Published Jun 10, 2009
71 Posts
So I took the nclex-rn today..........the computer shut off at 75 questions.......Lots of pharm...and alot of drugs that I never even heard maternity, a couple pediatrics, no math, and 14 Select All That Apply! Ugh! I was hoping to keep going cause I really didn't have a good feeling and I don't think I passed.
Did anyone else feel this way after the exam???
517 Posts
Most people seem to feel that way! It's hard to relax I'm sure but you might try the Pearson Vue "trick" to help with anxiety. Also keep in mind that 85% of people pass the first time so the odds are in your favor!
219 Posts
So I took the nclex-rn today..........the computer shut off at 75 questions.......Lots of pharm...and alot of drugs that I never even heard maternity, a couple pediatrics, no math, and 14 Select All That Apply! Ugh! I was hoping to keep going cause I really didn't have a good feeling and I don't think I passed. Did anyone else feel this way after the exam???
Wow 14 SATA? I heard that was a good sign, meaning it was getting more difficult, thus you were passing? :bowingpur
371 Posts
i hope you pass. :) good luck!
Thanks! Yeah....I couldn't believe all the SATA.....I purposely counted on my dry erase board.........I hope that was a good sign.........they just kept coming and coming........
I did, however, try the "pearson vue trick" and it wouldn't let me re register.
Keeping my fingers crossed :)
12 Posts
Man I felt the same way! You're definitely not alone. I was shocked that I didn't get OB or Peds. From what i've heard NCLEX is like in bed with growth and development and I got nada in my 75 questions! I felt terrible leaving and i'm anxiously awaiting my results thinking that I failed. I tried the pearson trick and i couldnt pay so i'm hoping its a good sign. I took it tuesday...think i'll get my quick results tomorrow?
9 Posts
I took mine monday felt exactly the same way found out this morning I passes had only 5 SATA a few meds and 1 calc I felt for sure I failed b/c I missed some easy ones
6 Posts
I took mine yesterday as welll. This is my 3rd time taking it. I've done every review course out ther. Last one was the Kaplan. I only had 75 questions. That was hard for me to swallow since the last time I ended up talking all of them. I too had several sata! Several and I actually had a dosage cal question, 1st one of all 3 tests. I hope you pass and much as I pass! Good luck. I've never heard of the pearson trick, what is that?
gwafuh_rn, BSN, RN
1,241 Posts
goodluck and GOD bless!!!!
Nurse Beavers
2 Posts
I have been a nurse now for a few years but I do remember that sick feeling when the computer stopped. I would say that 75 questions and done probably means that you did really, really great or bad. I would have to say you probably:D did just fine. Best wishes. Gods Bless, and I hope you passed.
19 Posts
Took NCLEX today. 75 Q, 11 SATA.
I feel like I missed the easy questions too. I just hope hope hope that PearsonVue trick works because I couldn't get to the Credit card screen...
HI...i also took boards today in NJ>>>i got 75 questions just like you and i am freaking out also. I tried the Pearson trick was was blocked after i entered my school info. it said I already had an opened registration and could not register again>>>I did not make it to the cc screen! I hope that is a good sign:yeah:>> It was my second time doing boards>> got olot of teaching question...& NO PSYCH at all...NONE...5 sata..5 math quest>>.WOW! I will not be able to sleep tonight! I actually thought it was EZ> Well i wish us luck>>>>!