Stupidest reason to go to ER


Specializes in MedSurg/ER FLoat/Charge/LTC/Oncology.

ER Nurses/MD's etc.

I am currently writing a "paper" on stupidest reason for someone to come to ER.

ANY input you can send me would be much appreciated. IF you'd like a copy of the FINAL draft, let me know.

THANKS in advance!

PS. My winning entry so far is:

A woman who brought 1 month old baby in at 2:30 (AM of course) because "it won't look me in the eye, It doesn't recognize me!"

Not kidding

Specializes in Med/Surge, Private Duty Peds.

To find out if "I am pregnant, because I have been feeling kinda sick for about a day, not throwing up just sick"

rectal pain x4 years, worse today (I am NOT making this up!)

Specializes in ER/ medical telemetry.

worked as tech for 2ys in the er and am a new rn (may 5th 07).

here is what i have encountered so far.

1. "i have had this stomach pain for 2.5 years. what brings me here today is i have partied for two days straight for my birthday, and feel it was worth getting sick, now i need the pain to stop."

2. "i know it is memorial day week-end, but my rx for viagra has run out, and i need a refill for my wifes b-day. how much do you think the doc can prescibe me; a years worth? since i have to pay so much for this er visit.

3. "i have had this cold for about 2 hours now and i need something to get rid of it."

4. "i have a laceration" the bandage was opened up and there was a paper cut." bandage reapplied, with a tetorifice shot given!

5 " it is december 31st, so i thought we would help my mother with this hip pain, she has had for the past 3 months, so we do not have to pay a deductable starting jan 1st, we need help immediately.

how do you like those?

rectal pain x4 years, worse today (i am not making this up!)

I had one once who came in with her daughter because she had gotten her finger cought between 2 carts at a local store. No red marks, swelling, bruising, or anything. Needless to say, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the child.

Specializes in ER.

Stubbed little toe....arrived by SQUAD

"Fever" of 99.1, started 45 minute ago. No other symptoms.

Emesis x 1, small amount, 20 min PTA. No other symptoms.....So often I am left waiting for the punch line that never comes.

A 17 year-old who arrived by ambulance for a pimple. Not a boil or anything, a pimple.

Pregnancy tests.

Man came in by ambulance claiming chest pain. Once he was tucked in a cardiac bed, had blood drawn and EKG done, he admitted he'd had a bowel movement that morning but it wasn't enough so he wanted a laxative.

Specializes in Rural Health.

I need to know if I'm pregnant

This one came from the dad of the possible pregnant woman...."I need a DNA test to see if that child is mine".

I've been out of meds for 32 days....I need some today

I was having sex with my wife and now my member hurts.....need to know if I have an STD.

Something is in my lady parts (it was a tampon she inserted herself just about 2-3 hours PTA)

My teeth hurt (watching the patient chop thru 10 cups of ice while sitting in triage).

These are just the last couple of days......

Check out the entire "Emergency Nursing" forum . . .lots of threads about this. Here is just one with some interesting stories.


Anything other than:


compound fracture


severe infection

MI or severe chest pain

severe abdominal pain

labor dystocia, pp, other OB emergency

near-death from trauma or other sudden onset

sudden loss of vision or paralysis

sudden incontinence

is stupid. My recent experience in the ER confirmed this to me. Even my severe pain and sudden loss of use of a limb didn't keep me from avoiding the lunacy of going to an ER. Heck, I think maybe we should just do away with ER's altogether and just, when it's our time to go, go. Just kidding - but almost serious.:devil::idea::devil:

Here's a stupid reason to call 911 - no ride. Not an emergent condition, just no ride to get to the ER for treatment of HIV-related pain. I had a home care patient who did this once. Granted, he was sicker than usual but I thought we ought to try to find a friend or relative to carry him to the hospital, not call 911 so an ambulance would come. What did I know?

Specializes in ED tech on a resp. therapist adventure.

Sore Throat x 1 day, via ambulance

Turned a corner short and walked into a wall (not the corner, the flat face of a wall) Hurt breast (42 E +) via 911

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