Should I take it again?



some of you may know that I didn't pass the first time I took this test... But now here I am, a few months later, and I didn't take it right after the 45 days passed, because I was studying. I'm now scheduled for the day after tomorrow, and I'm wondering whether I should reschedule it?!?!! Because this time, everyone at work is asking me when I'm going to take my test, and if I fail it again, I'm going to be soooooo disappointed! And my mom will probably say even worse, because she's expecting me to pass.

I studied all this time, and I just took another practice test on Kaplan qBank, and I still only got 58%. I did some of the LaCharity questions (but not all), and some sections are better than others. Of course I don't feel ready, but the first time I probably didn't take it so seriously and I just thought I was going to pass like that! Now I feel stupid, and I'm not sure if I can pass this second time, either. What if I can't? Should I reschedule my test? Take a couple more weeks to study more material? All of my other friends have passed already, and I'm the last one...

Please, LORD, help me to pass!!! What should I do? Thanks if you read this whole thing! Good luck to you all!!! :redbeathe

OFCOURSE you should take it again. I know its hard but we can do this. I am going for my 3rd time in OCT. If you don't feel ready take another 2 weeks or so. ppl here say that its important to be CONFIDENT!!!!! and don't worry about your friends passing because thats one thing that kept me down and I just let it go. All that matters is YOU! :mad:

Honestly I was in the same boat as you. I failed my first time the 8th of august. I was the only one at that point to fail out of my class. I was absolutely devistated. I sent my paperwork back in that week and I took my boards again last Friday and I can tell you that I am now an RN. I will tell you this. I didnt tell anyone my test date. The only people that new were my husband and 1 or 2 others. People kept asking and the only thing I would tell them was soon. You have to take this test for you not anyone else. You are never going to feel exactly ready. But if you really feel you need to reschedule then do so and dont tell anyone when you are testing or give them a fake date so they get off of your back. I would not worry about anyone else just focus on yourself. These things have a way of working out. Good luck to you no matter what you decide.

If you feel u need more time, rescheduling wld be a good idea....but know there's no way 2 cover everything you will never truly feel ready, coz theres just way 2 much contents. Took mine on sept 10 & still waiting 4 my result here in california :banghead: Best of luck

If you feel u need more time, rescheduling wld be a good idea....but know there's no way 2 cover everything you will never truly feel ready, coz theres just way 2 much contents. Took mine on sept 10 & still waiting 4 my result here in california :banghead: Best of luck

hi.. did u try the PVT? i took mine sept 15. no results yet...

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Home Health.

Try it again, don't give up. Remember the abc's and maslow hierarchy of needs. Sounds like you have test anxiety? ask DR for some ativan! it helped me!

Kharrie i did try the PVT got the infamous pop up....made me feel somewhat better, but i'll believe it 100% when i get the mail result.

did u take it here in california 2?

Kharrie i did try the PVT got the infamous pop up....made me feel somewhat better, but i'll believe it 100% when i get the mail result.

did u take it here in california 2?


yeah i'm from cali. by now u should see your name in the website. sadly to say, i tried the PVT and it went through the cc page.. i'm waiting for my results just to confirm that i failed. i dunno what to do next... :no:.. what part in cali r u in?

what website? sorry that u got thru the cc page, but you never many questions bfore ur comp shuts off? give yourself time 2 calm down then start studying from around the bay area...goodluck

what website? sorry that u got thru the cc page, but you never many questions bfore ur comp shuts off? give yourself time 2 calm down then start studying from around the bay area...goodluck

In the ca BON website. i heard if u passed, 3-5 days after ur exam u should see ur name in sister in law passed and she seen her name in the website. goodluck to u.. its really hard to get back on track again coz its my 2nd time taking the test:banghead:. i did everything to pass, but i gues still not enough..

did u take nclex RN or PN....well i took the PN & we dnt have quick result, i think when we get the result on the mail we still have 2 pay n then it'll take a few weeks 2get ur name on the website, RN have quickresult tho lucky

did u take nclex RN or PN....well i took the PN & we dnt have quick result, i think when we get the result on the mail we still have 2 pay n then it'll take a few weeks 2get ur name on the website, RN have quickresult tho lucky

oh i took rn.. maybe its different. coz in rn you could see ur name in the website after 3-5 days.. celebrate now coz i think if u get the pop-up it means you passed. congrats in advance...:yeah:

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