Share your highlights of the semester!!!

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Specializes in Infectious Disease.

I just finished my first semester of nursing school. I failed my first exam, got B's on the next two. After agonizing for two days, I just found out I got an 85 on the final. That brings my final grade to 84.9 which is a B. I'll take it. The hardest part of this first semester was giving up on an A. School, in general, has been very easy for me but nursing school was a wake up call. I fought hard for every grade I got. So, I am more proud of this B than any A I've gotten in my other classes. I learned ALOT and am looking forward to Peds/OB next semester.

Now for my highlights:

1. Being assigned a pt. w/ end stage renal failure, double leg amputee, diabetes, hypertension, severe pain, and depression. I was very intimidated because he was in so much pain but I convinced his nurse that he needed the morphine that the doctor ordered instead of the acetaminophen she decided would work. He was dying and was grateful that someone cared about his comfort.

2. My 92 yr. old pt, dx pneumonia, DNR, DNI died right after I went in to check on him. Prior to his dying I got to suction him. Everything was just like the simulator until I saw the sputum. For some reason I didn't think it would be that green/yellowish color. I almost lost my breakfast. On a high note, the family and chaplain thanked me for being so available for whatever they needed after he died. I was also able to participate in post-mortem care.

3. The last day of clinical, I helped with an 88 year old man who fell. His wife was there and they had only been married for 6 years. Before she left for the day she started talking dirty to her husband. When I tried to excuse myself, she pulled me into the conversation. She talked about them making love for eight hours. He said she was going to kill him. I told him, that he would die happy. She said, "So will I."

Specializes in Surgical/Telemetry.

Wow, all of those sound like wonderful experiences :). I would have to say that every birth and neonatal care experience that I assisted in would be the highlight of my semester. I don't see myself as an L & D or family birth-type nurse, but it is really something to help give someone their first bath or first words :)

Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg/Oncology.
3. The last day of clinical, I helped with an 88 year old man who fell. His wife was there and they had only been married for 6 years. Before she left for the day she started talking dirty to her husband. When I tried to excuse myself, she pulled me into the conversation. She talked about them making love for eight hours. He said she was going to kill him. I told him, that he would die happy. She said, "So will I."

:rotfl: Glad you're enjoying yourself. Enjoy your well earned winter break. It's good to see you around again.


I just finished my 1st semester of nursing school (Foundations). I was on an Oncology floor for clinicals. I had a client who was diagnosed with cancer and starting chemo. The cancer was of unknown origin, meaning they could not find the primary. He was going for a port before starting chemo and did not know much about the procedure. He was scared. I gathered more information for him from his primary nurse and listened to his problems.

I had him again the following day, and he thanked me for all my help. He told me that he really fell in love with me. He said, "Not in that way, but for really helping me."

I will never forget the difference we can make in people's lives, and I hope I am never too busy to forget the client's feelings.

Specializes in Infectious Disease.

Thanks. It feels good to have a few guilt free moments to spend on the internet or reading a smutty novel.

i passed my second semester. our program is 5 semesters which is interesting, you start sophmore yr. my high point was just passing lol. and learning a hard lesson that studying will own you in the end.

I just finished third semseter which is half maternal/newborn and half psych...

I think I was moved most by the birth I watched, and the newborns in general. To be able to participate in their care so early in their lives...It lit up my future path for me and helped me decide on my future job of post-partum nurse, which I start 4 days after graduation!

Specializes in Medical-Surgical-Ortho-Neuro-Agency.

in ob:

1. saw c-section

2. assisted with lady partsl births

3. i'm not that excited about ob, though!!! (i prefer postpartum)

4. saw circumcisions performed

5. assessed newborns, bathed, fed them

6. assessed mother's fundus after birth, massaged it, gave bedpan, etc...

7. helped nurses with needed tasks

in psych

1. worked with schizo pt

2. dealt with bipolar both depressed and manic (this was interesting)

3. witness paranoid pt. signs and symptoms (it's amazing how they think) beware whatever you do (don't wisper)!!!

4. did i forget to mention more manic folks (with all those grandiose ideas, where some truth may lie)

5. saw the eps symptoms (antipsychotic meds, so horrible)

6. it was interesting talking to the clients (don't use why???)

7. i learned so much in psych, and i've learned to look at mentally ill people differently,

8. we all have some mental problems, but some of us know how to deal with it before we cross the reality line to psychosis.

9. i've seen the way the clients used the many different defense mechanisms to help them deal with their anxiety (regression, reaction formation, denial, etc...

10. overall, psych made me realize that at anytime in my life, when i'm under stress to seek out for help before i lose control of it all. anxiety can be very overwhelming at times. nursing school is all the stress that i need for now!!!

11. exercised with the patients

12. played games with them.

13. encouraged them to express their feelings (very big in psychiatric nursing)

13. overall, i loved my psych clinical rotation!!!:loveya:

Just finished my second semester. Discovered I really do not care for pediatric nursing, also discovered that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE trauma ER nursing. Didn't think that going in so it was an interesting learn.

My first patient of the semester was a man in resp distress who was a diabetic/renal failure dude. So confused and in trouble. I got to transfer him to ICU and watch the ICU nurse "discover" what the problem was (overdose from fentanyl patch - kidneys not disposing of drug properly). She gave the patient narcan. . .I got to watch this very confused lethargic patient come down off the fentanyl patch and recover - becoming aware of life and his surroundings. His wife was so grateful for us "bringing him back", as she never knew what was causing him to be so far gone till we transfered him.

I also discovered this semester that I don't care for the "Mercedes Benz" hospital I work in. I prefer the Kia hospital down the street. . .go figure. . .

#1~ I do not like Peds.

#2~I was able to detect a distended bladder in a postpartum woman.

#3~I passed clinicals with flying colors and many compliments from my instructors...kind things were said to me. (Made my day!)

#4~ At the end of the semester, I found that I had learned things that I certainly didn't think I ever would. (Good instructors!)

#5~ Which should probably be #1~ I PASSED STATISTICS!!!!! :roll

Specializes in Cardiac/Telemetry.

Thank you for starting this thread! It gives me an idea of what to expect my first semester of nursing school. With the responses, you guys have reaffirmed my reason as to why I want to become a nurse.

Specializes in med/surg, ortho/neuro, ambulatory surg.

MY highlight??? Seeing that it was OVER!!! LOL I ended up with 4 A's and 1 B. I cant think of any highlights though I just survived!

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