Topics About 'Discrimination'.

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Found 15 results

  1. Dear Nurse Beth, I had a seizure in clinicals and was kicked out of nursing school. They are saying I was unsafe to the patients. Is there anyway I can get back in school possibly somewhere else?
  2. Discrimination Allegations

    I need an advice or just your thoughts. I work as inpatient mental health nurse. We had this tall, big , physically healthy and strong, highly aggressive patient on the unit. He sent one of our male nurses to ER and then on medical leave for several ...
  3. TheCommuter

    Racial Refusals In Nursing

    For starters, 'racial refusal' is a term I constructed several years ago to denote the practice of patients and / or family members who refuse care from certain nurses, physicians, aides, techs and other healthcare workers solely because of the careg...
  4. For first time in my nursing career I left work with my feelings extremely hurt not because of my performance but because I'm not allowed to be myself. So I just started working at a teaching hospital. It is day 4 for me out of a 9 week traini...
  5. Is Discrimination too strong a word?

    I would love some feedback from fellow nurses. I sometimes take care of covid-19 positive patients on a separate pod set up to maintain safety. I utilize PPE and feel comfortable. I have recently had a negative blood drawn antibody test (but as we kn...
  6. Every time he stood up he tottered and I fought the urge to reach out my hand, sure that my gesture would be an insult to his pride. Aidan was 23 years old, gay, African-American, and had 7 T cells. My standard speech about lifesaving drugs was met w...
  7. Nurse Beth

    Ageism in Nursing

    Barbara, a nurse of 27 years, left her job interview with the strong feeling that they were not going to "be in touch". She was dismayed because it had taken several applications to land one interview. Her skills were solid and her work history exemp...
  8. English As A Second Language

    Hi. I am a nursing student in second year. I came here 15 yrs ago. Spanish is my native language. I know English, but I have a strong accent. I am doing good in school and clinicals. However, a medsurg nurse told my instructor that I have issues with...
  9. Is this discrimination?

    I just finished my 90 day probation at a hospital I once worked for and ended up coming back. They were acquired by a hospital system and much has changed. Last week, I had a “bipolar incident” at home and had to call off the next day because I ...
  10. jeastridge

    Racism in Nursing: Is It Real?

    Hope is invented every day. - James Baldwin Racism Among Nurses is a Real ThingNurses on the non-caucasian spectrum of melanin content in their skin can tell you—if you ask. In this Summer of upheaval, we hear the headlines every day: Black lives ma...
  11. Rejecting the Transplant

    I pulled into the parking lot and see the signs. NURSING JOB FAIR HERE TODAY! I know my future is held within these walls. I gather my resumes and letters of reference, so carefully bundled together for that professional look and head into the buildi...
  12. Racism in healthcare is real. It is so pervasive and sinister, it is expected. Many accept it as an unwelcomed guest, but the White privileged exploit it as a weapon at will. Have you ever walked into a patient's room and been told? " I don't want a ...
  13. simba and mufasa

    When You See Something, Say Something

    "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Dr. Martin Luther King Racism in nursing is real. It starts in nursing school, occurs on the...
  14. TheCommuter

    Is Your Name Important?

    For starters, I will reveal that I am an African-American female with a very common anglicized first and last name. I am also friendly with a small handful of nurse managers, staff development personnel, and others who have at least some responsibili...
  15. Emergent

    Backlash against Whites in Africa

    A friend of mine has a son who is a missionary in Africa. I don't remember which country, it's a rural, underdeveloped area. They are now afraid of Whites, since they consider Europeans and Americans as disease carriers. People will point and yell ou...