Topics About 'Nclex Rn'.

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Found 35 results

  1. Passed the NCLEX (2nd Time)

    Passed the Nclex after 210 questions!!!!!The first time I took it I failed after taking the whole 265 questions. I don't think I was ready to take a 6hr exam even if you know there is a chance you can sit for the whole thing. I was ready this time th...
  2. TheCommuter

    My Experience With Kaplan NCLEX Prep

    I'll reveal some important information that will allow readers to paint a clearer mental picture of my situation. I graduated from a 12-month LVN program in late 2005 and passed the NCLEX-PN with the minimum of 85 questions on my first attempt by sel...
  3. I'm Dumb and I Passed NCLEX!!!!

    I won't go into details on how to answer questions; there are gazillions of tips here on that subject. I understand how difficult it is to stick to a schedule to study and not allow yourself to slack off or be distracted by other things. That's what ...
  4. NCLEX-RN - Don't Give Up!

    I have decided to write a post about tips for the NCLEX through my experience. I took the NCLEX twice. The first time I failed with 263 questions, and the second time, I passed with 75 questions. The First TimeI was told that this was a very difficul...
  5. Now the first thing I tried to determine was what the big difference between NCLEX and the CRNE that I had written in Canada and what little I found did end up being true. So here it is: I personally felt that the Canadian exam was easier, much easie...
  6. Hello.Kitty.Girl.

    NCLEX-RN: 5th Time Test-Taker

    Hello everyone! I would like to tell my story to give encouragement to others who are going through the same situation as me. This will be my 5th time taking the NCLEX, which has been a very difficult time for me because I have always wanted to be a ...
  7. How I Passed NCLEX Different Methods

    I'm an EMT, gone LPN, and now and finally an RN! I knew healthcare was my calling and I loved the excitement of each license, but I needed something more. I attended Miami Dade College for both my LPN and the transitional program to RN (which was bru...
  8. Here's my story & tips about my NCLEX experience... maybe it will be helpful to someone out there to be better prepared for the NCLEX itself and know that if you've failed you're not alone. My StoryI took NCLEX for the 1st time about 1 1/2 yrs af...
  9. I got 265 questions today and I didn't know anything about the questions I answered. It had a few things that I did study... which I hopefully answered correct. I feel sick because I feel so stupid and feel like I didn't pass. Anyone else in my predi...
  10. I Am Not Alone

    CAT, a computer adaptive test, allows the individual to be tested on their weak areas rather than their strengths. Based on how well the questions are answered, the CAT and one other individual can determine whether or not the graduate nurse is safe ...
  11. NCLEX RN Passed

    Hi colleagues. Today is the official confirmation that I passed NCLEX RN. As promised to myself, I will share my experience to all of you who aspire to become a USRN. FirstI applied for Northern Mariana Island Board of nursing last year and I got my ...
  12. How I Passed NCLEX-RN the second time.

    When I was a student in the BSN program, I found it very difficult. Each semester was a struggle for me trying to comprehend all the information. I worked hard and I gave it my absolute best. I survived nursing school by giving it my all, though ther...
  13. merzielynn

    NCLEX RN Advice

    Hi there! I told myself after taking the NCLEX-RN exam that I would come back here (like many have) and discuss my experience, results, etc. because I spent countless evenings and hours on this site looking for comfort throughout my nursing school jo...
  14. Every nurse dreads the day they have to sit down and take their boards, aka the NCLEX. This exam is built up in the minds of nursing students all over the world. Personally, I imagined this test being a huge green monster with snotty mucus, only one ...
  15. WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY?Google “How to pass the NCLEX-RN the first time” and you’ll get many results, some of them more reliable than others. You’ve learned in nursing school that it’s important to look for evidence-based resources, so I thought I...
  16. Preparing for NCLEXI signed up for Kaplan Live Review in December after graduation. Of course, I procrastinated on buying the review that I missed out on my school's discount for Kaplan. So being the cheap and savvy person I am, I googled around for ...
  17. Let me start by disclosing some background information to enable readers to paint a mental picture. I completed a 12-month LVN program back in late 2005 and passed the NCLEX-PN with the minimum of 85 questions on my first attempt by using the Saunder...
  18. NCLEX RN Canada

    I wrote the NCLEX RN on Wednesday, August 3, 2016. Like most of the other authors on this site, I wanted to share my experience in the hope that it would help someone else. As some of you may know, the NCLEX recently came to Canada in January 2015. W...
  19. My NCLEX story...

    I've always loved reading success stories from this site, and it really helped me get motivated. Now it's time to share mine, and hopefully my story will inspire someone somehow. A Little About Myself:I graduated nursing school in 2009 from a foreign...
  20. Passed NCLEX-RN In 75 Questions

    I looked through these discussion boards a lot while I was preparing for the NCLEX, and I told myself that I would come back to share my experience if i passed. I also wanted to share my experience because I got stressed out reading about others' pre...
  21. Long time lurker of the forums here! I have to thank this website for its support when I needed it. This is a long post so get comfortable. Here's a little bit about myself. I graduated ADN on May, 2015 at an accredited community college. I was neve...
  22. I think I let a lot of the posts found on this site get to me (and stress me out). The majority of the posts are about people who have failed so initially I was freaking out, but if you really think about it, most students that pass the test aren't g...
  23. TheCommuter

    My Personal Experience With The NCLEX-RN

    I'll divulge that the NCLEX-RN was not a completely new experience for me because I had taken and passed the NCLEX-PN back in December 2005 and worked as an LPN for several years. Yes, the NCLEX-PN and the NCLEX-RN basically have the same format. ...
  24. Passed NCLEX After Failing

    I promised myself that when I passed the NCLEX-RN, that I would make this post. If you are reading this, you are probably searching through multiple forums for that little bit of hope just like how I was. I know this is a long post, but If I am at le...
  25. Lev

    NCLEX Facts and FAQ

    Post your NCLEX related questions on this thread. NCLEX-RN test plan: lite longer NCLEX-PN test plan: lite