Signing off on another nurses paperwork

Nurses General Nursing


Would you as a RN be willing to finish another RN's paperwork? In my situation I received a late admission, I attempted to finish as much of the paperwork as I could in the hour left on shift, and I did finish the most important assessments and paperwork. All that was left was a skin assessment at this point I need to finish my med pass and charting for other residents. So I passed this one thing off to the night nurse. Not only did they essentially put down my efforts because I didn't finish everything but then proceeded to tell me I should have gotten it all done in the time I had. Which had the admission come on time I could have and would have done. However, I told this nurse that if they were concerned about it being done in a reasonable time they could do it as the patient was still awake. The next shift I am handed a half completed assessment from the day nurse who also said the nurse who started it is the one who needs to finish it. So I gave it back to the same night nurse that night, who then decided to insist and argue that I should have completed it regardless of them starting it. I completely disagree I have never finished another nurses paperwork or assessment. Now I realize I could have just started over and did the whole thing myself, however I did not expect them to tell me I was wrong not to finish it. I see it as protecting myself by not finishing another nurses paperwork which is what I was taught in school but maybe I am wrong and should have finished it. So my question is am I wrong? Or would you have finished that assessment?

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Working with psych patients, and geriatric patients sent from a LTC facility, the skin assessment is a priority.

Before independent, ambulatory are allowed in the population, I always do what I call "a naked turn around". I explain to the patient that it is for gathering data and for the safety of all. There have been times when patients have had contraband on them.

It's scary the things wanding the patient don't catch, or conditions of concern that aren't received in the handoff report.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Doesn't everyone love a change of shift admit? LOL.

3-11 is the best shift for admissions...1 okay, 2 is iffy and when we get 3 or more...forget about it! Prioritize what needs to get done...initial meet and greet, orders verified and meds ordered. Nursing assessment and then skin check. Other assessments can be done after those are finished. Sometimes those get pushed to the other shifts. That is just life.

Don't sign what you didn't do. Either make a note on the assessment what and when you did it or redo it completely.

24/7 care.

Handing off admission paperwork really isn't the same thing as signing another nurses charting. Partial admission splits between nurses happen everyday in every hospital.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

I would never sign another RN's work/notes. That being said, I don't think that is what you mean. If I get a admission that I cannot complete then I give report on what is done/not done and make sure I put that in my nursing note that I passed that on. It doesn't matter what time the admit comes, you may not always get it done, regardless of which shift. Agree with other posts, it is 24/7 RN care, goes both ways. Just make sure you document!

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.

Here is a possible suggestion if the other nurse only got half of the sheet of paper filled out and it is now being passed on to you: have them sign that form, and either "X" out the blank sections or make a note that the remaining sections can be found on the next form. Then you can start a second form and just fill out the portions that are still needing to be completed, and you can sign that form.

Nobody ever said it all has to be on one piece of paper. It just all has to be done ;)

Specializes in ICU, trauma.

Depends...if there was a new admit 30 minutes before shift changed i don't mind. If they have been here a might annoy me a bit.

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