Topics About 'Entrepreneur'.

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  1. Hello Nurse Beth, I am an RN in the state of Pennsylvania, I have been shadowing an NP in her skin care business and taking classes. Can I open an injectable business and have a medical director?
  2. What Does it Mean to Be a Source?Journalists constantly require sources (people) to provide expert information and quotes for their stories. As a nurse who owns a business, you can bring a unique perspective to a journalist’s story about some newswor...
  3. Carol Ebert

    Is It Possible to Burnout in Retirement?

    And as I check in with others my age, I find several different paths that people take with their newly found free time. Take care of grandkidsTravelStart hobbiesStart a new businessGo back to school for a new careerRelax and hang out with friendsYour...
  4. Because I work as a content marketer, I often forget that other nurse entrepreneurs might only know the term “content marketing” as a buzzphrase. That’s unfortunate, because content marketing represents the easiest, least expensive way any nurse can ...
  5. By definition, an innovator is "a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products". will be featuring nurses that are innovators as a regular series to encourage other nurses to "think outside the box" and create new ideas for the...
  6. Changing Career Directions About 20 years ago I changed the direction of my medical career and decided to start my own wellness business. Once I stepped away, I realized there is more to starting a business than just having a dream. I really di...
  7. Budding Nurse Entrepreneur

    Hi Friends, I have lurked in the shadows of All Nurses for many years and now I've found enough courage to actually post something. I'm an RN part time and Mom full time. Recently I've been trying to find ways to recenter myself and quiet the inner p...
  8. Carol Ebert

    What Do You Really Want?

    Yes I am speaking to YOU the ENTREPRENEUR. Yes we have done great work as nurses in the system, but you have to honor who you truly are and take the risk to explore that on your own terms. It has been my experience that if you “settle” for the ...
  9. Inventors come up with unique ideas for new things. They're curious about the world around them, persistent even when they face obstacles, and love to break complex problems into simple solutions. This definition describes many nurses, which makes it...
  10. The second most common question asked when meeting anyone new, (just sneaking in behind, What’s your name?), comes the inevitable…What do you do? I used to nearly corner the market on escalating the awkward factor right off the chart as I replie...