Topics About 'Nursing Ethics'.

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Found 26 results

  1. The Little Round Thing

    When I started that day it seemed the paramount thing to me just to get rid of the dress bypassing my state board exams. My clinical rotations had become routine stuff after two years. My mentor hardly bothered to check on me anymore. I thought I was...
  2. TopazLover

    Being Top Dog

    Nursing is the most respected profession. This statistic is pretty static year after year. We are almost always the first. The only exception to this was in 2001 when firefighters ranked higher after 911. People accept honesty and ethical behaviors a...
  3. It's been a horrible week. Wednesday the patient who refused her TED hose developed DVTs, the patient across the hall is a sweet heart who manages to break your back no matter how you transfer him, the patient down the hall who will be a quadrapalegi...
  4. Unlike personal boundaries which you set for yourself, many professional boundaries are already established and are less flexible.The American Nurses Association's (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing se...
  5. "The only thing worse than an active conscience is one that's retroactive." - Harold Coffin. An active conscience is defined as an inner awareness of right and wrong, good and bad, that a person uses to constantly steer his or her conduct toward taki...
  6. Nursing Ethics

    If there are any ethical issues in nursing, one that is definitely developing is that our roots are disappearing. As trite as 'caring' sounds, it is the cornerstone of our career birth. Too often, now we find ourselves in the position of being little...
  7. Burnout

    Burnout starts with an oath, taken at the pinnacle of pride and passion when entering a new profession. Burnout starts with caring, which is a quality we hope all health-care workers possess. Burnout starts with hope; hoping that we can make a differ...
  8. There's a lot said about ethics in nursing, and much of it -- most of it, probably -- pertains toward the ethical treatment of patients. Not charting meds you haven't given or procedures you haven't done, admitting your med errors and setting about t...
  9. TheCommuter

    Nurses: Oppression Can Stop With You

    The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines oppression as unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power. Due to its position on the social ladder combined with the sometimes unprofessional behaviors of its members, nursing is an oppressed occupation. Acc...
  10. Starting in a few years, my state is going to requiring background checks and fingerprints as a condition of license renewal for all nurses. Whew! What a pain in the posterior! I mean, I've been a nurse for over three decades and they're just asking ...
  11. I couldn't breathe. My chest was aching with a fierceness that made me want to pass out. There was a pounding echoing in my ears so loud that I could hear my heart coupled with irregular breathing. Where did I screw up?! Inside my head I could hear m...
  12. DO NOT ENTER - NO BOYS ALLOWED!!! As a child, my family took yearly vacations to a location that was more than 1,000 miles away. That meant many long hours in the car, sharing the back seat with my older brother. YUCK!! We were permitted to take thin...
  13. traumaRUs

    NTI 2016 Moral Courage

    We attended an NTI session this morning about moral courage and ethics for the APRN. This is applicable to many nursing specialties The lecture was Sarah Delgado ACNP Clinical Practice Specialist from San Viejo. She brought up some excellent points r...
  14. The emotional boundary I establish with my patient is an aspect of care I provide. How much involvement is too much? Incidentally, some nurses don't care about how involved they become with their patients on an emotional level. This is very short-sig...
  15. TheCommuter

    Moral Distress In Nursing

    Moral distress occurs when an individual judges that they know the right action in a particular situation, but internal or external constraints prohibit taking action (Volpe, 2011). Nurses are routinely placed in the difficult situation of being expe...
  16. madwife2002

    Emails can get you into trouble

    Did you know that there is such a thing as email etiquette - for Work? I don't know about you, but I have tripped into many pitfalls with my emails! Emails can have a tone, attitude, rudeness, and they can be offensive! Many of us use email as a quic...
  17. Nursing: Moment by Moment

    I am sure the first nurses were motivated by a desire to alleviate pain and suffering. In the days of limited technology, a soothing voice, a reassuring hand, bandages, prayers and warm water might have been all they needed. I am sure many patients w...
  18. I believe rules can be bent at times. Heck, I feel that some rules can even be outright broken as long as doing so has brightened someone's day. Billie is a pseudonym for the septuagenarian nursing home resident whom I first met seven years ago when ...
  19. I was a relatively new and inexperienced nurse and was orienting to the hospital on a chaotic medical-surgical unit. The orientation began by following the nursing assistant(s) for a shift and participating in basic patient care tasks. This was to pr...
  20. Morphine and End Of Life

    I have a question, or a scenario rather that I have recently come across. Recently at work, I had a hospice patient who was unresponsive with respiration between 7-8 bpm with long periods of apnea. Resident was thought to be in the "active" dying pro...
  21. TheCommuter

    Is Your Name Important?

    For starters, I will reveal that I am an African-American female with a very common anglicized first and last name. I am also friendly with a small handful of nurse managers, staff development personnel, and others who have at least some responsibili...
  22. The Blend of Grey

    How many times do we as nurses find ourselves teetering on the edge of wrong and right? How do we find that perfect balance of in-between, the shade of grey between moral and immoral, ethical or unethical in our practice? Nursing is an occupation whe...
  23. That's not a bad nurse

    A friend of mine dislocated her shoulder and ended up in the emergency room. Because the emergency room is normally a hot mess express, she ended up having to wait over an hour and a half to be roomed. When she finally saw a doctor, he told her she w...
  24. TheCommuter

    Is My Nursing License At Risk?

    I often listen as certain coworkers, usually the nurses with zero to two years of experience, chime about the dangers to their hard-earned nursing licenses. "I'm putting my license on the line by dealing with that difficult patient!" "I forgot to giv...
  25. Do you cut corners in your daily nursing practice? Or do you do everything according to the 'book'. Do you police yourself in your everyday care of a patient, what do I mean by police yourself? I mean always follow the correct procedures no matter ho...