were these "Assessment VS Implementation (These type of questions come out a lot to the Qbank) - Take note that Assessment shoud be attended first before Implementation except if its an emergency", "Answers that are anwerable by y/n should be eliminated on the options", then the rest strats are ABCs and Maslow's. In connection to Maslow's - know when it is physiological or psychological.

Just sharing it for those who are yet to take the exam. It might help you guys.


Guys, I have a question. What is the precaution used in a pt with pneumonia?

Im just confused coz there are types of pneumonia which are classified either Standard or Droplet depending on the etiology of microorganisms. It confuses me because what if the question presented is just PNEUMONIA so what the precaution is?

If its staph and pneumocystis carinii - standard

If its meningo - droplet

So what if its just PNEUMONIA? Im confused.

You used the same materials I used except your Qbank scores were quite a bit better and I passed. I used exam carm mostly for meds and other clarifications I needed. Good Luck

Hi Tide01, Thank you. I only have used Exam Cram's Practice Test not the Comprehensive Review. Hmmm... Thank you and Congratulation.

I just get done reviewing Infection control, Growth and development, and Prioritization today. Its 3:45 PM at our time in Indiana State. So I'm now relaxing and watching TV.

Tomorrow, that would be my rest day. I'm just going to relax and I hope I can have a good night sleep.

My exam is at 8am at Terre Haute, IN and its kinda 2 hours travel from the city where I live so I'll be getting up in bed like 3AM.

Is it okay to drink energy drink? I experimented today, I drink red bull to see its effect on me. And I took some of the test question on Kaplan's Qbank and I did pretty good. Well, maybe because I took all the questions already. LOL.

Thank you guys for all your support.


wish u the very best.dont loose ur hope,make sure ur confident.do enjoy & rest before your exam.take healthy diet,take long breathing exercise while u r in confuse and try to remember what is question focaus try to do good jugde n mark on right answer.i hope will do good.god bless u.

good luck

wish u the very best.dont loose ur hope,make sure ur confident.do enjoy & rest before your exam.take healthy diet,take long breathing exercise while u r in confuse and try to remember what is question focaus try to do good jugde n mark on right answer.i hope will do good.god bless u.

good luck

Thank you. I'll take note of that. :redbeathe

edwardcullen - just my two cents but I always try to have some protein and/or orange juice especially before taking long(er) exams. I read this in one of my mom's womens magazine when I was in high school and from a nutritional standpoint, there seems to be some validity. Hehe, not sure how OJ will go with your energy drink but I'm sure you have your own routine down by now after having survived all those exams in nursing school.

Kaplan's "Assessment vs. Implementation" strategy also helped me a lot during my prep but my test experience didn't allow me to use it as often as I thought I would. I don't know what your test will be like but I just wanted to give you a heads-up. If this strategy doesn't apply to the question, then use another strategy in your orificenal of NCLEX taking pointers.

Based on an earlier post, I thought you were testing in CA. I will now think good thoughts for you at 5am PST.

I look forward to hearing about you thoughts after sitting through test (and wonder if it'll be similar to mine) and of course, to hear about your good results!


edwardcullen - just my two cents but I always try to have some protein and/or orange juice especially before taking long(er) exams. I read this in one of my mom's womens magazine when I was in high school and from a nutritional standpoint, there seems to be some validity. Hehe, not sure how OJ will go with your energy drink but I'm sure you have your own routine down by now after having survived all those exams in nursing school.

Kaplan's "Assessment vs. Implementation" strategy also helped me a lot during my prep but my test experience didn't allow me to use it as often as I thought I would. I don't know what your test will be like but I just wanted to give you a heads-up. If this strategy doesn't apply to the question, then use another strategy in your orificenal of NCLEX taking pointers.

Based on an earlier post, I thought you were testing in CA. I will now think good thoughts for you at 5am PST.

I look forward to hearing about you thoughts after sitting through test (and wonder if it'll be similar to mine) and of course, to hear about your good results!


Yeah, orange and milk would really help during examinations because it would replenish the glucose used by the brain. My professor in Nutrition before allowed us to bring and eat snacks during her class to endure the 2-hour period because we're prone to hypoglycemia.

I just got home from the church. I feel nice and happy today.

BTW, my BON is Board of Registered Nursing - State of California, but I'm currently living here in Indiana State. I plan to go to California after I pass the exam. I've been hoping to work and live in San Francisco.

Thank you so much. :redpinkhe

edwardcullen - just my two cents but I always try to have some protein and/or orange juice especially before taking long(er) exams. I read this in one of my mom's womens magazine when I was in high school and from a nutritional standpoint, there seems to be some validity. Hehe, not sure how OJ will go with your energy drink but I'm sure you have your own routine down by now after having survived all those exams in nursing school.

Kaplan's "Assessment vs. Implementation" strategy also helped me a lot during my prep but my test experience didn't allow me to use it as often as I thought I would. I don't know what your test will be like but I just wanted to give you a heads-up. If this strategy doesn't apply to the question, then use another strategy in your orificenal of NCLEX taking pointers.

Based on an earlier post, I thought you were testing in CA. I will now think good thoughts for you at 5am PST.

I look forward to hearing about you thoughts after sitting through test (and wonder if it'll be similar to mine) and of course, to hear about your good results!


Hi. I was curious after reading your post as to what strategy I should consider when Ass. vs. Imm does not apply when answering these types of questions. I have done my homework and am aware of the several diff. strategy methods out there, however I must not be choosing the correct ones since I am on my 4th attempt.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

kabann34, keep posted on this thread. If I feel that I did good on the exam then I might be able to give you some pointers on the test taking strats and highlighted concepts on the exam.

Pray for me. Thanks.

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