staffing woes

Nurses General Nursing


I am very annoyed, incase my little annoyed face smilie didnt tip you off haha

at my place o' employment we have mmmmm four lines or so of full timers, myself being one of them, that work on lines, for example, one week we work monday tues fri sat sun n the next week we work wed thurs and so on and so on

my problem is , as with every other hospital rightabout now, we are shortstaffed, but we have a ton of part timers, more part timers than full timers for sure. so you would think that some shifts would be filled by said part timers


of all the mmmm 20 or so part timers only 2, yes 2 do nightshift, the rest only work 8hr days or 8hr evenings, thats such crap in my not so humble opinion. I wouldnt care so much if it didnt fall on the full timers to do overtime all the time, but it does. This makes no sense to me ,and ppl keep on getting hired for the day evening shifts.

management needs to hire ppl willing to do nights also, cuz right now on any given day or evening shift we have at least one person floating around , without a set assignment and not always helping out as needed, while on nights we end up being 4 RN's for the whole floor some of the time.

this seems unsafe and unfair.

also our scheduling committee posted this notice about how we cant get a weekend off if its supposed to be our weekend to work , even if we let them know way in advance they wont write us off the schedule, we have to try to give our shift me thats insane, I mean say someone you know is getting married in 3 months, but its your weekend to work nights, in my case I would be screwed because no one will pick up or do any damn nights!

it may seem like I'm griping, but it seems like part timers rule the roost around my workplace,

and ppl who work full time, full hours, and 12 hour shifts like that end up feeling pressured to do overtime, which brings me to my next/last point.

I go to work ,do my damndest while I'm there but dont volunteer for OT, the reason being that I HAVE A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some ppl want the extra money and thats cool ,but as a full time worker already I shouldnt be expected or pressured to take on more shifts than I already work......

volunteering is one thing, but preferential treatment is given to those that do all this overtime, to me its not safe, I work with someone that will do 7 12's one week and then at least 5 more the next, and her patient care suffers because of it!

I refuse to do me stubborn but I've brought up the concerns about staffing and nothing gets done, so what can I do?


We did an OT ban as a part of our union's job action during contract negotiations last year and the hospital went crazy!!! Surgeries and procedures were cancelled, admits from emerg were taking 12+hours, etc. It goes to show how the system has come to rely on nurses doing OT, and that is NOT okay.

I thank God I work in a Unionized environment! I know of other hospitals around me that will call you on a Monday and say I know you were supposed to work Tues,Wed and Fri but we need you to do Thurs, Sat and Sun. You do it or get canned. Not where I am. Suits get serious repercussions if they alter a posted schedule and OT is by choice only. It would cripple my unit if none of us did OT. Of course they have enough suits that can safely staff the unit but God forbid they dirty themselves or get stethescope burn on their necks!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Whew - what a hot topic!! Same old subject, same old story. No different here in Illinis, unfortunately!!

Yes, TraumaRUS, it is certainly SOS here in Arkansas. At my old job we did self staffing for about 2 yrs, it worked great, then got a new manager, and she made us stop self staffing and got someone that worked in an office somewhere in house todo it. It was a diaster. Typical manager.

When I was working prn rehap/ltc, I was required to work 1 w/e a month. Being a good, conscientious nurse, I usually picked up a lot of 3-11's. I actually wanted to work Fridays. But on Friday everyone left at 5. One time the door alarm shorted out, no one to fix it! LOUD! It was two hours before maintenance came. Often the hospital discharged 3-4 pts to uson Fridays so there were admissions. Meds were hard to get for them since the pharm closed at 6. Usually there were call-offs or staffing problems so I often got 2 jobs plus house supervisor. One of the nurses would always call me - "desperate" for someone to come in. Usually it was new staff, they didn't know this facility was always desperate. Turnover was huge. A lot of questionable things happened because low staffing. They did the "can you please stay 4 hrs until the next shift comes" in thing

too. Then they asked the next shift to come in 4 hrs early. Well after 2 years of trying to help this sinking ship, my own life started to sink too. You know 3 teenage sons, marriage. So I quit. I really am bored. A good rn sitting here gardening, reading books, movies, being the maid. I know , sounds like fun, BUT I really need to work. And I will, I'm here, finding out what's happening in nursing. It sounds like nothing has changed!!! But I think it's starting to. I see some legislation and some unions. I don't know, being agency before I have been at most facilities and hospitals in my town, some are a little better. I guess I'll hit the clinics.

