Topics About 'Bedside'.

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Found 69 results

  1. Dear Nurse Beth, I am considering taking an insurance appeals RN job and leaving my bedside job of almost 10 years. If I leave bedside care, does that stunt my future career opportunities? Should I consider only non-bedside opportunities as my p...
  2. Hello, friends. I am going on my second year of bedside and I'm already thinking I don't wanna do this long term. I have a BSN and two years is my full experience - one in medsurge and now in women's services. Is there any other job I can do what I c...
  3. Am I too old for bedside nursing?

    I am 47 years old and have been working as a school nurse for the last 5 years. I love my job , I love the kids , and I love the people I work with… the pay is not the best , but I get summers off (and holidays etc). I always get this way over ...
  4. Please help! I am so lost...

    I am completely lost and don’t know what to do! A little bit about me... First of all, I don’t like bedside at all (not for me for sure in any capacity!) I live in Ontario, Canada (which unfortunately doesn’t make things easier as the req...
  5. Need Advice! Unmotivated & Exhausted

    Hi everyone, I’m an RN of almost 3 years, and all two jobs of mine have consisted of skilled nursing/LTC, and subacute rehabilitation. The hospital setting was never my thing so I don’t have too much regret not taking that step, but I feel as though ...
  6. Dear Nurse Beth, I am 57 years old and considered a new RN. I graduated last year and I'm currently working as a school substitute nurse, which is not very often. The reason I got this substitute RN position it's because I was a educator for 12 years...
  7. I would like to know if its realistic to assume that nurse practitioners will avoid some of the downsides to being a bedside nurse which is that patients attack nurses. I understand this occurs sometimes and I assume that it happens less to nurse pra...
  8. I'd like my unit to transition to bedside shift reporting. My staff is adamantly against it. I think it will help our pt satisfaction scores! Does anyone have any suggestions/experiences as to what did or did not work? We don't overlap shifts, so I a...
  9. I'm a 59 year old RN with 39 years of nursing experience in ICU, ER, Case Management, Occupational Health, Home Health, and Pediatric nursing. Over the last year, I have lost 3 jobs. In all 3, my supervisors have said I'm no longer safe to work at th...
  10. I’m so tired. I’m exhausted. I don’t want to be a bedside nurse any more. I worked ICU for a little over a year when I graduated. I now work in the NICU and have been there for going on 6 years. I went back to school and got my MSN in nursing adminis...
  11. SafetyNurse1968

    At the Bedside with Covid-19 -Part 2: John

    I used facebook to reach out to nurses working in hospitals in many places in the U.S. I’ve rounded all numbers to protect the identity of the nurses who agreed to be interviewed. I offered to pay all the nurses I interviewed for their time, but they...
  12. I used facebook to reach out to nurses working in hospitals in many places in the U.S. I've rounded all numbers to protect the identity of the nurses who agreed to be interviewed. I offered to pay all the nurses I interviewed for their time, but they...
  13. In hospitals across the country, experienced nurses provide orientation to an ever-revolving door of new hires. The need to retain beside nurses is well known and solutions widely researched. Yet, work conditions in acute care settings are slow to im...
  14. I am one of those nurses I guess some would consider lucky- I have been a nurse for 10 years and have never worked in traditional "bedside" nursing. I have worked psych in an acute care hospital, but since the vast majority of our patients are walkie...
  15. Non bedside nursing jobs?

    Hi all, I have 2 years of psych experience and am currently working med-surg nights (about 6 months now). I've slowly come to the realization bedside nursing is not for me. I truly wanted to give it a shot for the experience and am learning so m...
  16. Dear Nurse Beth, I have ADHD and have been an RN for 24 yrs. I have worked in practically every aspect of nursing, trying to find a niche where I actually like a job, Drs and nurses I relate to, and feel competent. I have never felt like I ...
  17. Return to the bedside

    I have been an FNP for one year and I just resigned from what was an absolutely terrible job. I have many years ( 20+) of PACU, ICU, CCU and ED experience. As an RN that is. Those willing to hire me as an NP are only offering one terrible job after a...
  18. Bedside with an MSN?

    Hi! I'm currently halfway through my nursing schooling and also working as a PCT at a cardiac unit at a local hospital. As I'm getting closer to finishing my degree I'm contemplating advanced practice programs. I want to have a MSN, potentially in nu...
  19. How did you get out of bedside nursing?

    Hello, I've been a RN, BSN for about 7.5 years, working as a floor nurse for the most part on the night shift 7pm-7am. I started out my career at age 25-years-old on a busy Med-Surg Tele unit, worked my way up to a Preceptor, Resource Nurse and Charg...
  20. I have been a nurse since August 2021. I graduated in May 2021. I landed my first job on a Med Surg/COVID unit and have been there about 5 months now. However, I seriously cannot take it any longer. The whole floor is COVID (we no longer get med surg...
  21. HATE bedside nursing

    After switching specialties a few times, I’ve come to the conclusion that I hate bedside nursing. It’s won me chronic migraines (for which I have tried a plethora of drug therapies with no relief), hypertension and most recently have been grappling w...
  22. I'm an inpatient oncology RN working in NYC and just had my one-year anniversary in December (first nursing job). I love oncology, I love my patients (well...most of the time, anyway :p), and I love almost all of the RN's and PCA's I work with. How...
  23. Should a student have to be able to do direct care in order to become licensed as an RN? Must an RN be able to give direct care in order to stay licensed? This topic came up in a discussion at work recently when one of our techs was involved in an ac...
  24. Leaving the bedside

    Maybe it’s the COVID, maybe its the stress of being a new nurse, but I am considering leaving the bedside after my two year contract is up. So, If you are an RN who’s left the bedside, what career path did you choose and why? Any regrets/advice for ...
  25. I joined the nursing profession in 2006, which has been a Godsend for me in many ways! My income has doubled since I graduated. Also, there is a considerable market for nurses, so moving and finding work is no problem. Still, most of the nursing open...