Stony Brook Basic BSN Class of 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Everyone,

Now that the deadline for the class of 2018 Basic BSN program at Stony Brook University is coming up, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread to and for all applicants. I hope there isn't already a thread made already because I searched thoroughly but could not find one. If you have any questions or just want to talk feel free to comment. Best of luck to all of you on your applications!

Are any of you undergraduates that got in?

I got accepted too! Looking forward to meeting everyone. I'm an undergrad for reference. I can't find the link on SOLAR either. I emailed one of the admissions staff about it so hopefully I get an answer back soon.

Congrats Guys. Give it a little bit for the addmissions link to pop up. It took mine about 20 min to show up.

Does anyone know what the chances of getting in off the alternate list are? Also when do they usually notify people?

Good question. I'm wondering the same thing.

I have a BA in psych from sbu

I checked here first, saw that some were accepted - and then had to go to my emails. Nervous wreck, hand-shaking and then I saw it. I got the Congratulations! So psyched. Looking forward to seeing you all in September. I don't go on Facebook so have fun for those of you that get to know each other better that way. Good luck to the rest of you.

After reading posts from last-year's applicants I will say that the emails came in bursts for a few days so don't give up hope just yet. As far as waitlists, remember, there are a lot of applicants who applied to this program AND the accelerated. If they got wait-listed on the accelerated they don't get "called up" until June. If they go, there's a free slot.

Hey guys,

how do we join the facebook group SBU SoN Class of 2018 BBP?

hey congrats!

i got accepted as well but i am just wondering how do we join the group?

Hey everyone and congrats to all the got in and those who were placed on the alternate list.

Just got my acceptance today and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you. If there is an accepted student Facebook page being started up can someone post a link to it?

Finally all the waiting is over!!

And to answer someone else's question from before, I have a BA in Biology with a minor and psychology.

Were you able to join the group?

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