Surgeon halts operation over foreign nurses' poor English

Nurses General Nursing


Zounds! Figured it would come to this ... notice the idiot suits are threatening the Doctor ... suits not at all medically-oriented with concern for standards and safety -- or common sense :o

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7/22/2002, by Richard Eden

Surgeon halts operation over foreign nurses' poor English

A surgeon at a leading hospital has said he had to stop halfway through an operation because foreign nurses could not follow his instructions. As a result, he said he has been threatened with disciplinary action for racism.

David Nunn, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals, in London, told The Telegraph that he was unable to complete the operation last week without certain instruments.

When he asked the nurses, all of whom were foreign, to find them, "I was met with a selection of bemused reactions," he said. "They were produced only when the scrub nurse de-scrubbed and went to find them herself."

Mr Dunn, 48, said his superiors had accused him of racism and threatened him with being disciplined. "But we should not allow political correctness to prevent these problems from being aired."

Half of the nurses newly registered in the year to March - 15,000 - came from overseas. Ten years ago foreign nurses accounted for only a tenth.

Mr Dunn said: "The world has been scoured for nurses to shore up the health service and to achieve arbitrary targets set by the Government.

"All are without doubt well-trained and dedicated professionals, but if medical staff cannot communicate effectively then patients' care may be put at risk."

A spokesman for Guy's and St Thomas's said the matter was being investigated. He expressed surprise that "the media has been involved before it is concluded".

He said that nurses from abroad went through an "adaptation programme" and had to pass a clinical test involving "an assessment of their written and verbal communication skills".

All hospitals offer induction courses for nurses from abroad, but these concentrate on clinical and professional competence, not on English.

A Department of Health spokesman said there were no mandatory tests for nurses' ability in English.

Shay, chin up. There are a lot of us around!:roll :roll :roll Thanks for the support. I just state my own opinions.

Speaking of getting picky...I had a pt refuse to let me translate because I am not Hispanic. Didn't matter to him that I was fluent...I was not of Hispanic origin, so I wasn't good enough.

What is that??? Reverse prejudice.:lol2: How utterly unpc of them.:eek:

Hey, believe me, I totally expect some pansy-a$$ liberal to come toodling onto this thread and say how we should be more tolerant of 'cultural diversity' or some stupid crap like that.
Shay, you know I love you, but generalities like this are, by definition, pretty inaccurate. This moderate liberal doesn't want a nurse who can't speak or understand English fluently to take care of me or any member of my family, either. It's a safety issue, not a PC issue. Give us a little credit, huh? :wink2:

Face it.....we are so busy as a country taking in everyone who lives around us that eventually(sooner than we know I am sure) English speaking will be a minority.........I will go down fighting......

Originally posted by Stargazer

Shay, you know I love you, but generalities like this are, by definition, pretty inaccurate. This moderate liberal doesn't want a nurse who can't speak or understand English fluently to take care of me or any member of my family, either. It's a safety issue, not a PC issue. Give us a little credit, huh? :wink2:

l don't think Shay implied all liberals are pansey a$$....there is moderates in all belief systems........and Shay is's just a matter of time......l smell it a commin'.....PC AT ALL COST...................LR

Wow...great thread and leads to lots of related topics. :)

If Britain is as liberally PC as the US the doc will likely be reprimanded, possible sued. I do applaud his stand...but it is not going to be a favored one I would bet, unless he can get a whole group of docs to support him. Will they risk that?

I agree with those who say this importing of foreign nurses with poor English skills is just another sign of how little the suits think of the nursing profession...and how they undervalue our skills.

They seem to look at it in the same light as importing laborers or migrants. We import a lot of foreign nurses in my parts, and it's a definite language barrier problem here as well.

I was also wondering when someone was going to take a hard look at the African AIDS epidemic when importing African nurses is so popular...we're also importing the great expense of treating these is Britain.

Originally posted by mattsmom81

I agree with those who say this importing of foreign nurses with poor English skills is just another sign of how little the suits think of the nursing profession...and how they undervalue our skills.

That's it, right there. Couldn't agree more with this.

In one of the threads there was a chart for foreign nurses and the numbers infected with HIV. Quite high for African nurses. I think the statistics were for GB. I can't remember which thread, but it may have been Nursing is pathetic? Did anyone else see it? Maybe they did and can direct us to it. Maybe Nursedude posted it? I just can't remember now.:confused:

The article quoted was from a GB right-wing newspaper "The Times" It smacks of an attempted HIV scare story, with a dose of moral panic seasoning, and a hint of racism. The chart attempts to estimate the numbers of probable "infected" foreign nurses based on the available national infection rates for their respective country of origin.

I do not think that is the article that I saw. They had very specific numbers of nurses recruited and specific numbers of those infected. Including one from the US. I don't know your papers, whether they are right wing or not. I do know that the BBC and some other sources have articles about HIV foreign-recruited nurses. And there seems to be a big to do all right, and it is probably panic and scare tactics. That goes on a lot. You know, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling." It almost always shakes out okay in the end tho.:p

Originally posted by Stargazer

Give us a little credit, huh? :wink2:


I know, stargazer. I have pms, and KNOW there are some whack-jobs out there that would actually make some cockamamie argument like that.

Can I interest you in a years' subscription to the Limbaugh Letter? ;)

Hee hee.

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