Published Oct 13, 2006
153 Posts
I am a new grad and began employment on July 10th on a telemetry floor. On the same day I went to work, an experienced RN was promoted to the floor education director. Anyway, to make a long story short, she has made me feel like a child the entire time. I am constantly reprimanded at the nurse's station, of course only if there is a crowd standing around, for something. It would be one thing if I was actually in the wrong each time she did this, for example, she raked me over the coals one day because a patient, not mine, was off the monitor the day before! The best example is an incident report with my name on it for a patient's blood bracelet being cut off. The patient was not mine, and the signature on the admission was clearly not mine. I have tried to make the best of it, but she is making me miserable. It has gotten to the point that I am wondering if I made a mistake by becoming a nurse. The facility is short staffed with CNA's and I am constantly being pulled to work as one instead of receiving my orientation. Out of my 3 days this week, I was pulled every one of them. That means that I am not getting the orientation I need. I did talk to upper management yesterday, but the issue with being pulled from orientation to be a CNA is not going to be solved anytime in the near future. The only option I have as far as dealing with the education director is to transfer to another floor. I am supposed to "think about it" until Monday, and decide what I want to do. I feel like a failure for not being happy with my job, but I really hate to go back there. The only reason I hate to leave is my schedule - I don't work weekends, but is that really worth being miserable?
278 Posts
I would go to a different floor. Don't feel guilty - you are being abused. I am shocked that you're forced to be a CNA - I have never heard of that happening! That is totally inappropriate.
Why would you stick around for that kind of abuse when there are so many nursing jobs out there where you wouldn't be treated like that?
With 7 months under my belt as a new grad, I left a specialty med/surg unit - for lesser problems than you're experiencing. Now on my new unit (at the same hospital) I am so much happier! I was ready to quit nursing too, but I'm glad I didn't.
The problem is not you, and it's not nursing - you're in the wrong job, and you're being treated unfairly. Don't let those people do that to you, and especially don't let them ruin nursing for you. Move on to somewhere else - and fast!
985 Posts
EXACTLY! To reprimand someone in front of someone else is SO unprofessional! If it happens again before you're outta there, just say
#1: Thanks for your concern, but that wasn't my pt. I'll let so and so know that you were passing on that information.
#2: Let's go to the lounge/office/anywhere private and discuss this.
People who act like that are just insecure and are trying to make themselves look better by making you look bad. I say run as fast as you can from that unit!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
Are you just taking it, and thus giving the educator permission to reprimand you in front of others? You need to confront her directly and say "we need to talk about this in private please......" and explain to her professionally how she makes you feel.......EACH AND EVERY TIME SHE DOES IT. If it can't be resolved one-on-one then bumping it up the chain of command might help.
She'll probably respond with a "but you did.........." and you say "we're not talking about what I did right now, what we are talking about is your method of delivery and you how you just belittled me in front of my peers..........."
I think you are being taken advantage of by being pulled to work as a tech. Perhaps speaking with the charge nurse or manager and asking them to rotate all RNs as techs is more appropriate and fair and discriminating against you.
Good luck.
Nothing is worth being miserable and you indeed might have to vote with your feet and leave. However, don't leave without trying to stop unacceptable behavior. Best you learn that now, so it's not repeated elsewhere.
jojotoo, RN
494 Posts
Different floor? I think that you should be looking for a different hospital! A new grad on orientation should be in the "courtship" period of her new employment. Management should be making sure that you acquire the support and skills that you need to become a productive employee.
It doesn't sound as if they are interested in doing that. And I'm not just talking about your nurse educator.
71 Posts
Avoidance. Time to schedule a heart-to-heart with the educator behind closed doors. Just becuase you're a new graduate, doesn't mean you can't speak up when you're being abused.
The educator may find that you're an easy target.
