Should I take it again?



some of you may know that I didn't pass the first time I took this test... But now here I am, a few months later, and I didn't take it right after the 45 days passed, because I was studying. I'm now scheduled for the day after tomorrow, and I'm wondering whether I should reschedule it?!?!! Because this time, everyone at work is asking me when I'm going to take my test, and if I fail it again, I'm going to be soooooo disappointed! And my mom will probably say even worse, because she's expecting me to pass.

I studied all this time, and I just took another practice test on Kaplan qBank, and I still only got 58%. I did some of the LaCharity questions (but not all), and some sections are better than others. Of course I don't feel ready, but the first time I probably didn't take it so seriously and I just thought I was going to pass like that! Now I feel stupid, and I'm not sure if I can pass this second time, either. What if I can't? Should I reschedule my test? Take a couple more weeks to study more material? All of my other friends have passed already, and I'm the last one...

Please, LORD, help me to pass!!! What should I do? Thanks if you read this whole thing! Good luck to you all!!! :redbeathe

hope youre right ....wish u all the best 2 u can do it!! my husband took the nclex rn 3xs too so just dust urself off n get bck 2 it


hope youre right ....wish u all the best 2 u can do it!! my husband took the nclex rn 3xs too so just dust urself off n get bck 2 it


i'm sure you pass. did ur husband passed already? what books did he used?

I dont remember its been 5 yrs since he took it sorry...but i remember him taking a kaplan review class and he had 2 stop working 4 a couple of weeks just 2 concentrate on studying

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

If you think you're not ready, please reschedule your test date. Have Confidence in yourself! wish you all the best!

You took the test already so you have a good idea of what to cover alot of infectious diseases and precautionary measures the commonly advertised meds like symbalta etc. Do many med surg cd's practice questions if you have not already. This is my advice to all preparing for n clex don't just do one I did like 6 btw I hated the kaplan course online I found doing the different cd's more helpful. Try different ones I saw many questions similar to the ones on some of the cd's lippincot, mosby, frye's and i did the book quetions too ! The questions maybe not exactly the same different wording, but if you have good memory you should remember and get the answers right. Good luck and if you don't feel prepared enough reschedule. I did cause I felt I had to do some more questions on the cd's there was stuff that needed refreshing like nagele's rule calculation it came in handy.

Specializes in Assisted Living.

going to cc page is a BAD sign.. So start again and study hard this time. This test is a MONSTER...You have to kill it..

Test once you are confident. You can do this.

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Orthopedics/Urology.

There are many people who do not pass the first time, and they become EXCELLENT nurses! If you feel like you need to reschedule, the go ahead and reschedule. I tell you this, you will NEVER feel 100% ready. Like others on this thread said, do not tell anyone what your testing date will be, as this will cause unnecessary pressure. Be confident, keep telling yourself that you WILL pass, pray, pray, pray, and you will become a great nurse! :o) GOOD LUCK!

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