Starting Diversion in CA next week

Nurses Recovery


Hello everyone,

I will be calling to start Diversion next week. I am scared but know that this is the best for me. I appreciate any support that you all can give during these next, most likely, five years. Also I appreciate the private message I received, it had given me hope. I cannot send private messages yet but posting on here is fine with me. I will keep you all updated! Thank you!

-Sincerely, RN trying to make it in CA

Will definately keep you in my prayers. I've heard this is a tough road , but we nurses are tough people ya know.

My case hasn't come up yet , but I'm keeping the faith ( even though it's very difficult) and doing the next right thing. Good luck and God bless. Keep us posted

Thank you tiffpritRN, this may indeed give me a thicker skin and make me tougher! Good job and I wish you the best of luck as well! Keep me posted with you as well! We can do this!

You can do this. It takes a little time to get comfortable with the stips and check ins, but then it becomes routine.

Thank you! I'm going to do it! I'm nervous but I need to do this!

Specializes in Critical Care.

I remember I was advised by a night charge nurse that Diversion was extremely hard. The advice that I got was to do registry and continue working. I was confused by that. I told the charge nurse that it won't help me because I really have a problem. I appreciated the helpful advice. Glad I got honest with myself and endured almost five years by accepting and finishing Diversion, now called Intervention. You can do it!!!

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

My one bit of advice is that this program goes better if you embrace and work a program of recovery rather than just jump through hoop. Working a 12 step program teaches humility, acceptance and surrender all things you will need to get through this program. There are several places on this recovery forum where I have posted helpful tips. Good luck to you!


Thank you guys, I am going to embrace this as I think it will help as well! I'm ready to start this long journey!

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.

One day at a time. Go to meetings. Put your whole self into recovery, work at it like your life depends on it, because it does. You can do this. Many of us have been where you are and you're not alone.

Thank you,

I have my phone interview today and I'm nervous... I am trying to take everything one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. I'm glad I have your guys support!!

Hang in there and "keep the faith", I'm telling myself the same, my case hasn't come up yet so I know I have a long road ahead.

" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Phillipians 4:13. :-)

Thank you Tiff,

I am officially in Diversion now! I have to complete 90 meetings in 90 days and attend a nurse support group in addition to other things...but the nurse support group already seems great and I will be done with everything in 3 and a half years! Trying to keep the faith and stay strong!

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