Seriously, does my office look like a wal-mart???


Specializes in school nursing.

I am so tired of being asked for anything and everything (by students sometimes )- but most of the time, staff.

1. styrofoam coffee cups, coffee creamer, coffee, etc.

2. pencils/pens/paper - misc office supplies

3. ruler

4. money (loans or to make change with)

5. needle / thread

6. bottled water

7. food

8. 150 tongue depressors for science experiment

9. gloves

10. clothes

11. etc, etc, etc

-sure, I have $130 budget for the entire school year. even if I have it, you are not getting it!!!

And I will not ever rest until I find out the answer to this haunting question............................................

......why do people think a Nursing License is required to buy / dispense SAFETY PINS:bluecry1:?????????????

Thank goodness it is friday!!

Specializes in pedi, pedi psych,dd, school ,home health.

oh, it could have been me writing this. Kids are not an issue ..staff are !! they want everything from cough drops to safety pins to spatulas...hello we are not your personal supplier!!!

Specializes in School Nursing.

So if I get blisters from my new sandles, you mean you don't have a new pair of tennis shoes and cushy socks for me?

This is on my mind daily! If the kid rips his pants its a nursing issue??!! A 1st grader spilt milk down her shirt...go to the nurse!! Can we say dumping ground?

Specializes in Coronary Care, School Nurse.

Although I don't enjoy these type of visits to the sickroom, I don't mind helping with the "accidents" in school. Who else could do it? I might be able to discover a urinary problem or other issue.

I am not very sympathetic, though, if the pants that a kid wears to school is too loose ( I do not keep a supply of belts) or they came to school with a huge hole in the crotch. It drives me crazy when a kid wears a tank top to school in February because yesterday was warm and today the temps are 20 degrees lower. Grrr!

Specializes in school nursing.

A lot of my kids come to school purposely out of uniform - hoping for a trip home. They end up being sent to me- I supply them with clothes I never get back. Then, I get a kid that has an accident and needs clean clothes - well, guess what? I have none left for the kid that truly needs it. :banghead:

Many PTAs will provide the following for the health office to make sure the kids who need it.

5. needle / thread

6. bottled water

7. food

10. clothes

Specializes in pedi, pedi psych,dd, school ,home health.
Many PTAs will provide the following for the health office to make sure the kids who need it.

5. needle / thread

6. bottled water

7. food

10. clothes

It is not the supplies that are the issue. Again; these are not NURSING issues. I know my staff has enough to do caring for the sick kids ..and if it is a medical issue, then by all means come to us. I hate to think another child who really needs us ends up waiting while we are tending to unnecessary needs.

Water, food and clothing are health needs. If you don't have a school social worker, where do you send the child?

Water is Cool in School website:

Nutrition and Achievement

Test scores and snacks:

Specializes in school nursing.
Water, food and clothing are health needs. If you don't have a school social worker, where do you send the child?

Water is Cool in School website:

Nutrition and Achievement

Test scores and snacks:

Thanks for the great info! However, as you can see from my original post - it is staff more than students who are a drain on my supplies. I try to save what little I have available for my students.

I am happy to give clothes to students who are in need or have an accident. What I have encountered is students who habitually come to school out of uniform because they know they will get to miss class time.

We have water fountains and I have dixie cups (bought out of my pocket). I cannot afford to provide bottled water.

I have safety pins (bought out of my own pocket).

The staff like to use my bathroom because I have real antibacterial soap / germ x (bought from my own pocket)

At PTA meetings, there are usually 20 staff members - and 3 parents! PTA is not a resource I can use. In fact, i am the one usually finding free resources for their use.

I give out cheese crackers (bought out of my own pocket). I have paid to have glasses replaced, etc because I hate turning away a student in need.

No offense.......but, if I buy anymore out of my own pocket - I will not have enough of a salary to provide these basic needs to my own 2 children.

I have some terrific resources that I refer families to- right in their own neighborhood. Mostly, they don't go!

Even if your PTA is not well attended, do take advantage of the mini-grants they offer in many schools.

Specializes in LTC.

I love it when little Johny pees in his pants and I give him a pair of pants to borrow but they are not his style. I tell him this is not walmart or the mall you can either wear these dry clean pants or walk around with soiled pants !

But yeah people think my office is walmart, a free clinic, a pharmacy, and so much more !

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