Should I go ahead and get "RN" engraved after my name when


I order my new stethoscope? I'm not usually superstitious, but I am kind of leery of getting "RN" after my name before I take the boards. I'm doing great in nursing school, and I finish RN clinicals at the end of next month, then have one last month of didactic, then graduation. I'd ask for a new scope for graduation, except my family put me through school, so I'm not asking for gifts. I need a new scope now, anyway.

I'm currently an LPN, but as long as no catastrophes occur in the next 10 weeks, I'll be an RN very soon. I figure if I order the scope I want now, I might as well get it engraved for free. I'd rather not send it back in to the company later for engraving (if they'll even let you do that).

What do you think?

Specializes in Geriatrics and Quality Improvement,.

Send Karma the message that you are headed forward. Remember.. the Karmic Kool Aid!! Act as if you already are, and you will be!

Scratch superstition! Get the engraving and tell the future you are on your way!

My take is get it engraved with the RN. It will serve as inspiration. Obviously, your smart enough to become an LPN, and you are almost done becoming a RN. I say go for it!

OK, ladies. I'll let you know what I decide. Maybe I can write "LPN" on the sticker that I cover "RN" with? What do you think?

That could work!

I worked with a new grad who had her jacket embroidered with her name and RN. She didn't pass the boards after a few tries, finally took LPN board and passed. As far as I know she never tried to retake the RN board. Needless to say, she no longer uses that jacket!

why not just order it now? you can always take it somewhere else to have it engraved after you pass your boards. :)

be careful it doesnt get stolen. nice stethos tend to get picked up by other people and mysteriously disappear on different units...

Im superstitious too but i would say go ahead and engrave your name with have to picture yourself that you're already an RN and feel like an RN..Dont think any bad are going to pass that exam and be an RN.

Specializes in Developmental Disabilites,.

I'm with those who think that you have not earned your RN yet therefore your should not get anything with those initials until they are legally yours. Why not just get you name engraved without any initials following?

OK, I'm gonna get it w/out engraving, and just pay to get it engraved later. I want "RN" after my name, so I'll just do it all at once. I'll guard it like a hawk anyway, engraving or no engraving.

Thanks, everybody!!!

Specializes in Psych, Pediatrics, GI, Diabetes.

Lol, hilarious thread...

I wrote "RN" everywhere for inspiration the second I graduated, down to the index card I kept under my pillow... ;) pencil, hehe... :clown:

I think that makes me superstious... :D

Specializes in ICU, Research, Corrections.

Why not just get your last name engraved? Believe me, nobody will notice whether

it says RN or not. Your name badge will say RN on it when you get a job.

OK, ladies. I'll let you know what I decide. Maybe I can write "LPN" on the sticker that I cover "RN" with? What do you think?

There are a lot of "gentlemen here too" we are no longer generic ladies.

Now to the point of your question. *I* after taking 11 years to get my degree, did not even apply for a JOB until I got that RN, and *I* didn't purchase a stethoscope until I had a JOB. SO *I* am superstitious as all get out.

I graduated along with Florence Nightingale and Betsy Ross so my Boards were written over two days in 5 tests of 2-400 questions each.

PS: I made very very high on all of them but it took 6 weeks to hear the results.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

If it inspires you, sure! However, if you're a nursing student doing clinicals on my unit, I better not see that steth because you're not yet a RN :) IMO, you haven't earned those letters until you pass the NCLEX.

I'd recommend having a little piece of tape handy so you can cover up the RN part. Good luck with the rest of nursing school!

Specializes in Oncolgy, Neuro, Med/Surg.

Go for it, but definitely cover it up at the hospital, If any of my old instructors saw that....big trouble, not to mention working RN's. When you pass the NCLEX you have earned the right to use those 2 little letters we all worked so hard to get

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