
Nurses General Nursing


Is it common for nurses to get infected with (Shingles) Herpes Zoster while on the job. And what do patients recieve for the pain of shingles?:cry:


Specializes in LPN, Peds, Public Health.
I was an oddball case. I got shingles while in my early 20's. By coincidence, I developed my case of shingles not long after an out break of shingles in he LTC facility I worked for.

It was very painful, lasted a long long time and I was given NOTHING for pain. I was told I was young and should be able to "tough it out". I guess the doc thought I was a drug seeker because I was young? My shingles were not in the typical place. Mine were in my face on the right side. Exactly, where they are in this picture (wasn't a pretty sight I can tell ya)


I developed shingles when I was 18 and had JUST found out I was pregnant. So of course they gave me absolutely nothing for pain or anything either. They were NOT fun at all and I do not want them again! Coinsidently, I also worked at a LTC facility as an aide, but I think it was mroe from stress (a major trigger for shingles.) Also as a child I had chicken pox twice!

Specializes in LPN, Peds, Public Health.

I would have to agree with most of the comments, Shingles is not contagious....if you happen to have chicken pox before then maybe the chances of getting shingles is higher. But if you never had chicken pox you whole life, I think it's best for you get immunisation from it. It will definately saves you from alot of pain and anguish.

For shingles, the most common symptoms is itching and the painful side effects of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia. Administering antiviral drugs such as acyclovir can help in reducing severity and duration of shingles attack. Other treatment includes giving oral or topical painkillers, and steroids to reduce inflamation.

Shingles is contagious for people that come in contact pr who HAVE NOT had chicken pox. They can then catch chicken pox from it, not shingles.

from what i understand it is for anyone aged 60 and over. i have never heard that you can use it on people under 60 that have had an outbreak. will have to check into that. i had shingles when i was 18 and i suuuuuure dont want them again!!!

(of course you have to look at the patients medical history and all before giving the vaccine, like the chicken pox vaccine it is a live virus therefore anyone on chemo or any immunosupressant cannot have it) (it is also VERY expensive and not all insurances pay for it!)

There is nothing on the CDC website about giving it to people under 60. However, I personally know at least 3 people who had shingles and who are under 60 that have had the vaccine. One of them is my 49 year old brother. Apparently some doctors are recommending this vaccine in the under 60 group especially if the person has had more than one episode. That is why I said talk to your doctor and see what he/she thinks. One case is the daughter of a friend who is 21 and has had three outbreaks. She recently had the vaccine, I am really curious to see if she has any more problems. Remember, the vaccine does not give 100% immunity, it just reduces you chances of an outbreak. PS at this point I don't think most insurances are covering it, however person with medicare part B are covered for sure, I know cause my mom just had hers, she paid only a 29 dollar co-pay, the vaccine is close to three hundred dollars

I had a mild case of shingles about two years ago when I was 18 years old. I had a little cluster of bumps on my side under my arm pit that developed into blisters and then open wounds. It was not painful at all, I was just worried because it looked pretty nasty and everyone I showed suggested I should get it checked out. I went to the doctor about a week after my symptoms appeared and was told that I had shingles, that there was nothing that they could do about it, and that it would go away on it's own. After talking to other people who have had it and reading the posts on this thread I have realized that it is often very painful. I was just wondering if it is common for it to not be painful as well?

Thanks :heartbeat

Specializes in LPN, Peds, Public Health.
I had a mild case of shingles about two years ago when I was 18 years old. I had a little cluster of bumps on my side under my arm pit that developed into blisters and then open wounds. It was not painful at all, I was just worried because it looked pretty nasty and everyone I showed suggested I should get it checked out. I went to the doctor about a week after my symptoms appeared and was told that I had shingles, that there was nothing that they could do about it, and that it would go away on it's own. After talking to other people who have had it and reading the posts on this thread I have realized that it is often very painful. I was just wondering if it is common for it to not be painful as well?

Thanks :heartbeat

I have never heard of a shingles case not hurting. Lucky you... though it does cross my mind that maybe it wasnt shingles. Because thats what they are... painful blisters. They errupt on nerve endings, that is why you feel the pain even after the sores are gone...

Specializes in ICU, Education, Peri-op.

I got chicken pox at age 27 from a patient with shingles. Gosh, I was so sick, dangerously sick. I really have no memory of 3 days, except hallucinations.

It's funny, my mom tried to "make" me get chicken pox when I was a child but I never did. Look what the first 6 months of a nursing career can do to your immune system :)

If I remember correctly, pain due to shingles can be treated with gabapentin.

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

I'm being treated for shingles right now. The doc told me that 3 other patients had been diagnosed by him this week. He was wondering if it was something in the air. I know I didn't get mine from work. The only thing I can think of is that I went swimming in a lake. Lakes have bacteria and that might have triggered an immune response.

I understand people have a lot of pain with this illness. I'l count my lucky stars because I have no pain.

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