Published Sep 4, 2009
8 Posts
Just wondering, seeing how competitive i am.... How many are applying to Spring 2010 at CSN? And what is your score? If you don't feel comfortable telling your score, just say if you are applying. I have heard that there arent many applicants this semester but also heard to the contrary, there are LOTS of applicants this semester. So I'm confused and just wondering how many are applying? I know not nearly EVERYONE who applied goes on, but just out of those on here, I was wondering who applied for full time spring 2010. Thanks!
21 Posts
Hi! I also am applying for CSN Spring 2010. I have 27 points. What's yours? Do you know their cut off? I heard they start calling end of october... wow that's 8 more weeks. So much anxiety!!!
A friend of mine applied with 28 points last spring and he didn't get in. I'm so worried. =(
wow, im really worried then! i applied with 24. this is my second time. when i turned in my application, the assistant showed me the scores they accepted in the past and last spring it said they let in 26+. and before that (fall 2009) they let in people as low as 5 points! but i heard that was because they did the TEAS rather than the NLN and people weren't applying with the TEAS test, making their application incomplete. I am not sure what its like this semester, but i just figure all we can do is wait and see. i wouldn't be worried with a 27, honestly. i am worried with my 24, because i figure if they do let me in, i'm gonna be verrry lucky. hopefully there arent that many applicants! lol
2 Posts
Hello All,
I did apply for Spring 2010. I have 31 points. They said that they would call the applicants that were accepted late October. I cant stand waiting any longer!!! Has anyone been accepted early? Also, does it make a difference when you turn your application in? I turned it in before the deadline but not extremely early.
408 Posts
Hey All,
I applied w/ 27 points. Don't worry everyone, we'll get in. I hear there's less applicants for the spring '10 semester. Good news for us, I just hope the job market lightens up when we graduate! Bright skies a comin', just won't be this year or next?
6 Posts
I am applying in March. Please post if you get accepted and what your points are.
22 Posts
Good luck everyone, Were in our 4th week of 1st semester and it's no joke! They throw a ton of stuff at you and its very over whelming. Keep your head down your mouth shut and study study study...
Thanks for the heads up. I wonder what happened to the others who got in this fall? (awfully quiet bunch). I guess that's what nursing schools do to students >>> they shut them up?? >>> lol.
82 Posts
I applied for Spring 2010 with 31 points. And here's what I know, since I'm nosy and ask a lot of questions!!! Not to freak everyone out, but there's supposed to be a huge number of applicants for spring. Since fall didn't even have enough applicants to fill all the spots due to a new entrance exam and people trying to take it before the 6 month layover, advisement said to expect heavy competition. I called today to ask when we'd get our phone calls and they said that it would be a few days before the 29th, which is when those accepted pick up their packets.
I am going insane waiting. I'm not sleeping, trying to consider what on earth I'll do if I don't get in. My only option is to retake TEAS since I got 3 out of 4 points, then try to get an MA or phlebotomy license and work for 6 months. I'm going CRAZY!!!!!
Sorry if I'm scaring anyone, but use the info to your advantage. If we don't get in, we know we have a good shot for Fall 2010. Things should normalize a bit by then! I just don't want to wait!
I applied for Spring 2010 with 31 points. And here's what I know, since I'm nosy and ask a lot of questions!!! Not to freak everyone out, but there's supposed to be a huge number of applicants for spring. I beg to differ. I had to go back twice to that office where we turn in our application forms and I saw the pile for spring 2010. It looks promising to ALL of us who applied. CSN WAS expecting a huge turnout of applications for spring, but this hasn't been the case. This is probably one of the reasons why CSN changed the 6 -months waiting period requirement (if u fail the TEAS exam) to 3-months instead!! So, people can re-take the TEAS faster, hopefully more applicants for FALL 2010. Go check CSN's website for FALL 2010, you'll see. I guess the nursing fever has cooled down for nursing schools. I just hope all the "private schools" ease up on their outrageous tuition/fees. It's unethical to charge people insane $$$$ for something that doesn't guarantee jobs anymore!
I beg to differ. I had to go back twice to that office where we turn in our application forms and I saw the pile for spring 2010. It looks promising to ALL of us who applied. CSN WAS expecting a huge turnout of applications for spring, but this hasn't been the case. This is probably one of the reasons why CSN changed the 6 -months waiting period requirement (if u fail the TEAS exam) to 3-months instead!! So, people can re-take the TEAS faster, hopefully more applicants for FALL 2010. Go check CSN's website for FALL 2010, you'll see. I guess the nursing fever has cooled down for nursing schools. I just hope all the "private schools" ease up on their outrageous tuition/fees. It's unethical to charge people insane $$$$ for something that doesn't guarantee jobs anymore!
Well that's just what advisement told me. I hope you're right! So in going back twice have you gained any info as to when we'll get our phone calls?
No, they just told me what they told you. Calls will be made in the last week of october, for accepted applicants. Nursing students that I briefly spoke to told me that, CSN nursing staff usually have everything by the book. Meaning the schedules, meetings, etc. so, it pretty much is the same every year. Calls are made around the same time as last year's and the year before that. We'll get in, don't worry .
Well, there's always "private schools," they're just as good as the state schools (I hear). They just need a reality check on how much they charge. They really need to lower them down or they'll end up LITERALLY competing for students, against the state schools or against each other! Ironic isn't it? I say, it's about time !