Should a nursing student be given a 2nd chance if they have a positive drug screen

Nursing Students General Students


If a nursing student is caught with a positive drug screen do you think they should be given a second chance? should she be kicked out of school? Ok so here is the story, my classmate has got be the dumbest person ever? She went to a physical exam for a job and she was reeking of alcohol. She said they did a breath test on her and it came up positive. Now this is where the story is really interesting, they also did a drug screen on her and she is worried that it will come back positive for marijuana and if it does, the place of employement will notify the school and their is a possibly that she will be kicked out of the nursing program. She claimed that she doesn't smoke weed all the time, however, if you are a once and a blue-moon smoker I think it can take upto 6 months to get out of your system providing that you don't smoke again for awhile. I know, at my place of employement, we do have nurses who have been caught in the past for drugs or pills and they have to go through rehab program and then, they have to call a number every morning and they may have to report for a drug screen. It does vary, they could report everyday or once a month. So my question is should nursing students be given the same chance as a RN who was caught doing drugs?

To add another opinion to the mix...

She showed up drunk for an appointment...very very poor judgement. Maybe she forgot and went out the night before? Who knows? Maybe this was the first time she ever drank and wasn't prepared for the results?

My point being, one incident doesn't constitute a pattern. Telling her to go to rehab because she got drunk once is a little harsh in my opinion. We all make mistakes.

As for the pot...well...its pot, she should have known better....maybe this will be the scare she needs?

My opinion...probation, random testing, perhaps a counselling session or two to see if this is a habit that requires professional help. Obviously she won't get the job. But lose three years of school I don't think is necessary. We all deserve second chances.

Perhaps I was a bit harsh suggesting rehab for this one incident. But it is very possible she has a problem. I highly doubt that someone that has a history of smoking pot is drinking for the first time. And before you think I'm being judgemental, I've had my share my share of pot and alcohol in my younger days. But even 20 years ago I knew better than to show up to a job physical drunk. I really hope she didn't drive herself there. Because this was such poor judgement, it is very possible that this is an addication issue - that was my point. Addiction many times overrides comon sense or good judgement.

And yes I think she deserves a 2nd chance, after she gets some help.

As for showing up at a physical drunk? That DOES indicate a problem right there. Either she has a 'drinking' problem or she has a 'stupid' problem.

That pretty much sums it up.

No I do not think that a nursing student should be given a second chance if they fail a drug test ESPECIALLY is they showed up for the physical smelling of alcohol. Who does that? Maybe she has a problem and needs some help, and if she gets it she can re-apply.

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

Well here is an update. My classmate pending the investigation, she is suspended from the program with the intent to dismiss. Let me clarify for most of you who are wondering if she has a problem. Yes she does. This is not the 1st time that I have smelled alcohol on her breath. Their was plenty of times that she came to clinicals smelling 90 proof. Most of the times, she would be drinking the night before and her eyes would be blood shot red. We have to be at clinicals by 7am. I would ask her if she was drinking and she would say no. I would tell her to chew some gum because she smelled like she just left happy hour. It is a known fact that she can drink like a fish and she never hid the fact that she loved to drink. As for the weed, that on was a new one on me. Our instructors was asking our class for our opinions if she should be dismissed from the program. Myself and 1 other person said yes and of course that discussion turned into a battle. My classmates was telling me that I am not her friend and she should be giving a 2nd chance. I told my classmates, they was right I am not her friend and it's not about being her friend, it's about standing up for what is right or wrong. Then I posed a question to my classmates. "If you or your loved one was a her patient and she came to clinicals reeking of alcohol, would you want her taking care of you?" and the answers I got was a resound NO!!!. Then my 2nd question was would you report her to the head nurse and they all said yes. Then I said oh, but I thought yall was her friends well why can't she take care of you in her altered state of mind. After class was over, most people did come up to me and apologize for their remarks and most stated that they were afraid to voice their opinion regarding the matter. But I did say maybe she should go get help, re-evaluate her in one year, if she is doing good and stay sober maybe she can reapply. But, for now I think she should be out of the program until she get some kind of help.

Thanks for the update but I am really shocked that a faculty member felt that it was appropriate to discuss this woman's personal business with the clinical group. The only reason I know about what happened to my classmate was because she and I were a part of a circle of friends at school. When she was dismissed none of the faculty or administrators at the school said a word about it. That's really terrible because even in a big city like the one I live in the nursing world is not that big. What if she turns her life around and becomes a nurse in the future? She could lose out on job opportunities or have to work with people who look as her suspiciously because they know about her past pre-nursing history. I would be incredibly P-O'd if I was this woman. The fact that she is an ETOH and MJ abuser doesn't mean that she suddenly has lost her right to privacy.

Off topic: Stanley-RN2B I really like this one....I may have to steal it from you

Not quite... We all deserve a first chance. Second chances are reserved for luck, a nice judge, any available diety and anyone that happens to get judged by a nice person. No one deserves it.
Specializes in LPN in the Navy, completed paramedic crs.

IMO absolutely not. There are so many other people out there who want to be a nurse. I just don't feel that substance abusers should be working with medications or employed as nurses, doctors, etc.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
That pretty much sums it up.

Stanley - that's how we would look at it in my ER, we like the unofficial dx "to stupid to live", where the heck is someone's brain to show up like that at anyplace except for your own house, another bar or party, that kind of thing?! Certainly not an appt for a MD or physical or anywhere else where most people would maybe NOT BE DRINKING?!

Anne, RNC

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

Hi BXRN2B my classmate told us. We was in the middle of lecture and she was pulled from class for a meeting with the director of the program. She was in her office crying and upset. When she came out we asked her what happened. We 1st thought it was her grades and that's when she explained to us what happended. The instructors heard it from another student not the director.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hey Pebbles - the student that was drinking was crying and upset? I wasn't sure, but if it was - exactly HOW LONG did she think she would get by with behaviors like that? When I read your updated post about her, the only thing that really came to mind was "WOW!".

I'm all for second chances, but if she were a cat, she'd be out of lives by now. Please!

Anne, RNC

And it's not a matter of if you're her friend or not, we are adults and we have or will have if in school, peoples parents, siblings, kids, or just "Joe Blow from down the street" depending on our maturity and lack of just making really stupid decisions (or plus some in her case).

Its a blessing for her to get help and for the people she might have cared for to have someone compitant care for them insted of someone intoxicated.

While I am sure there are times when there are extenuating circumstances; like the young lady from my area who had a positive result for barbituates from her migraine medication. She provided a prescription and was exhonorated. This is not one of those times.

Showing up for a physical intoxicated?! No way. No second chances. There are too many qualified, sober people waiting in line for a spot in nursing school.

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

Hi Ilovemypuppies, human resources notified the school about her coming to a physical smell like Ned the whino and positive drug screen. The only reason she was crying and upset is because she got caught and she felt stupid. Also, Ilovemypuppies I would like to commend you on staying straight, you have proven that some 2nd chances are worth it. I hope you have a 100 more years

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