Published Aug 31, 2014
17 Posts
Stomaches and headaches galore. And it was only 1st and 2nd grade. These kids learn early huh?
Im also learning that a lot of parents want to be called if their child gets a papercut.
Prek and k start Tuesday and that brings my diabetic student and few special needs students I'll be working with.
Sometimes im in feeling great and confident in my office and other times I am completely overwhelmed and feel like I know nothing.
Please tell me this is a consensus!
Happy Labor Day weekend!
119 Posts
Congratulations! I hope you had a restful weekend. :)
3 Posts
I feel the same way! I am new to school nursing, we've been in school three weeks. 1000 elementary kids, two diabetics, lots of noon meds, tons of epis and inhalers coming in.... And have loads of paperwork to sort through in between all the stomach aches, sore throats and vomiting!!! Can you say "overwhelmed?" I feel nervous going in not knowing what can happen at any moment. It makes me feel not confident and I hate this feeling! Hoping it is just me getting used to the job.
At least I'm not the only one! We can do this!!!!
fetch, BSN, RN
1 Article; 481 Posts
As my social worker just reminded me -- "next year you'll have it all together... but it'll always be next year."
Just keep doing what you can and it'll all get there eventually. Enjoy your few minutes of breathing time when they come and just keep swimming!
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
As my social worker just reminded me -- "next year you'll have it all together... but it'll always be next year."Just keep doing what you can and it'll all get there eventually. Enjoy your few minutes of breathing time when they come and just keep swimming!
And then the next year, you think you have it together and something catches you by surprise, right?
Deep breath. Once you get a feel for the kids and their habits (and your frequent fliers), it gets easier. It did for me. Hang in there!
100kids, BSN, RN
878 Posts
The first year is always the hardest! The beginning of the year is still difficult with all the new meds, paperwork, etc but the 1st year was the most exhausting. Hang in there!
bsyrn, ASN, RN
810 Posts
The first year is the hardest. Every day you will get better at figuring things out. You definitely can do this!! Just some quick advice, I would not use your own picture on here. lots of people are on this site, not just nurses :)