Spring 2010 A&P 2

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Who else is taking it?

Feel free to give background info about yourself. Also please share how you did in A&P 1 and what you learned as far as how to study for it.

I am either going to take 14 or 17 credits, I have until the 19th of January to decide. :) I'm definitely taking: A&P 2, Human Growth and Development (Psych), Med Term, Lifetime Fitness and Statistics. I might also take my second Eng (don't need for ADN, need for BSN later down the road). If I don't take it (I'll then only have 14 credit hours), I'll take it with micro in the summer.I am taking all of my core classes right now. After spring, I'll only have micro left. And then I wait. My CC admits when all pre-reqs and core classes are done and that is based upon when you apply. I applied last August and am hoping for admission to the spring 2011 term, but have recently found out some people who finished their core classes last spring did not get in for this spring. I hope that I don't have to wait too long!

I ended up getting an A in A&P1, I loved my professor! She made things make sense. It helps that she used to be a nurse, so she often related things to nursing. One thing that I used all the time were note cards for lecture and lab. I kept the current ones with me all the time - if I was a few minutes early to pick up my daughter from preschool, I was going through the note cards. I took Lifetime Fitness and would walk on the treadmill for at least a half hour each time and while there would flip through those note cards. It helped keep my mind off of the time and it helped me learn the material. I'm planning on doing note cards again. We can get books starting the fourth of January and I'm excited - I'm going to make up my lab note cards early so that I only have to worry about making up my lecture note cards as the semester goes on.

Looking forward to getting to know others taking A&P2 in the spring! :yeah:

I'll be taking A&P II next semester. A in lab and lecture for last semester. :) Note cards really helped me the most, as well as doing my outline of the chapter. I re-write stuff from the book, because chances are if I write it down I'll remember it. For lab I HAD to use the models. I tried studying with just the book, and I was so lost. The models and the book look so different! When I couldn't get to an open lab I would use my lab book. I get post-it notes and cover up what's labeled on the diagrams, that way when I'm studying I can just flip it over to see if I got it right.

Another thing that helps me is studying out loud. I always get with my boyfriend, and I'm sure it drives him crazy, but I'll talk about what I'm studying kind of like I'm telling him a story or kind of like I'm teaching him. I also do this with an annoying, loud English accent. Very, very strange... it helps, though. :p

Oh, here's a question that's almost random-- I saw a couple of you say your lab book was falling apart. Mine too! I was actually wondering if there was any way to fix it. :( I guess I'm weird, but the page curling really really REALLY bugs me. Anyone know how to get rid of that?

whats up fellow rn students... im omar going to Antelope Valley College.. i feel wierd cuz im not in ap1 or 2 just Anatomy And Microbiology.. you see at my school in Cali (southern) you take Anatomy then you take Physiology next semster.. so i guess i can fit in. lol .. im a little excited but more nervous.. i took Bio and Chem last semester.. im sorta ambitious... and just wanna get this crap done with it.. and go to the program.. so im on fast track two sciences.. till imdone.. tx for all replies.. i know since again im taking two hard classes i should start studying now.. but the problem is there isnt a syllabus.. so do i just start studying from Chp1? i bought the quick ref guide.. for micro and anatomy maybe il study that.. ill take physiology in summer... and ill be ready to apply GL and im sure ill be whinning here son

you probably can't go wrong by studying the bones... if this is your first sememster in anatomy that is.

Yep, study the bones. You can also study the muscles and joints.

Specializes in Trauma & Emergency.

I will be taking A&P II in the spring semester too :)

Good luck everyone--can't wait to hear from you.

im an EMT so i know the general stuff like calcaneous femur etc.. this is my first and last semester... in anatomy.. again i guess its different. just plain old anatomy then phys... thx for the advice though ill crack open the book today

Well, you'll need to know those, but you'll also need to know (at least we did) the different parts of the bones. Like the greater trochanter, fossas and the head, etc. We also had to learn the various types of articulations with the bones (hinge, gliding, etc) and which type each joint was.

Specializes in Neuroscience.

I'll be taking A&P 2 starting in January as well.

I'm so glad I'll never have to learn bones or muscles again. I found it boring as sin. I hear A&P is more interesting.:bowingpur

Taking it & dev psych in the spring!

When is everyone starting? We start the 19th. We can get books on the 4th. We use the same book for A&P1 and 2, but we get a new lab book and that's the one I want my hands on! We had to memorize every bold term in the book last time, so I'd like to start getting my note cards at least ready so I don't have to worry about preparing them during the semester.

March...and we use the same book & lab book :) Guess what I'm doing the next 2 months? LOL

Jan 25th. We also use the same lecture and lab books! This will be a cheap semester!!! Yeah:p

My professor has a website with all of his lecture notes for the entire semester! Guess I should get started:rolleyes:

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