Re: What age were you when you went to nursing school?
Originally Posted by GraceNotes
(I'll try this post again.) I am so apprehensive about nursing school! I am 51 and will graduate with a BSN in 2009 (starting in January, like you). We are expected to disrobe for male & female classmates to practice exams. Does your program do this?? I guess we'll see it all anyway, but doing this at my age is enough of a challenge...
Sounds stressful I'm 50 and have been in construction so I am in great shape. None-the-less I would be uncomfortable disrobing in front of the people I share so many other things with. Your school should think about hiring an artists model or get a volunteer an pay them with a professional massage or something. It seems as perhaps they are trying to get you to understand the being a patientaspect of our field. Their exercise,however, does not duplicate the true environmnet. There is no anonimity in this surender of trust. Sounds like your school or your instructor is out of touch.
This sounds like a good separate thread!
Oh, by the way I am 50 and just started LPN gragiate in a year.