Stony Brook Basic BSN Class of 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Everyone,

Now that the deadline for the class of 2018 Basic BSN program at Stony Brook University is coming up, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread to and for all applicants. I hope there isn't already a thread made already because I searched thoroughly but could not find one. If you have any questions or just want to talk feel free to comment. Best of luck to all of you on your applications!

It's the 4th week for me, but I'm going crazy! I can't stop checking my email. Good luck everyone!

Tomorrow will be 6 weeks for me since my interview. I hope we get some news soon!

Mine will be this Wednesday. I'm so nervous everytime I get an email my heart skips a beat

Haha same! This morning I saw a small letter on the table that said stony brook on it and internally I was screaming NOOOOOOO! so I ran over and it was just a letter from the eye doctor. Lol I'm crazy.

I'm just thinking about what the first sentence will say. Will it say "congratulations" or "we are pleased to inform you" or "this year of applicants were very competetive" or something along those lines. just thinking of it raises my heart rate

Well if its bad news then I hope they break it to us nicely because my heart is a delicate thing. And if I get rejected I will probably lay down on the floor and start crying. Then I will get back up, say something motivational to myself, and carry on with my life as best I can. But I will not give up.

6 weeks from tomorrow for me too. I'm pretty sure if they were telling all three weeks of us that it's going to be 6-8 weeks that we've got to wait at least another week. Probably more. It's not even 4 weeks for the final rounders.

I was just reading most of this thread. Just a few things to maybe comfort, or, (make you panic).

1. Your math and writing is only to make sure your not an idiot and that you didn't have someone else take your classes or write your essays and what not. Not really much of a deciding factor, so if you left a few blank or got one or two wrong you'll be okay. And the essay was is to make sure you can establish an intro, body and conclusion.

2. If you havn't had an interview, its most likley bad news. Sorry, but someone has to say it.

3. Up to 21 seats are for veterans. The SON has a grant from the government that requires 84 Veteran over 4 years. Rumors has it that there is 15 between the two and one year classes. (That makes more like 65 seats for the rest)

4. I know everyones anxious to get a letter, but freaking out isn't healthy. Its out of your hands at this point. Sit back and enjoy the ride. If I were you I'd start getting everything together as if I was already in. Goodluck!

And I was going to post on here that I received my Email already, but that would have just been mean.

You're right, on all accounts. A friend of mine is a veteran and he was interviewed in a pool of others. There were 12 that day and they were told they need a minimum of 18 so they're all in. Done deal for them.

I appreciate the note of encouragement about interviews and math. I'm comfortable that I did well on both but the words of encouragement for others is always welcome.

And finally recommending we not freak out is sweet. Sometimes we just need to hear some good advice. Thank you for your post.

the interviewers told me they use a points system for the math and writing as well as the rest of the application process. I agree on the rest of the things you brought up though

These next couple of weeks will determine the future for many of us. This being, said I would like to wish all of you a very successful and bright future no matter of the decision Stony Brook makes. It would be awesome if we all get accepted! Good luck people!!

It's been almost 7 weeks for me. I'm so nervous! I really don't want to make my next semesters schedule with the assumption that I don't get in

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