Summer 2018 Plans?

Specialties School


Specializes in School Nursing.

Not sure if we have started this type of thread yet this year or not but...what are you doing this summer? Working, traveling, drinking beer on the beach (OldDude)?

I will be chauffeuring my 2 daughters to what we call Summer School for Smarty Pants (enrichment not remedial summer school) for most of the month of June. We have a week long camping trip scheduled for July but otherwise NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH! I can't wait! I am hoping for lots of sleeping in without an alarm, long days on the deck with a cold drink and a book, trips to the lake, working on some home improvement projects and catching up on my scrapbooking. I will have to work 2 to 3 shifts a month at my side gig job but I seriously can't wait for summer vacation to start. Next Thursday, the 24th, is my last work day. Normally our school year ends in June but we have schools being renovated and the district wanted a long summer this year so we get 2 extra weeks! :woot:

I have 6 weeks off (June 25-Aug 6). I just posted a new thread that I am applying for a new job, and if I get it and accept it, then I don;t go back until August 27th!!!

I am taking my two kids (hubby has to work) to Springfield IL for my family reunion, then to Chicago for vacation June 29-July5- really excited for that. Then they each have a couple weeks of day camp, then they leave for overnight camp July 24 - August 19 (3 weeks). So I will have a couple weeks alone at home while they are away and hubby is at work- blissful!!! If I end up switching jobs, everything changes and I have way more of a Summer! We will see what happens. I LOVE my current job but this new opportunity might be way too good to pass up.

Sounds like a relaxing summer for you!!

I have 3 kids (single mom) and we will be going to camp again from mid June to mid July. Kids can't wait! They are so excited to get back. My younger two (twins, age 10) will be doing horseback riding this year and my oldest (age 13) didn't want to add any additional activities (she has until May 30 to decide). At camp they will swim every day and there are all kinds of activities- dance, cooking, archery, rifle shooting, obstacle course, various sports, gymnastics, arts/crafts, kayaking, canoeing trips, etc. Every evening is some kind of game or performances that the different bunks have put together. Basically, it is a 3.5 week slumber party with all day activities and NO SCREENS. It's a nice break for me also. I will work in the health center but on my off time I can do whatever. Last year I went hiking every day, read 4 books while I was there, and had no other responsibilities. All my meals were provided and I didn't have to be a mother to 3 children after working all day. Win-win-win :)

We have 3.5 weeks before we leave for camp and we will go to the pool a lot. I may take a day to go visit relatives that are 3 hours away. After we get back from camp we will have 3 weeks before we are back to school as well.


I am taking my two kids (hubby has to work) to Springfield IL for my family reunion, then to Chicago for vacation June 29-July5- really excited for that.

Woo! I won't be in town, but if you want local ideas for Chicago, go ahead and PM me! You will love it!!!

Specializes in School nursing.

I'm working as technical director for 2 for the summer theater camp I always work for. I enjoy my non nursing time in the summer. My husband and I are closing on a new home this week, so this summer will be a lot of nesting in the new space, exploring, and a trip to Colorado in July.

Specializes in kids.

Probably 2-3 days a week per-diem, maybe...if I am so motivated.

Need to spend more time in CT with my mom and give my sister a break.

Lots of concerts on the calendar

Doobie Brother Steely Dan with my college roomie

Dave Mathews Band

Chris Stapleton

Keith Urban

Lady Antebellum

and probably more if tix get discounted

NASN Conference

Specializes in School Nursing.

Residential summer camp for basically the entire summer.

Far away from every one/thing, just the way I like it. A few years ago I didn't have cell service there. Now I just tell everyone I don't have cell service and ignore my phone all day.

Beautiful life.

Specializes in School Nursing.
Probably 2-3 days a week per-diem, maybe...if I am so motivated.

Need to spend more time in CT with my mom and give my sister a break.

Lots of concerts on the calendar

Doobie Brother Steely Dan with my college roomie

Dave Mathews Band

Chris Stapleton

Keith Urban

Lady Antebellum

and probably more if tix get discounted

NASN Conference

I love Lady Antebellum! Saw them in concert last summer. Really fun!

Woo! I won't be in town, but if you want local ideas for Chicago, go ahead and PM me! You will love it!!!

YES Please!!

I'm working as technical director for 2 for the summer theater camp I always work for. I enjoy my non nursing time in the summer. My husband and I are closing on a new home this week, so this summer will be a lot of nesting in the new space, exploring, and a trip to Colorado in July.

So exciting!! Moving is such a PITA but so great once you are all settled and so exciting to OWN!

Residential summer camp for basically the entire summer.

Far away from every one/thing, just the way I like it. A few years ago I didn't have cell service there. Now I just tell everyone I don't have cell service and ignore my phone all day.

Beautiful life.

Sounds like heaven!

Sounds like a relaxing summer for you!!

I have 3 kids (single mom) and we will be going to camp again from mid June to mid July. Kids can't wait! They are so excited to get back. My younger two (twins, age 10) will be doing horseback riding this year and my oldest (age 13) didn't want to add any additional activities (she has until May 30 to decide). At camp they will swim every day and there are all kinds of activities- dance, cooking, archery, rifle shooting, obstacle course, various sports, gymnastics, arts/crafts, kayaking, canoeing trips, etc. Every evening is some kind of game or performances that the different bunks have put together. Basically, it is a 3.5 week slumber party with all day activities and NO SCREENS. It's a nice break for me also. I will work in the health center but on my off time I can do whatever. Last year I went hiking every day, read 4 books while I was there, and had no other responsibilities. All my meals were provided and I didn't have to be a mother to 3 children after working all day. Win-win-win :)

We have 3.5 weeks before we leave for camp and we will go to the pool a lot. I may take a day to go visit relatives that are 3 hours away. After we get back from camp we will have 3 weeks before we are back to school as well.


Mine LOVE their three weeks away at camp- it just doesn't compare with any other experience!

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