Sleep Disturbance r/t NCLEX Review


Specializes in Neuro ICU, Neuro/Trauma stepdown.

I woke myself up multiple times tonight talking outloud. I was telling a lady i work with who is in the nursing program now why gallbladder obstruction would cause bleeding tendencies! Then my bf sleepily woke me up saying 96 point 1. he didn't even notice he was saying it, I knew I must have been talking out loud about VS. last straw, i threw back the covers and got up. and here i am...:uhoh3:

I've been up since 3:30 arguing with myself about right sided and left sided heart failure. AND, this is my 2nd day of general orientation. It's going to make for a loooonnnngg 8 hours.

I feel your pain! :sleep:

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Neuro/Trauma stepdown.

Left sided failure will back up into the Lungs

Right sided failure backed up s/s are exhibit in the Rest of the body.

Left sided failure will back up into the Lungs

Right sided failure backed up s/s are exhibit in the Rest of the body.

ooh, I LIKE that :)

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Neuro/Trauma stepdown.

countdown: 12hrs!!!

Wow, I like that heart failure pneumonic-awesome!

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Ugh, mine is today. I did not sleep well at all. I have such a headache, this isn't going to be good for me. *sigh


Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
Left sided failure will back up into the Lungs

Right sided failure backed up s/s are exhibit in the Rest of the body.

That is a cool way to look at it! Thanks for the hint!

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