We have another cartoon with a missing caption. Can you help us out? We believe you can provide a better caption then we can. We are desperate. We will give you $100 if you provide us with the caption that belongs to this cartoon. All you have to do is follow the Caption Contest Rules below.
Caption Contest Rules
To qualify for the $100, your caption must be posted here on You may submit as many captions as you wish. We will choose eight finalists in which you will vote for your favorite.
Everyone is allowed to participate! Share and tell your friends, family, and co-workers to join the fun!
Top 8 captions chosen - help us select the winner @ September 2014 Top 8 Captions - Help Select Winner
Congratulations! (update: October 14)
and the winner is beauxnick ... the cartoon may be viewed at New Tech - Whose idea was this???