Sounds like someone needs to back you up, too. This is definitely a case of "nurses eating their young"-
Thank you all for your replies. I have tried talking to the educator in private. On several occassions I have asked her to please go to her office to discuss whatever issue she was belitteling me for at the time. Unfortunately, she continues to enjoy an audience. When I went in yesterday, my name was once again on the board to work as a CNA. She was at the nurse's station. I asked to speak with her in private, and she refused, but did "slap my hands" because I did not empty trash the day before when I worked as a CNA. Empty trash??? I did not know I was supposed to do that. I went to the nursing supervisor yesterday about this. I did not feel anything was resolved, and I told her I felt it would be best for me to terminate my employment. She wanted me to think about it until Monday, (like that will change anything) and consider another floor. The floor she offered me was actually the one I worked as a CNA on during one of of shifts this week. (yes, not only have they made me do CNA on my floor, but another one as well). Anyway, when I got home yesterday, there was a message from the VP of nursing for me to be at a meeting yesterday. I went back, but nothing was resolved. To add insult to injury, one of the VP's (there were 8 of them in the meeting) mentioned that I should be compensated for attending the meeting, "at least give her a $5.00 gas card for coming back." Well, the VP of nursing disagreed with that. Come on.....$5.00.....I wasted 2 hours for more of the same crap and nothing was resolved. This is actually a non-profit facility too, and they are constantly patting themselves on the back and belitteling our other 2 local hospitals, which are for profit. Thank you for letting me vent. I a sorry this is so long. I am just SOOOOOO frustrated with this facility right now.
Get out now!!! A $5 gas card? Are they nuts? You were at a meeting (at work) at their request - you should have gotten your regular hourly wage! And EIGHT VP at the meeting? What was that about?
I just went back and looked at your profile - RN BSN. Don't be tormenting yourself over this. Cut your losses and leave NOW! I can't even remotely imagine you having any problem getting a new grad orientation at a good hospital. And when your new job interviewer asks why you left, don't bad mouth your hospital, but tell the truth - you were pulling CNA shifts instead of receiving your promised orientation. Good luck!
ItsyBitsySpider, BSN, RN
241 Posts
This situation is absurd. You shouldn't allow people to treat you that way. I can't even imagine. Just because you're a new grad doesn't give them the right to treat you like crap, but if you allow it they will. I hope you find the strength to either demand better treatment or find a new facility. They are not doing you any favors by employing you. You can go and probably find 20 other positions that you would like.
Antikigirl, ASN, RN
2,595 Posts
Sorry, but I would be gone! TEN basic infractions that show very bad management all around.
1. Poor communication in management!
2. Lack of orientation!
3. Harrassment! (you are being harrassed GF!)
4. No appreciation for you as an RN or person!!!
5. Absolute disrespect on all levels!
6. Not having defined tasks explained and oriented to you, even CNA!
7. Unexpected schedule and duty changes constantly!
8. No change despite you using the correct chain of command to illicit it!
9. Poor staffing!
10. No incentive to work there vs somewhere else!
These are beyond enough reason to leave! Weekends are not worth you sanity, and you will burn out in a firey crash of emotion, depression, low self esteem, and anger! Get out and get another job where you can be respected and GET your orientation!
You are not alone in this...there have been countless stories about first jobs as a new RN, and beyond of this type of thing happening and nurse should take it! (it only illicits the same behavior if you do...and that goes on to someone, staff...etc!).
Leave and leave with a list of "how they can improve" (I put it in that format when I have left...not anger but serious things they need in order to improve hiring or staffing! YOu don't have to...but typically I do (it helps with my anger..LOL!).
Good luck and yes..get out! Don't be like I was sticking it out for months crying all the time! It wasn't worth it!
225 Posts
You have a giant target on your back, honey.
For whatever reason they have decided they don't want you working there as a nurse, and if you don't beat them to the punch and resign QUICKLY, like, today, they WILL fire you.
Then, you will DEFINITLY have your weekends off. :smackingf
154 Posts
This type of treatment is absolutely ridiculous!! They have no respect, what so ever, for you as a nurse, or a person. Nobody should be subjected to that nonsense. Writing you up for things you did not do, regarding other ppls
pts, calling you out with an audience, pulling you to do CNA work, EIGHT VP's.....Come on, what's up with that!?!? People will treat you only as bad as you allow them to treat you. If you continue to allow this to go on, they will beat you down, don't give them the satisfaction!!
This educator is obviously on some kind of power trip and you are allowing yourself to be her victim. Don't allow it any longer. You are a better person, and a better nurse than that. Not to mention, you are being cheated of your orientation.
I'm not sure if even transferring to another floor would be the answer, they obviously have some serious management issues. Which could very well explain why they are short all the time. New grad or not, you will have NO problem finding a job with a proper orientation, and will likely be much happier for it. I'd leave them with thier mind games and go be the great nurse you've dreamed of becoming. Give your notice and Run do not walk to the nearest exit!! Best of luck to you!! Keep us posted. :)