So . . .is nursing your final stop?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm wondering what everyone's goals are. Are you just going for an RN, BSN, MS or is your ultimate goal something a little different?

Personally I want to work as an RN for a while and if I like the healthcare profession I'll be going for NP or PA degree. So nursing is just a foot in the door for me. Anyone else?

Specializes in RN-BC, CCRN, TCRN, CEN.

I'll start with my Associates, then have a hospital pay for my BSN, if I'm so motivated, than I'll get an MSN and go for a Nurse Practitioner.


Specializes in ICU.

I have been a nurse for 5 years and I am in my first semester of FNP school. After that, I am not sure where I will end up.

Specializes in med-surg.

My mom's an RN and my dad just retired after 33 years as a PA - it was really hard to decide between those two. For now, I'm starting with an accelerated BSN - my first degree was in CJ, so down the road I'm hoping to be a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner...there's a major shortage of SANEs in NH. At some point, I'd also like to be a nurse educator and I've also thought about Nurse Midwifery - women's healthcare in general is important to me. I know I'll be going back after my BSN, and hopefully working for a few years will help me sort it out. It can be mind-boggling at times, figuring out which way to go, but that's one thing that really drew me to nursing - there's just so many ways to be a nurse!!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I've been an Associated Degree nurse for 16 years and it's done me well. I'm now in an RN to BSN program, which I'll probably use as a stepping stone to an MSN in Education. I've had my current bedside nursing job for 15 years and plan on keeping that for the foreseable future.

Specializes in Pediatric Intensive Care, Urgent Care.

I'm working on my BSN right now. Just waiting to hear from nursing programs to see if i got in and if so then i should be done with my BSN in two years. Then i would like to work in a hospital for 2 to 4 yrs...not sure which area yet, and then go back and become a Family Nurse Practioner. I'm definately going past my BSN just not sure how far, NP & then doctorate or jsut NP. That's why i decided ASN was not the way to go for me although many people were recommending that route to me. ;)


Specializes in Cardiac Care.

My longterm goal is to teach.

I'd love to eventually be a Lactation Consultant. I'm assumming that requires a Masters.... but I'm not sure... So for now... I'll go for my ADN and then hopefully continue with the financial help of the hospital I work at....

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

I will get my ASN (I will, I will!) and then work while obtaining my BSN....although I have heard that there's a possibility I can parlay my bachelor's in business in to an MSN program, but am not sure...

I would LOVE to get in to the world of forensic nursing, also getting SANE certified along the way....I worked in law enforcement for many years when I was younger (not as an officer)....I'm hoping for an internship in an ED this summer which should help me decide if that truly is the right direction for me...

Then, in a few years, I'd like to see about doing some travel nursing...the kids are grown, hubby can eat all the Taco Bell he wants, and I'm outta' here!! I took care of hearth, home, and children for years while he did what he wanted (the little woman, ahhhhhh) it's MY TURN!!

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

I want to be an instructor eventually in a CRNA program.

I'm going for a MSN but long term goal is probably being a professor at a university, contributing to research and part-time clinical work.

Specializes in Peds, PICU, Home health, Dialysis.

I am torn between two paths -- either Ph.D. where I can teach (I love the academic atmosphere and would LOVE to teach). However, I am also strongly considering pursuing medical school -- I have feel in love with the sciences and medicine, thus I think becoming a physician would be an awesome experience and an awesome career. Time will only tell.

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