Spring 2017 Chat

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Now that January is here, I thought I'd start a thread where we can support and encourage each other through our Spring semester, similar to our Fall thread, but with a bit more chit chat. What's your schedule look like? Any other goals you're working on?

I go back on the 17th, though I have a Phi Theta Kappa meeting on the 13th.

My schedule is:



Federal Government

World Religions

The last two are online.

Right now I'm trying to lose this holiday weight, so I've started running again (it burns). I graduate at the end of this year! In December I'll have my EMT-B certification and my Associates of Science in Biology. I'll also be applying to nursing school (application deadline is August 1), so it's going to be a really exciting (busy) year for me! I'm hoping to use my EMT-B cert to become an ED tech during the summers.

I look forward to chatting with you guys this semester!

Four weeks left! I'm so ready to be done with this semester. I've never felt this "meh" before. I don't know what my deal is. I get three weeks off (during which I'm taking the TEAS), then summer school for 5 weeks (Chemistry II, Texas Government, Music Appreciation).

Summer is all about applications for me and in the fall I'm doing the EMT-B program (assuming I can get in).

I finished up my volunteer orientation for the hospital I want to work at, so I'm officially official. They offer free CPR classes, so I'm taking them up on that. I'm excited to cuddle some babies and spend some time in their microbiology lab.

Hope everyone is well!

Four weeks left! I'm so ready to be done with this semester. I've never felt this "meh" before. I don't know what my deal is. I get three weeks off (during which I'm taking the TEAS), then summer school for 5 weeks (Chemistry II, Texas Government, Music Appreciation).

Summer is all about applications for me and in the fall I'm doing the EMT-B program (assuming I can get in).

I finished up my volunteer orientation for the hospital I want to work at, so I'm officially official. They offer free CPR classes, so I'm taking them up on that. I'm excited to cuddle some babies and spend some time in their microbiology lab.

Hope everyone is well!

I'm so happy for you Jen!! You're going to rock it! :D

Specializes in Mother/Baby.

I took the HESI with all the required sections this time >_> and got a 94.5. Still trying to process that I did so well, but I'm relieved to be turning in that score. Makes me feel tons better about my 3.6 science GPA. I took my second AP2 lab practical and got a 96. Missed all the questions on interpreting ELISA results, so I guess that's good. I'm not looking forward to this semester ending yet, summer is going to be busy and I'm not ready.

Capa - that program sounds great! And good for not sitting idly by to support the CC and their shady ways. The time will fly by and it will be time to apply before you know it. Will you have the summer free of classes?

Jen- you lucky dog, volunteering with little ones sounds so fun! I don't think ant of the hospitals up here do that, or if they do, they don't advertise it very well.

Capa - that program sounds great! And good for not sitting idly by to support the CC and their shady ways. The time will fly by and it will be time to apply before you know it. Will you have the summer free of classes?

Congrats on your test results, you absolutely rocked it!!

I'll be taking the summer off from classes - since I've already paid for my NLN exam, my original plan was to spend the summer cramming for it and then take it on Aug 8th. (It's non-refundable :crying2:)

The program that I want to enter doesn't use it, so I figured that if I take it anyway, I'll have the results on file for 5 years just in case.

My tutoring job at the local CC starts this summer anyhow, so going to see if I can rack up a few hours there while I help folks drill A&P, micro, nutrition, English, and stats.

I'll be taking 5 classes in the fall, but no sciences this time so I don't think I'll have too much of an issue - I am looking forward to taking literature, but I've got to find a professor that's worth their salt... which is kinda tough at my little college :p

Specializes in Mother/Baby.

I submitted my applications to UTA (online and on campus) today for Spring, but the decision won't be made until Septemberish. I'm really hoping for on campus, but I'm going to submit an application to the community college when that opens as a backup. Right now, I feel confident in my scores. I'm just waiting for the panic to set in when I realize what I've done. :D

Being a tutor for A&P and micro sounds so awesome! We have three sessions in summer, and I'm trying to keep my pace of taking two at a time. (Maybe. I may cut two of them out that aren't required to be finished before nursing classes start.) Then for fall, I'll have a 15 week Chemistry, and three other staggered 8 week classes. I've been doing this pace for so long, I won't know what to do when December comes and I'm all done with pre reqs!

