Should I take Developmental Psychology online or in class?

Nursing Students General Students


I already took intro to its time for developmental psychology. Would this class be hard to understand if I don't do a face-to-face session???

I am taking oral communications online next semester and kind of wanted to do a semester with just online and work more.

What do ya'll think? Easy enough class to do so?

I am currently taking sociology and WISH that I have don't it online since it is a waste coming to class!

I took it online, only because I do not believe developmental psych is temendously important, yes you still need to learn and understand, but not often will you have to look back and remember what you learned. I also agree with what people were saying above, it depends on the learner you are. If you can learn on your own time, go for it, but if you need a teacher to be physically in front of you, I'd take it on campus. Good luck! í ½í¸Š

took it too online and loved it

Developmental psych should be an easy class, but it depends on how well you do with online classes. If you've never taken an online class before, having two in one semester might be overwhelming. There is quite a bit of self-studying and paper/discussion board writing. Good luck!

PSY -241 is a fun class you learn a lot of valuable information about Human development from Childhood to Older adulthood. This class can be done online easy A if you do the work.

Specializes in Psychiatric, Med-Surg.

I did it online and loved it.

Online. Didn't even buy the book, just looked at lecture PowerPoints and premade Quizlet flashcards to study. 98%.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Gyn, Pospartum & Psych.

It depends on how comfortable you are with the topic. FYI: I have hated every psychology class I had to take and loved psych nursing class as well have some actual psych nursing experience. They are not the same class or topic.

Are they timed exams?

Specializes in SRNA.
Are they timed exams?

My exams were timed: 60mins.

I usually finished within 35 mins.

Each exams had 4 pages (#1-fill in the blanks, #2 True/False, #3 short answers, #4 essay).

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

I took it online. It was fine.

Mine was structured as 12 lessons. Each lesson had a reading out of the book, sometimes some supplemental reading, and a written assignment.

Milage may vary.

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