Stony Brook Basic BSN Class of 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Everyone,

Now that the deadline for the class of 2018 Basic BSN program at Stony Brook University is coming up, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread to and for all applicants. I hope there isn't already a thread made already because I searched thoroughly but could not find one. If you have any questions or just want to talk feel free to comment. Best of luck to all of you on your applications!

I just hope this LONG wait is worth it:/!

I hope this wait isn't for nothing! I had to enroll in my next semesters classes as a backup. I would rather not take some of the classes that I signed up for

Has anyone heard anything yet?

I doubt they'll send anything on weekends but I sent an email 2 weeks ago and was told we'd hear back this week! They'll probably send acceptance, waitlist, and rejection emails all at the same time.

I heard back and got in!!!!

Just got my email 10 minutes ago. I'm in, can't wait to start the next chapter of my life and meet everyone else!!!! :}

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I started a facebook group for class of 2018 BBP if anyone would like to join. Idk if the link works or not

Do you know how many people get put on the wait list and what the chances are of getting in off the list?

Placed on an alternate list. But heard back from NCC's program and was accepted for the Fall... I think I'll apply to SBU RN-BSN program once I graduate from NCC's program. Congrats to all who got in!! Here's to a successful career in nursing!!!

I'm on the alternate list :/

I got in too! Can't find the link on Solar to confirm acceptance...any help???

I got accepted as well! Extremely relieved to say the least and I cannot wait to meet you all!

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