The semester needs to end already - I'm getting so worn out with people.

Had to sit through a 3hr lecture listening to someone chew her gum with her mouth open and pop it constantly, despite being kindly asked not to.

Have people completely forgotten manners? . . . Back home this would be completely unheard of @_@, but it's not the first time I've had to deal with oblivious folks this semester... oh well. Pain builds character! Haha

The semester needs to end already - I'm getting so worn out with people.

Had to sit through a 3hr lecture listening to someone chew her gum with her mouth open and pop it constantly, despite being kindly asked not to.

Have people completely forgotten manners? . . . Back home this would be completely unheard of @_@, but it's not the first time I've had to deal with oblivious folks this semester... oh well. Pain builds character! Haha

I have a "chatter" in my class. She's constantly talking to her friends during lecture and I've had violent fantasies about different ways to shut her up, which is totally out of character for me.

I have put myself in a bit of a dilemma. I have a "friend" that I've been taking classes with for the last year. She's always relied on me for help, which has never been an issue. Lately though, she's not asking me for help, she's asking me to actually do things for her. Our lecture tests in A&P II are group tests. You're meant to take them with your lab group. I usually take them on my own, then help my group by guiding/teaching them the right answer (after they've guessed it on their own). Last test, this friend waited until the very last minute to ask for my help and there wasn't enough time for her to actually do any work on her own, so I ended up giving her my answers (to be fair, she had just lost a family member and I felt sorry for her). So our next lecture exam is next week - and she's only been there for one lecture (out of three). I KNOW she's going to pull the same bs this time, but I don't want to do it again. I'm tired of being used, and I know I created this situation on my own. The obvious answer is to just tell her no, but I always end up feeling sorry for her. I need to grow a backbone I suppose.

Off to micro!

Specializes in Mother/Baby.

@Capa, Americans for the most part have less than stellar manners. Especially I notice, the younger set wasn't taught basic manners or has forgotten them. I can't imagine chewing gum, much less blowing bubbles in it in a classroom setting. How distracting for everyone else!

@Jen, I don't envy your position with your classmate. I have to assume if she's taking A&P, she's aiming for nursing school too? She is not doing herself any favors by relying on someone else to learn the information for her. Once she gets into nursing classes, she's going to need this foundation she's supposed to be building in her pre reqs, in order to succeed. Like you said, the obvious answer is to tell her no, but I know that isn't easy. Good luck with whatever you decide.

I love you guys haha

@Jen - Stand your ground on this one; I know things have been tough for her lately but she's gotta start doing it for herself. If she asks you for help, offer her something like a copy of your notes, but definitely don't do her work for her. D: Be strong, Jen!!

@Eleven I always love your posts!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get an acceptance letter soooooon!

I just took my last final, the semester is over! :)

Specializes in Mother/Baby.

@capa aww thanks! You are too kind. Don't get a finger cramp though, I think I won't hear until mid September. í ½í¸µ So you lot will be stuck with me for awhile longer.

I've been to a couple of PCT interviews with one of the "partner" hospitals for the BSN program, and every day that goes by makes me a bit more nervous that they won't choose me. The unit I interviewed with just posted a couple more positions so that increases my chances, right? I'm overthinking this.

Speakinng of, Jen is your volunteering at a partner hospital? Maybe I need to try that route. I'm panicked that I won't find a job with one.

@Eleven, no - it's not a partnered hospital, but it is a Level 1 trauma center and ultimately the place I want to work when I grow up ;) I figured volunteering was a good way to make contacts.

You guys are right, I need to say no. Or I'll just be really busy all week!

@missstudent - congrats! I can't wait until I can say that, too!

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