Stealing drugs!! what's your opinion?????

Nurses Announcements Archive


I was just talking to a woman I work with about this today. But it seems like we are always hearing about nurses that are stealing narcotics from hospitals or other facilities. It has happened twice this year at a hospital where I work which is a pretty good size hospital with a level 3 trauma center. Anyhow my question is with as controlled and counted as these drugs stay, how on earth can anyone possibly think they "might" get away with this?!?!? I mean, I understand some people get really desperate but that is just asking to have your nursing license taken away. What's your thought on the subject????

Most of our "security" measures depend upon the integrity of one or two nurses. As for needing help---we had a nurse stealing for her husband. He is is the addict. While I empathize with the addict, I have no tolerance for someone who enables them to be addicted. Yeah, I know she felt sorry for him, etc., but GET REAL.

That is what I'm saying. I know it is a sickness and I feel sorry for the person, but the measures they go to just disgust (spell?) me! I mean if you want to use your own money and time go ahead, but to have it charged to a patient or cause a patient pain...that is completely unreasonable!

Stealing is stealing..not a judgement..just a fact.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Originally posted by Tilleycs

Tweety, I was under the impression that we are discussing the ACTIONS, not getting back into the endless debate/argument of "You're judging them/no I'm not/yes, you are, you shouldn't judge people, etc." Please don't open that can of worms again by pointing the "You shouldn't be judging people" finger. We need like that we need another hole in our heads.

Never mind then. To ask if the actions of stealing drugs is wrong is a no brainer then. Stealing drugs is wrong, duh.

I wasn't pointing the finger, you're wrong there. Sorry I was misunderstood.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Originally posted by mystc42

That is what I'm saying. I know it is a sickness and I feel sorry for the person, but the measures they go to just disgust (spell?) me! I mean if you want to use your own money and time go ahead, but to have it charged to a patient or cause a patient pain...that is completely unreasonable!



No, taking the occasional IB or Tylenol is NOT OK.

It's not yours.

Would you take the telephone or the printer? Would you take the patient snacks from the kitchen? Hmmmmmm? No, but is it OK to go home with a full box of Stealing is stealing.

I have seen a nurse fired for taking Zantacs that were for patients. The patients of course got charged twice..once for "yours" and once for the one they took.

Narcotic diversion is stealing but there are deeper roots there. Temptation, thrill, need...and these nurses need to be in rehab and need our support.

I thought I had heard everything until I heard about a nurse reaching into the sharps containers and getting half pills, and whatever else he could find. Gross!!

No, we were told at our orientation from the pharmacy director as well as the ICU director that it is charged directly to the unit and taking the occasional Tylenol was allowed. Now, if we were to fill our pockets, that is a different story.

Originally posted by Brita01

I thought I had heard everything until I heard about a nurse reaching into the sharps containers and getting half pills, and whatever else he could find. Gross!!

Yep, I can just imagine the "getting what ever else she could find" part. perhaps at some point she will find something else like a deadly blood born disease, Hepatitis say.:rolleyes: What addics won't do!

I think it is a shame we "empathize' and 'feel sorry for" addics. Also a shame we "judge" them. Poor helpless puppets they 'just can't help themselves" We "sholdn't" judge.

Sorry for the sarcasm, I "just couldn't help myself" or doesn't that cut it with you?

Hey guys! Thank you so much for your respones, I just know this is something I feel very strongly about and get upset when I think about the situation as a whole, just wondering how everyone else feels.

I was really bad here. I apologize if I offended anyone. You know it is JMO. It's something I feel strongly about as well. But again only my opinion.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Originally posted by Agnus

I was really bad here. I apologize if I offended anyone. You know it is JMO. It's something I feel strongly about as well. But again only my opinion.

Agnus, your sarcasm to me wasn't offensive. But then again, I'm not easily offended.

I feel strongly about the issue too. I find is very disturbing that patients are in pain because an addict needs his fix.

I also understand that a physical addiction can drive a good person to do bad things, and that if we break the addiction (giving them one and only one chance with harsh consequences, etc.) then we might be able to get the good person and an excellent nurse back in the world.

That we should call them weak-willed criminals, with no moral fiber, rather than someone who is sick is a matter of opinion as well.

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