Specializes in Home Health.

Nancy 45, check into homecare, you can work per diem, one pt at a time, etc...

However, we have our problems too. I gave up a chance to interview with Johnson and Johnson today for a phone-type job, b/c I knew in my heart that 1) I love direct pt care, and 2) I couldn't sity still in an office all day, and 3) I would never be able to call the office and say, LIsten I can do my full load today, but I have to get my kids to the dentist at 3, so please don't give me any late cases, I'll do my paperwork at home later, OK? And they say, No problem!!

Today, I went in on my day off for an inservice, glad I did, it was really good, but I was handed a letter by our union steward, which outlined concern over our serious staffing crunch! Yet another nurse resigned this week (Yes NRSKaren, if you are reading this, that is another one since I talked with you on Monday!) That makes 6 or 7 in the last 2 months!! We are all drowning, having to pick up so many cases, we are being forced to give up some of our long-term cases to other agencies!! Anyway, shop steward asked for input on her letter, which she requested no less than a $4/hr pay increase to keep people from jumping ship, I added to make a NO Holiday policy, no new admits on Holidays, only on-call for emergencies, like other HH agencies do, to act as incentive to keep people to stay.

I think this came about b/c as one of the managers asked a nurse to get ready to take more cases from one who is leaving this Thursday, she very loudly said, "You know, I'm thisclose to leaving and not even giving a resignation!" The shop stewards and team leaders are meeting with the big cheeses today, and we have an all agency meeting tomorrow to discuss the poor morale and staffing crunch. Not sure if anything will come of it besides a big bit*h session, but I hope it does. I am seriously thinking of skipping the meeting, I have a feeling my BP will be sky high if I attend!

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy Yall

From deep in the heart of texass

Its the same down here in Texas also. Ive been at this a long time, and I have always worked overtime. I have slowed down this past year to just 20 hours of OT per pay period. Im getting too old I guess. Got to admit I would love to see unionization in nursing occur here in Texas, but it isnt liable to happen in this state still run by the good ole boys mentality.

so keep it in the short grass yall



Your story sounds EXACTLY like the LTC facility where I used to work.............i would be interested to know if it is the same place.........was it in Toledo?

Shellybell! Yes I admit it , from Toledo. I wouldn't doubt you worked there, since the turnover is tremendous and very many agency nurses work there pretty much full-time too. It would be a great rehab place if not for the management. Everyone quits shaking their heads, or just plain shaking! I had made a committment to stay 3 years at one place after being an agency nurse. I wanted to get to know the ropes better- management, mds, admitting criteria, staff development, vents. I almost made the 3 years and I did find out what I wanted to know, but it almost did me in. I have to say to be fair though, PT there is excellent. It's a separate company. So I'm off to work agency again and if I ever find a place I can commit to again, please hit me.

I know that there is nurses shortage everywhere, and there are many managers that do not appear to care or help out. But I thought I would share with you what we do here. I am a CLinical Director here as well as one of the Nursing SUpervisors. SO I am one that may be calling you in the middle of the night or day looking for help.

Here we are very fortunate to have "working managers" They do look ahead and try to make sure that each shift is covered and many times have to cover it themselves. OF course this is not always possible so we do have to work short at times. One of the ways that the managers have tried to help the situation with the nursing shortage and turnover is to developed a "Core" schedule. THey have a certain amount Core positions that are guarenteed their 36 hours a week with out LC unless they request it. We then fill in the needs with partimers and regular fulltime slots. If the core are not needed they do have to float at times but not LC'd.

We hire very few partimers that do not do 12 hours shifts. BUt on the occasion that we do we try to overlap them so they are not left short in the middle of a busy time.

I know how much you hate to get called, believe me we hate to call you, however we must. IT is the supervisors or managers obligation to try to make sure the shifts are covered and we have to document every call we make. Many times we call and we know they are going to say no, but if we do not try we could be held responsible for not covering that shift or at least trying.

Most of you are not as lucky as we are to have the managers willing to work extra, but please try to see the side of the supervisors and realize one of the hardest things for us to do is to inform you that you do not have enough staff, we have tried everything we can to get you covered and it just doesn't always work.


If you can't get the coverage, does your facility close beds?

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