Should a nursing student be given a 2nd chance if they have a positive drug screen

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If a nursing student is caught with a positive drug screen do you think they should be given a second chance? should she be kicked out of school? Ok so here is the story, my classmate has got be the dumbest person ever? She went to a physical exam for a job and she was reeking of alcohol. She said they did a breath test on her and it came up positive. Now this is where the story is really interesting, they also did a drug screen on her and she is worried that it will come back positive for marijuana and if it does, the place of employement will notify the school and their is a possibly that she will be kicked out of the nursing program. She claimed that she doesn't smoke weed all the time, however, if you are a once and a blue-moon smoker I think it can take upto 6 months to get out of your system providing that you don't smoke again for awhile. I know, at my place of employement, we do have nurses who have been caught in the past for drugs or pills and they have to go through rehab program and then, they have to call a number every morning and they may have to report for a drug screen. It does vary, they could report everyday or once a month. So my question is should nursing students be given the same chance as a RN who was caught doing drugs?

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

Hi Fermin Hernandez, in my classmates case they have to alert the school. She is treated just like a nurse. In fact, the employer can and would notify BON. Because she has a problem. It's just like coming to work drunk. As for that drug screen paper work, it doesn't state that they wont tell, you sign it because you are stating that it's your urine and that you saw it sealed and bagged infront of you

Caliotter3 as I stated in my previous post, my classmate, the accused told us about her trouble. My instructor nor the director of the school told us. The only reason it turned in2 a class discussion is because we were asking questions about her options. So who is she going to sue herself? She put her business out. With that said, she can't sue anybody. Once she made her problem public knowledge, then it can be discussed. Now had my classmate not told us, then yes she has every right to sue for breach of confidentiality

You've got to be kidding me. After everything I did to get into nursing school and there's someone drunk and high who is trying to take someone else's shot at becoming a nurse. Hell NO. Part of being a nurse is HAVING YOUR **** TOGETHER. I am so confused/outraged by the number of people that still don't grasp that. If you don't have your **** together don't go to nursing school. Period.

Specializes in E.D..

I don't think the place of employment would contact the school. I used to be in HR, and I've never heard of that. Believe me...they will just shred her resume and be happy they didn't hire her.

I do hope she gets help. I went through a period of substance abuse a few years ago. I'm so thankful I was able to get through it and become a better person. I just entered nursing school this semester, and I'm somewhat interested in becoming a substance abuse nurse. I hate to hear people smeared for doing drugs. They are ill, and they need our support...not our condemnation.

If you like her, try to be her friend. Believe me...that's what she desperately needs right now.

no i dont think there should be a second chance

Specializes in Psych, ER, Resp/Med, LTC, Education.

Have to agree..........this is a person with alcohol dependence and THC abuse. The fact that she showed up for a physical is sad and shows her lack of restraint and judgement. As far as the TCH it only shows up in the urine for a few days and not in the blood and for testing beyond a few days you have to do testing with a strand of hair......I work in psych ER and I would say about 1/3 of our patients (at least) are alcohol dependent. She needs rehab but as we know she has to want to go as we cant do involuntary rehab (other then court mandated rehab while in jail) and I'm thinking that she probably doesn't realize her level of dependence.

But do I think she should be in nurisng school? kicked out? Well I have mixed feelings about that. If already employed the employer would be required to hold her position if she agreed to rehab.....they can't fire her. If she went and returned and they found her still using then they could fire her. Should a student get the same opportunity? hard to say....she needs rehab and continuation with random screens and outpatient treatment for maintenence. If they kick her out I would think her problem would get bigger. My first response is to say Hell kick her ass out! But the psych/CD nurse in me knows another side to this.............not sure. Knowing more about why she is drinking is important and we don't have that piece........I always ask my patients that question. But the immediate responce should at the least be suspension until a decision could be made......maybe an eval by a CD therapist and possibly a MH therapist.

Your friends a wreck but...

If the employer tells ANYONE the results of the test, then she needs to sue them. I bet the paper she signed before the test states they will not share the info....


Almost every state now has laws on the books allowing employers to share this kind of information with other employers.

Therefore, they can't say 'Employee X was terminated for failing his drug screen. He showed up dirt for MJ and Alcohol.' That would be a HIPAA violation no doubt.

They CAN say "This person was terminated due noncompliance with our drug/alcohol policy."

That pretty much sums up to the new employer or reference checker why the person was terminated without sharing confidential information.

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

StanleyRN2B, you are correct. The employer notified the school about her drug screen/alcohol testing and the my classmate said they made her do a random drug screen and that came back positive also. Accoridng to human resources they can notify your nursing school and the state re: a hot drug screen.

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

I am so sorry if I didn't give and update on my classmate, but I have been busy studying for my boards. She was dismissed from the program. My school did give her another drug test and that came back positive also. She felt that the job should not have informed the school, but they did and I think they had a right to because she is dealing with patient care. She said our director was furious with her and she told her, that she would see to it that she never attend that nursing school again. The director also told her, that if she has anything to do with it, that she would never attend any other nursing school also. I don't no, call me sucker, but I think if she go into a drug and alcohol program and submit to random drug testing during school year and 2yrs in her nursing career give her a second chance. She really does have the potential to be a good nurse, she just made a bad decision.

I think it depends on the drug. I wouldn't like for a student to be thrown out because they had popped some of a friend's alprazolam to calm down before a final. Something like cocaine or lsd... Throw down the BAN hammer.

First stike: Ongoing problem with ETOH.

Second strike: Apparently ongoing problem with cannabis. (My school did give her another drug test and that came back positive also.)

Third strike: Serious lack of common sense, self-restraint, and good judgment.

Last straw: Blaming others for her own stupidity. (She felt that the job should not have informed the school.)

Saving patients from having a nurse who exhibits the above behaviors/thought processes: priceless.

Maybe someday, after successful rehab and a number of years (five sounds about right) of sobriety under her belt, she should have the opportunity to reapply, but in her current condition she is not only a threat to safe and competent patient care, she is also a prime candidate to do all kinds of stupid things like diverting meds and showing up for work impaired.

Is it safe to say she drove to the interview drunk as well?

Specializes in mental health; hangover remedies.
I think it depends on the drug. I wouldn't like for a student to be thrown out because they had popped some of a friend's alprazolam to calm down before a final. Something like cocaine or lsd... Throw down the BAN hammer.

Type of drug consumed used does not indicate the level of risk.

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