Spring 2011 Hopefuls!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Everyone, Hello,

This thread is created for anyone who is applying for a 2011 Nursing School Program! We can await our fates together. I think that waiting is going to be the hardest part! I am applying to a Community College for an ADN RN program. Applications are due Sept. 20th and we should know by early Novemeber!! My school just told me that they may also consider a math class that I took (with a higher grade) over College Algebra, which would significantly raise my GPA! I am hopeful!! Where is everyone else applying and when will you potentially find out?!

Congratulations GPusch!!!

That is awesome!! We are getting closer!

GOOD LUCK TO ALL... keep us posted so we can all celebrate with you.


My school has not notified us yet...They sent us an e-mail saying we will know "Early November" argh, when is Early November!??

Specializes in Cardiac.

I got my acceptance letter last week. Feels like it took forever since I applied back in May.

It took me a loooooong time to decide whether to accept it or because alternatively I want to finish a bachelors in Biology or Biotechnology. (Informatics anyone?)

After pondering it over an all-nighter of homework I've decided to accept my spot. Class of 2012.

Now to decide if I want to keep working 3 12s a week or not...

Hi! I am a spring hopefull! Just waiting to find out my Pax test results!

I recently got accepted to my community college to start nursing clinicals (part time) starting January 2011. I'm so excited. This has been a lifelong dream of mine and I'm finally going to DO IT!!! I was in school to be a Medical Assistant back in 2003, but got pregnant, then got pregnant again, and again...LOL. My children are almost all in school now and I have been back in school since 2008 taking all the pre-reqs needed to finally apply. I didn't think that this time would ever come, but low and behold I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED. I just bought my Littman stethoscope, penlight, bandage scissors, watch, and soon to buy my uniforms and shoes. I started all the blood titers and shots that I need, and all the background checks. I'm so excited. I can not wait to get started. If anyone has any tips on how to make this a sucessful run feel free to let me know. I'm a little nervous. I've heard that people with straight A's come out feeling bad about themselves. I have all A's and 2 B's in all the classes I have taken and have a 3.88 GPA, and I'm going to aim high with these nursing classes. Good luck to everyone who is in nursing clinicals.....we will all need it :-):)

Congratulations scaredandexcited30

I am going in thinking of nursing school as my job where I am going to be totally focused, organized, committed and dedicated 100% of the time. I have always approached everything in that way and been successful. I know lots of people out there say that nursing school is extremely hard and I am sure that it is but THEY ARE NOT YOU and everyone has a different experience. Just keep a positive attitude and it will be fine.

Thanks and good luck to you too. I'm KNOW it's going to be hard...I'm ready to study study study. I'm aiming as high as I can! I will succeed as long as I want to, and so will all of you!

LOL...I think about that all the time. I start nursing clinicals in January 2011 but since I'm only going part time I will not graduate until May 2013...I won't even graduate if the world ends...(and won't have to pay back loans...lol). I think we will be okay...OR I HOPE!

I feel your pain. I'm in part time clinicals so hopefully it won't be too rough but my four children are 12, 7, 6, and 4. My husband works for himself so hopefully things will work out okay. Good luck to you and everyone else.

I am waiting on Seminole State....and I am falling apart!!

Congrats Jacksonleo...I applied to Daytona but I didn't get in...awaiting SSC...this waiting is so hard!

There is another thread on here created mostly for SSC/UCF Spring 2011 applicants. Check it out when you have a chance. Someone just posted a message a few minutes ago saying they emailed the Nursing dept. and they said letters were to go out this week. YAY!!!!!!!!


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