some of you may know that I didn't pass the first time I took this test... But now here I am, a few months later, and I didn't take it right after the 45 days passed, because I was studying. I'm now scheduled for the day after tomorrow, and I'm wondering whether I should reschedule it?!?!! Because this time, everyone at work is asking me when I'm going to take my test, and if I fail it again, I'm going to be soooooo disappointed! And my mom will probably say even worse, because she's expecting me to pass.
I studied all this time, and I just took another practice test on Kaplan qBank, and I still only got 58%. I did some of the LaCharity questions (but not all), and some sections are better than others. Of course I don't feel ready, but the first time I probably didn't take it so seriously and I just thought I was going to pass like that! Now I feel stupid, and I'm not sure if I can pass this second time, either. What if I can't? Should I reschedule my test? Take a couple more weeks to study more material? All of my other friends have passed already, and I'm the last one...
Please, LORD, help me to pass!!! What should I do? Thanks if you read this whole thing! Good luck to you all!!! :redbeathe