stress and stress and stress....


I'm young but I look like an old lady. I need to make a decision but I don't know where to start. I'm really stressed. I have difficulties sleeping, I eat junk food and I don't work out. I work full time in ped. onco/hemato and I love it. But it seems like I'm missing out. I look in shape but I'm not. I have a temper (which isn't me) and I have a stiffneck at least every 2 weeks. I can't stand my roomates anymore (they think nursing is easy and that we are overpaid....yeah right!). I know, I'm stressed. I need to relax. Please help me and tell me what you are doing to keep in shape, to relieve the stress of the day. What do you do when you get home after a busy 12h shift? I really need to know...who better than a nurse knows what a nurse needs?


PS : Don't ask me to go on vacations 'cause I just got back from a long 6 months of sick leave for a broken ankle....

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Well actually I worked hem/onc over 6 years and was tired tired tired. WE formed a support group for the staff apart from management. It did help for the people who came but not many did as they were just to busy.

I was to start a job as an SDC but they are farting around with the training so I am going to start on a hem/onc unit again.

First I would get new roomates. LOL. You need to come home to peace not more people telling you it is not hard. GRRRRRRRRRR

I am 46 and not overweight but wow I am out of shape. I try to walk once a week and sometimes I do not even get that in and am going to make sure I do that more. Do you work 8s or 12s? While I did not like working 5 days I about died doing 12s.

Lets chat more on this.


You do sound stressed! I'd think about new room-mates, too. But that might not be feasible. So don't worry about what they think. They had a chance to pick their profession, and didn't pick what you did. Let that go. My husband tends to think nursing is a walk in the park... I don't respond to his comments and eventually they disappear.

What kind of things do you like to do? I love to walk, a good long walk in the mornings that I don't work is such a good way to start the day. Maybe you could try and spend more time by yourself just doing one or two things that you really love to do. Treat yourself to some really good foods, like fruits or veggies that you do like, just one or two things a week to make you feel like you're on the right track. Are you getting enough sleep? Another thing I do is (yup, I'm an ostrich, my head's in the sand) I avoid the news... it's never good news, and the bad news starts to wear me down. Read a funny book, or watch a funny old movie, or anything you can think of that's restful and restorative.

I hope one of these suggestions hits the mark.

p.s. When I get home, I immediately jump in the tub. I try not to think about anything that happened, and if I do think of something I forgot to pass on in report, or something I forgot to do, I call the floor right away and let them know about it, so I don't carry it with me all night. It's not worth it.

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Andy I go for the tub right away too! renerian

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

I work 12 hour shifts myself, and value my days off. They go too fast however, and by the time they're over, I don't feel that rested when I return to work, especially when they schedule me to work 12's one day, off ONE lousy day, and back the day after for another 12 hour shift! :rolleyes:

The first thing I do when I get home after work is SHOWER until I feel like turning it off. Next thing I do is get some water, maybe popcorn, watch a t.v. show, then go to bed by ten. Take my meds, empty my bladder, drink more water, and I'm out like a light. Sometimes I have to turn on my little machine that plays ocean sounds to soothe me to sleep. It takes everything in me to get out of bed at 5:30 the mornings I work.

On my off days, I go out to eat with a friend, see a movie, visit family on the weekends, sleep in late everyday, read, have devotions, play my CDs, pray, walk leisurely through the mall........anything that doesn't require much thinking works.

I feel ya on the stress thing. Every nurse who works the units does too. (((((((hugs))))))))) :kiss

Maybe you should take a spa day. Do a 1 hour body massage and a mud wrap or something. Treat yourself.

I am a hospice nurse. I work 10 hour days. When I started hospice 2&1/2 years ago, a coworker told me how important it is to participate in self-healing activities. I thought, oh that sounds nice, and forgot about it as soon as I was into my routine. Now, I understand what she meant. In some areas of nursing you give so much-emotionally, physically,mentally. It is VERY important to recharge the ole battery or refill the tank. Sometimes I don't even realize how emotionally exhausted I've become. I am a newlywed, so I want to be fair to my husband as well. These are some of the things I done for me: I've learned to meditate-really meditate to clear my mind and allow the exchange of energy within. My husband and I took dance lessons- a five week course at the local university that offers fun, easy things. We've learned to zydeco dance (Louisiana), so we often keep our eyes open for zydeco bands. What a great way to forget about everything else. Also, this has proven to be very romantic. I've also learned to play djembe drum (an African type hand drum). This is great therapy! I have a few friends who joined a drum circle. We get together every couple of weeks or so. I journal regularly. Sometimes, after a particularly stressful day, getting it down on paper prevents me from being snappy with hubby. And for the times when I can't figure it out, or when I feel overwhelmed with life itself, I see my therapist for a refresher. I have no probem spending the $90 to vent every now and then. I see it like this: She is getting paid for her opinion/advice and she has no emotional link to me so she is not biased. My husband is a great listener, but very biased. Same with my family and friends who do not completely understand what my job entails, emotionally. My therapist helps me to see things from a professional, self-explorative aspect. Sometimes, I need a push to dig a little deeper into the matter at hand. And believe it or not, I've found this website very therapeutic. Great ideas, sharing stories with people who can relate, and being able to vent about job-related stress prevents me from dumping it all on my husband. You guys are great!

Specializes in Critical Care.

Sounds like your getting some good advice.

What type of things do you like to do? What make you happy? You are more then a nurse, we all need to remember that from time to time and focus on the other parts of ourselves.


Lots of good advice here, Donuts. During one of my more stressful periods I took a yoga class that was very helpful. I also love cooking and baking, I've found it's so much fun to bake, and then take the results to your co-workers. Everyone appreciates that. Try to take 10-15 minutes everyday for prayer or meditation. And also, come here to vent! Always someone to listen or give advise.

Let us know how you are doing!

I cook , bake, clean, whatever to destress. I know...I'm strange! I try to work fulltime AND I'm still taking courses, so I spend almost all my time, working or studying. Stressed, is an understatement. Not to much my boyfriend and I are building a house right now, and we are now having some issues, we start seeing a psychologist for couples counselling tommorrow. I have health problems that are related to stress, that add MORE stress to me. I try to keep positive, and I do write in a journal alot, it really helps.

Prayer and meditation have proven effective in stress management. Look up a course outline to get ideas, or check out a self-help book. It is a hot topic. It is important to do something for YOU! Do not try to defend your job to anyone, it never works.

Oh my gosh! You guys are AWESOME! Thank you soooo much for the wonderful advices....please keep them posted...

Guess what I did last night? I went was dark and nice outside and I really needed to feel my body. I got home exhausted....but happy and feeling GREAT! I took a gorgeous shower and then watched a movie with my bowl of cereals. I slept 8 hrs straight and got up "fresh as a donut"! Even if my muscles are killing me, I'm back outside tonight! That was a great experience!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing your thougts with me!


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