Topics About 'Sleepiness'.

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Found 10 results

  1. you found youself charting something about a patient that made ABSOLUTELY no sense whatsoever?? As in... it's 2:30 in the morning, you are sitting there trying to chart... and you find yourself kinda... drifting off... AS your hand continues to wri...
  2. I work 7p-7a on weekends. I have trouble a lot of the time switching my sleep/wake cycles from when I work (mainly weekends) and when I'm at home during the week. Some nights I sleep fine, other nights I'm wide awake, and have to sleep during the day...
  3. Brain lesions and excessive sleepiness.

    Okay I have to admit neurology is my weak point in nursing. I know my basics but I come here as favor asking advice regarding everyone's experience in a dx. A person has been found with brain lesions around the occipital area. The doctors are still w...
  4. elizabells

    lotsa fentanyl, no sleepy

    So, just a question after the fact..... I had an upper endo the other day, and I got 75 fentanyl and I believe 6-8 of Versed IV in three pushes. All that happened was I sort of didn't care that they were shoving a tube down my throat. The dr and nurs...
  5. Question, patient with multiple wounds, but feeds self, eats well. Owner of care home states vicodin "knocks pt out", so produces a prescription for fentanyl 75 mcg??? i asked medical director, he said change vicodin 5/500 down to lortab 2.5/500; ...
  6. Sleepy Coworker... Patient Incident!

    I work in a 10 bed mixed pretty much low acuity surgical stepdown/ SICU. My charge nurse at night who has been there for 30 years is literally no good for her self after about 11pm. After that point she's sitting at the nurses station fighting sleep ...
  7. Is it normal to feel sleepy and fatigued and not get anxious even though ill be taking the test very soon *april 10. Weeks ago, i've been very anxious but now, i just feel like sleeping. I just find it weird. Is this burn out? am i fatigued of answer...
  8. Sleepy Nightshift nurse

    I've worked night shift for 7 years now. I love it while I'm there, however, I feel like I really struggle on my days off. All I want to do is sleep. Any recommendations on how to bounce back better would be appreciated. HELP!!
  9. It's been proven that shift work can play havoc on our sleeping patterns. Rotating shifts, night shifts, one day on, one day off have all caused us to lose sleep; literally. This sleepiness also affects our social lives. It's hard to concentrate or h...
  10. Sleepy: while studying

    I've been taking 10mg of lexapro and 36mg of generic concerta daily for my ADD. While I'm studying on my bed, I start to feel sleepy within 15-20 minutes. My sleeping schedule is usually is set at 2am for bed time and I wake up around 10am earlier th...