I am so tired of being spit on by patients! We all know the aggressive, out of control patients that spit. You're attempting four point restraints, they're growling snarling, someone holds their head so you won't get bit as 10 people try to restrain the maniac then comes the sound.....hawk! That I-am-collecting-a-large-loogey-in-the-back-of-my-throat-to-hit-you-in-the-face-with-sound. Anybody have a solution. Clearly regular masks don't work because they thrash around, get them dislodged, plus you risk being bitten while placing it. I was thinking bipap but it's pretty hard to get an order for bipap because someone is violent. Anyone come up with a solution for spitters? They're pretty hard to control. Our psych population has been unusually high lately for the summer and my fuse is wearing short.