Spring 2010 CSN ADN Program

U.S.A. Nevada


Just wondering, seeing how competitive i am.... How many are applying to Spring 2010 at CSN? And what is your score? If you don't feel comfortable telling your score, just say if you are applying. I have heard that there arent many applicants this semester but also heard to the contrary, there are LOTS of applicants this semester. So I'm confused and just wondering how many are applying? I know not nearly EVERYONE who applied goes on allnurses.com, but just out of those on here, I was wondering who applied for full time spring 2010. Thanks!

Yeah sorry the deadline was a couple of months ago and they made the phone calls today to those who got accepted so you will have to try and apply for the fall program.

Specializes in Psych, Emergency, Med/Surg.

Wow that sucks. Thanks though. I still can't believe I'm flying out there to check it out. I just found out the wait all across the board in FL is until Jan 2011. When I started my pre-reqs in 2007, the wait was only one semester. I have a friend in LV that suggested CSN. Hope I get a good feeling from the session. Thanks again!

Got my call around 915AMish this morning. I got in w/ 27 points ... YIPPEE!!

Good luck and I hope you like it also. I'm in second semester of the program and have been mostly happy with it. CSN has a great reputation for their nursing program.

Good luck and I hope you like it also. I'm in second semester of the program and have been mostly happy with it. CSN has a great reputation for their nursing program.

Hi AussieAndy,

Thanks for the info you've given to all of us. It's also nice to have some kind words from anonymous people at times. I know it's a hard program but I still want to try it. Well, we'll see. I pick up something tomor. and I guess sign some papers, that's what that nice lady (I can't mention her name) on my answering machine said.

yes you will go sign a letter saying that you accept the offer to be in the program and pick up a packet that tells you all the paperwork you need to turn into your advisor so that you can receive your lovely clinical ticket so that you can take care of real patients in your first semester! Things move very quickly for you from this point forward trust me.

:yeah:omg you guys!!! i got in!!!! :yeah:

for some odd reason they couldn't contact me on my phone and so i got accepted through e-mail!!!

no more waiting!!! i'm so thrilled!!! i'm picking up my packet tomorrow!!!

thanks for all the support... i was accepted this whole time and i was worrying for nothing!!!

oh man i can hug all of you right now! i'm sooooo happy!!!!

CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy that you finally got your answer and that it was good news...let the fun and stress begin lol.

I realized on the day they made calls that I had never changed my phone number with the limited entry office when I got a new cell phone. So I called to change my number, and she told me she couldn't do that because they were too busy that day. Then I asked if I got in, and she said no. I asked what the lowest points they accepted was and she said 24. I applied with a 24. So I asked why I wasn't admitted, DUH it was a lottery for those with 24 points. I guess my luck was not with me LOL. But some people are saying they were notified that they would be an alternate. She told me there were 10 students with a 24, and they had 2 spots left for 24 points. So that leaves 8 of us with a 24 and why would they only inform SOME people they were an alternate? I would think the fair thing to do would be to wait until people drop or decline and then choose from those 8 in a lottery style. I guess they have their system but it just seems unfair. I don't know everything, though. I'm just a little disappointed. This is my second time applying. I have all pre-reqs finished besides Micro, which I am taking now. I scored in the 99th percentile overall for my TEAS. I have been a CNA for 5 years and I even went to Medical magnet school. I have been doing jobs in the medical field since I was 16. It's frustrating because I know I'm ready and I feel like I'm more than qualified but I have gotten rejected twice already. I know I'll get in next semester, at least I would hope so with 29 points next time because I will have completed Micro. But now I have to retake the TEAS and go through this waiting game for the 3rd time! AHHH . Well congratulations and good luck to you all who were accepted! I wish you the best! :yeah:

Wow anshra... I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get in next semester. Best of luck. Don't give up. :redpinkhe

I thougt the Teas score was good for 2 years?

On the CSN website when you click on TEAS exam information...it says that TEAS exam results are good for 5 yrs. You should not have to take it again especially with that high of a score. I did not get in either, but had very low points and knew it was a long shot. I am doing the same thing and reapplying after I finish 224 and Micro. which I am in now. I will have 31 pts. for the Fall. We will both get in for the Fall....keep good thoughts.:D

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