Topics About 'Nursing Profession'.

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Found 18 results

  1. TopazLover

    Being Top Dog

    Nursing is the most respected profession. This statistic is pretty static year after year. We are almost always the first. The only exception to this was in 2001 when firefighters ranked higher after 911. People accept honesty and ethical behaviors a...
  2. madwife2002

    Got No Job? Come be an RN !

    I am fed up with hearing about people seeing nursing as a quick route to money it is so much more and it offends me that nursing is used as a short cut to being employed. We should have stricter entry rules and by this I mean more screening to make s...
  3. "Oh, that hurts so much!" My grandma's eyes are screwed shut and her breath is coming short and quick. I am trying to peel back the tape holding the bloody gauze to her leg. The nurse that comes to her house twice a day to check on her and change the...
  4. Reclaiming our Profession

    I've been a nurse for a few years now. When I was wait-listed for nursing school, it seemed the profession was undergoing a change. Many Diploma programs were being closed in my area, the push was again taking place for the Bachelor's degree to be th...
  5. 1) If you yell "HELP!" one. more. time. without a really, really, REALLY good reason for it, I am going to come down there, shut the door, and give you a good dose of pillow therapy. 2) Sure, go ahead and sign out AMA. It's your choice. Just a remind...
  6. I figured being a native New Yorker this would be a cake walk! Working in a jail or a prison is not a cake walk, but it is an education within itself. You can learn a lot about how people think and the manipulative things that actually happen in ever...
  7. nurse from heaven

    My New-Found Love For Nursing

    Five years ago, I never dreamed of becoming a nurse. I wanted nothing to do with the medical world. Partly because my dad wanted me to be a Doctor and I didn't want to. Well, I did attend LPN school somewhat grudgingly because of the job prospects. A...
  8. TheCommuter

    The 'De-Skilling' Of Nursing

    What should be our greatest concern for the future of nursing?We must fear the day if (or when) registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) will be less needed in healthcare due to systematic de-skilling of the nursing profession. Ev...
  9. Ruby's Marbles

    In the early 90's I was working as a travel nurse in a small town in Wyoming in a 75-bed hospital that was just embarking on the world of computerized charting. I was frustrated as I was used to charting long-hand on paper...hmmmmm, those were the da...
  10. Contrary to widely held beliefs, nursing is certainly NOT the recession-proof career that many entities have seemingly made it out to be. During the recession of the early 1990s, some nurses in certain regions of the United States had remained unempl...
  11. I would like to use this article as the voice of the people in thanking you all for the professionalism that you show us in our times of need. Usually we are so relieved that our loved ones are O.K. that we simply forget to voice our appreciation at ...
  12. I am assured that some of you are reading this and saying to yourselves, "Duh! This topic is old hat. We already know there's a glut of nurses in many parts of the country, so why are you writing about this?" Here is my reason for writing about the c...
  13. This is something that I wrote for a class while I was in Nursing School. I came across it again and decided to post it and see what the reaction would be. Fire away, all responses or opinions will be welcomed, none will be taken personally. American...
  14. We are expected to be mothers, fathers, priests, sisters, brothers, asexual, nonjudgmental, councilors, Mother Theresa, non racial, non cultural, advisers, have excellent interpersonal skills, Oh and work 20 hour days with no breaks and are not expec...
  15. Wondering why I chose eight? Each entry represents the standard eight hours nurses like me spend in one shift. Standard, eh? I frankly used the number because I need one; otherwise, if I add up all the extended hours, this list could go on forever. S...
  16. VivaLasViejas

    Ten Things I Love About Nursing

    #10 I get to work in the most comfortable clothing on the planet. When I was a nurse manager, I was going through the worst of my polyester and double knits, no less. Now I wear soft cotton scrubs, which are essentially pajamas w...
  17. The Ramblings of a Nurse

    It's 0200H; the hallways are deserted except for a few nurses checking up on their patients. It is quiet, except for the humming of the machines and faint rustling of the sheets as the sleeping patients toss about their beds. In this dead hour of the...
  18. Every once in awhile an article comes along that I love. Heck, I've even been known to rip out an article and put it in the nurses' lounge at the hospital a time or two. In September 2009, they published an article titled "Patients' Perceptions of Nu...