Topics About 'Leaving Nursing'.

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  1. Here are some conversations that are taking place at hospitals everywhere across the country. Do they sound familiar? "Did you hear Kim is leaving?” "Kim !?? Kim in Step down?? Nooo! You don't mean Kim! She's been here forever!” "Ya! a...
  2. Leaving nursing?

    Just looking for advice. I’m not happy working in healthcare. I’ve worked inpatient & outpatient, Med Surg, critical care, urgent care etc. I just want to try something else. The “working for an insurance company” thing that I read on every fo...
  3. I'm taking a 3-month medical leave of absence due to stress from nursing. Anyone who is currently working with me will recognize who I am. Basically, covid has killed nursing for me. It has made it into a macabre profession. I am now a full-blow...
  4. I keep hearing all over social media nurses are leaving nursing, as many as 25% in past year was a stat I read in article. If so many people are leaving where are they going, we still have to make a living and I’m just curious do you see nurses quitt...
  5. Dear Nurse Beth, I have been an RN since 12 and an NP since 2016. I had one NP job from 2016-2019. I left because I had no work life balance. I spend all my free time charting. I was overworked, burnout, and attempts to change the clinic schedules an...
  6. Leaving after 4 months...

    Hello! I need some advice. So I currently work as a night RN on a telemetry/designated COVID unit. I've been at my hospital for almost 2 years. I started out as a PCT (doing all shifts) then transitioned into the RN role back in September. I have ca...
  7. I've come to the conclusion that hospitals will never have our backs. We are disposable bodies to them. Doing this work is no longer worth the risk it poses to my personal health. Anyone else feeling this way? What do you plan to do if/when you plan ...
  8. Curious1alwys

    Where do I go from here?

    If you realized about you that you have horrible performance anxiety when it comes to nursing skills (and therefore suck at most of them), don't want to take care of people anymore (life or death responsibility-I run from codes ugh), don't enjoy deal...
  9. RN, BSN with 2.5 years experience working float pool. Most of my experience is med/surg though. Keen to start my master in the next couple of years. Unsure of career decisions I originally started my degree knowing I didn’t want to work in a Hospit...
  10. We can debate the why's, where's, how's, when's of the toxic culture in many hospitals and nursing homes. More work, less support staff. More work, less pay. Too many patients. Higher acuity, more orders, fewer nurses being hired. My boss is dumb. My...
  11. Hi all, I recently had a daughter who was stillborn at 33 weeks. No reason, it just happened out of the blue. After further investigation, she had already been passed away at my last OB appointment 3 weeks before I went into labor and they didn’t not...
  12. Mississippi's nurses are resigning to protect themselves from Covid-19 burnout 'It feels like we're fighting an unwinnable war': Nurse on decision to resign.
  13. When is it time to leave nursing?

    Hello all, I've been a nurse for a few years now, and have worked in various settings as diverse as emergency care and long term care. Despite anything that I do, I just can't seem to get happy with what I'm doing. I've had to start on medication ju...
  14. Leaving Bedside Nursing

    Your emotional, physical and mental health will suffer along with your family life. I have finally decided to leave the bedside and I've never felt so happy. At only 25, I felt like I was going to be stuck in this state for the rest of my working lif...
  15. Hi everyone: I was wondering if anyone had successfully transitioned from being a nurse to a different profession? if so, what are you/did you do? how did you do it? I am actively seeking a way out of nursing, but all of the non-hospital nursing jobs...
  16. No Jeep, No Love: I'm Out Of Here!

    So, I own a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT. It is my toy. It is fun to drive and super-fast. It has all the bells and whistles and is black on black with carbon fiber trim. I bought it used, on impulse when looking for a second vehicle to continue my travel...